The key to professional success? Never stop learning


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The expression, "The only constant in the universe is change" may sound like an old cliché, but in the business world it couldn't be more true.

Are you staying current with your skills to advance your career amidst constant digital disruption?

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As technology advances and companies continue to change, the world of work will also change. The jobs of tomorrow haven't even been created yet. And with advances in automation and artificial intelligence, the pace of development will only accelerate.

The key to a successful and sustainable career is to never stop learning and developing your skills.

Three ways to improve your professional skills


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Spend time delving into your area of ​​interest and understanding new developments in automation and technologies. You can also search for online Skills Ontology resources to see what other skills you can acquire related to your field of work. It's important to be aware of these developments and how they will impact your work - and more importantly, how you can better educate yourself or develop your skills to keep up.

Invest in further training

Learning should not be limited to certification programs, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Look for online courses on sites like Coursera, Udacity, or even YouTube. Thought leadership, research papers, and articles are also a good source of information. Take the opportunity to follow and engage with experts in your field to stay up to date on changes and participate in discussions.

Highlight your skills

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Update your LinkedIn profile and resume regularly with your learning progress. Even if it's not a certified program, it helps show that you've put in the time and effort to learn something new. Actively talk about your learning progress during your interview. Your knowledge of new developments is particularly useful when you ask the interviewer questions at the end of the conversation.

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