How to use your emotional intelligence in the workplace


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Developing your emotional intelligence (aka emotional quotient or EQ) is essential for a successful working life. When you have a healthy level of emotional intelligence in the workplace, you are better able to build strong relationships with your colleagues, resolve conflicts, and handle difficult situations more effectively.

When our emotions become unbalanced, they alter the performance of our brains and affect our decision-making, cognitive and interpersonal skills. However, if we learn to understand and control our emotions (and respect and interpret the emotions of others), we can have more success and happiness in our professional and personal lives.

Maybe you already know someone who has complete control over their emotions. They are able to keep a cool head in a crisis and make decisions wisely, no matter how stressful the situation. Are any of your employees good at reading other people's emotions and know how to inspire and motivate others? This means that he has high emotional intelligence.

So why is emotional intelligence so important? Let's take a closer look at what EQ is, why it's important in the workplace, and how you can develop and demonstrate it to improve your employability and become a more productive, valuable, and fulfilled employee.

What is emotional intelligence?

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Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and control our own emotions and to recognize, recognize and influence the feelings of others. Mastering emotional intelligence in the workplace will allow you to harness these skills and apply them in situations where you are under pressure, such as:

  • Dealing with difficult interpersonal relationships
  • Meeting tight deadlines
  • Interviews for a new position
  • Coping with setbacks
  • Coping with change
  • Dealing with a work conflict

How can you use your emotional intelligence in the workplace?

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What are the characteristics of emotional intelligence in the workplace and how does it show up in your work? According to Daniel Goleman, an internationally known psychologist and author, EQ consists of five key elements that, when managed correctly, help you achieve higher levels of emotional intelligence so that you can be more productive and happier at work. These elements are presented below along with examples of their application in the workplace:

1. Self-awareness

The ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, impulses and feelings is an essential part of EQ. However, it is just as important to be aware of how your moods, actions and emotions affect those around you. So the next time you encounter a difficult employee or are criticized, take time to listen and think before you react. Go outside for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and perceive your feelings objectively.

2. Self-regulation

Controlling your emotions and behavior is crucial in any situation because your emotions greatly influence your relationships with colleagues, bosses and customers. While we don't advise you to hide or suppress your true feelings, you should be mindful of what environments and situations trigger you. An effective strategy is to establish a self-disclosure rule. Write on a piece of paper: "Whatever happens, I remain calm and do not react emotionally." Keep this rule prominently displayed, and the next time you feel defensive or agitated, repeat this mantra as often as necessary to fight the urge to blow a fuse.

3. Motivation

Self-motivation is largely influenced by your feelings. Because when you feel positive and satisfied with your work, you are more motivated to complete the tasks. People who have emotional intelligence in the workplace are driven by inner fulfillment and happiness rather than external rewards such as money, fame and power. When you're motivated, you can also help inspire others in the workplace. For example, you might encourage and cheer up a colleague who is struggling with a difficult project or task.

4. Empathy

The ability to understand how others feel is an essential part of emotional intelligence. But it's also about how you respond to people based on that information. When you have strong empathy skills, you find it easy to see things from different perspectives, which can contribute to a more inclusive workplace. For example, if you work in a team, you should try to be flexible, show your support, build on your team's strengths, and avoid assumptions.

5. Social skills

Even if you're not a natural "people person," it's possible to practice and develop social skills like effective communication, respect, and active listening. If you feel uncomfortable with social interactions at work, try to boost your confidence and look for opportunities to practice your skills in groups. You could help resolve a workplace conflict or take a few minutes to listen to a colleague who needs support. And remember to communicate your ideas in a way that makes them relatable and easy to understand.

Why is emotional intelligence important at work?

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Emotional intelligence plays an important role in many aspects of work and can help you in areas such as job performance, relationships, career success and mental health. Now that you know what emotional intelligence is, let's explore some of the benefits of using your EQ in the workplace:

  • Positive Interactions: Through effective communication and empathy, you will find it easier to build healthy relationships with colleagues, managers and customers. Understanding others and interacting with an optimistic attitude also gives you a better chance of making meaningful connections and improving work morale.
  • Motivate others: If you have high emotional intelligence in the workplace and can read and understand your employees' emotions, you will be able to inspire and encourage them to become more productive. This is especially important if you are in a leadership position where you must guide and teach others.
  • Career prospects: A high EQ is a desirable trait in the workplace, especially since it correlates with job performance. If you're looking to pursue a new career or even a promotion in your current job, you can use your emotional intelligence to improve your employability and potentially open doors to new opportunities in your field.

How can you improve your emotional intelligence at work?

The good news is that the way we respond to ourselves and others can be significantly improved with practice and dedication. Below are some ways you can increase your emotional intelligence in the workplace to inspire your colleagues, foster a positive environment, and become happier and more productive:

1. Take care of yourself

You can make improvements simply by noticing your emotions and self-talk. Taking a moment to recognize and name your feelings, and then pausing to consider your reactions, is an essential step on the path to EQ.

2. Ask for feedback

Constructive feedback from people you trust can be very helpful. You could ask a friend how you react to difficult situations or how adaptable you are. Use this feedback to better understand how others perceive you and to find ways to make positive changes.

3. Practice daily

Like a muscle, the more you work on your emotional intelligence, the stronger it becomes. Make it a habit to practice mindfulness daily - whether through a random act of kindness, listening to a colleague without judging them, or saying compassionate words to someone who is under stress. Your efforts and commitment will help you grow professionally and inspire others to do the same.

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