Career change at 35: Top jobs for career changers


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Changing careers at 35 can be a scary step for almost anyone. It's even more difficult if you get a new one at 35 without a degree Career begin. You may need to enlist the help of a career counselor or read guides about midlife career change to find your way, as it is not an easy step.

Change is undoubtedly a frightening life experience, especially if you are moving into a completely new field professionally. In this article you will find many ideas for a career change at 35 that will help you make the transition to an exciting career path.

Why start a new career at 35?

According to a report from, the most common reasons for changing careers in midlife are better pay, stressful jobs, better work-life balance, new challenges, and lack of passion in your current field.

Some people start a new job at age 35 because they are forced to do so by circumstances beyond their control. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many people to reevaluate their career goals. If your current job no longer suits you, this may be the perfect time to seek advice about changing careers at 35.

Reasons to change careers at 35

If you're reading this, you probably feel like your current career path isn't right for you. It's important to know when it's time to change careers. Here are some of the most common reasons for changing careers at 35:

  • They want a higher salary
  • Are you looking for a new challenge
  • Your philosophy and professional goals have changed
  • You want a flexible schedule to spend more time with your family
  • You want more professional recognition
  • You want greater professional satisfaction

Career change at 35

Changing careers at the age of 35 can be very difficult, especially if you have been working in your current position for many years and are comfortable there. A Career change Turning 35 can feel like a new beginning and can be mentally stressful.

Knowing how to make a career change at 35 can help ease the stress and worry surrounding this life-changing event. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and learn new skills to make a successful career change after 35. Below are useful steps you can follow to find your dream job.

Evaluate your current position

Don't leave your current job without first examining what the problems are. Examine the different aspects of your current job to ensure you don't run into the same problems later in the new career you're considering.

For example, if your current job interferes with your personal life, you should ensure that the new job does not. Ask yourself pertinent questions about your current career and the reasons you want to leave it. A simple list of pros and cons can help you understand why you want to pursue a new career at 35.

Research job options

If you are considering a career change at age 35, you must first conduct a comparative assessment of other careers to get a comprehensive picture of the options available. You can use the Bureau of Labor Statistics website to learn about jobs and their potential growth. You can also talk to recruiters to find out about careers that are in demand.

Update your qualifications

In most cases, moving from one job to another requires learning new skills. To make the transition smoother, you can learn new skills during your current job. For example, you can acquire the skills you need for the best technical careers through a variety of online resources.

Additionally, most training courses for technical careers last less than 12 months. For example, attending a coding bootcamp might take a few months if you're a full-time student. Whether it's a technical career or not, strive to acquire the additional skills you'll need for your new job.

Update your resume

You cannot use your previous resume when seeking a new job. Read your current resume carefully and find out if it needs a little tweaking or if it needs a major overhaul. It may be necessary to create a new resume from scratch. You can find resume writing tips online if you need some inspiration.

Add everyone Soft Skills and previous experiences you have gained in other areas. If you're starting a new career at age 35, you likely have transferable skills that you can add to your resume and relate to your new career. Supplement your resume with a cover letter and portfolio to give it a more professional look.

Building a strong network

Building a solid network requires having the right contacts. You probably built solid relationships in your old job that can help you make a career change at 35. Additionally, social media is a great starting point for building a larger network. Keep your social media accounts updated with your latest achievements.

The best jobs for a career change at 35

Career Job prospects Average salary Requirements
project Manager 7% $94,500 Bachelor's degree
Web developer 23% $78,300 High school diploma and knowledge of programming languages
Computer support specialists 6% $57,910 Certificate in computer related courses
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) Mechanics and Installers 5% $48,630 Associate's degree or training
Massage therapists 20% $46,910 School leaving certificate or equivalent qualification

The Best Jobs for a Career Change at 35: A Closer Look

project Manager

Project managers are responsible for coordinating, scheduling and budgeting projects. Project managers define the goal of projects based on customer data before creating a plan of what is needed to complete the project. This is an ideal one Berufswechsel for 35-year-olds with management experience.

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) Mechanics and Installers
HVACR mechanics and installers regulate the temperature and air quality in buildings. You can specialize in any aspect of HVACR such as: B. Heating systems and solar cells. For this technical career, you only need to complete one program, which usually lasts six months to two years.

Web developer

Web developers design, test, build and manage websites. In addition to the impressive average salary, web developers often have the opportunity to work remotely. Like app development and software engineering, web development can also be self-taught. In most cases, a college degree is unimportant, so getting into one Career as a web developer at 35 years old is ideal.

Computer support specialists

Computer support specialists are responsible for helping and supporting network users. They provide technical support directly to users. Potential candidates will need training and official certification in a computer-related field. In most cases, these training courses last less than 12 months. A computer support specialist may also be called a help desk technician.


Massage therapists use their hands to manipulate the muscles in their clients' bodies. They do this to relieve pain, improve blood circulation, and promote relaxation. No college degree is required to enter this profession. However, additional training may be required to improve your skills. You may also need to obtain a license to practice massage therapy in your state.

Is it too late to change careers at 35?

No, it is not too late to make a career change at the age of 35. You may find it challenging to switch from your current job to a new one. However, with planning and dedication, you can find a path to your dream job.

Making a big career change at 35 requires patience and perseverance. It may be helpful to contact one Career Coach who will advise you on your career choice. Technical careers are often the best choice for Lateral entrants , because you can learn the required skills in less than a year. But all of the other professions presented in this article are also ideal for starting a career at 35.

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