What is data analysis and where is it used?


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Data analysis is an emerging field in the high-tech industry that offers bootcamp graduates great jobs and pay. If you work with computing and server environments, you're sure to hear about data analytics, and companies that use it effectively stay ahead of the competition. But what is data analysis, and what activities can you do if you are trained in this area? Understanding how data analysis impacts business and what training you need to qualify for this field will help you better plan your education and future job search.

This guide covers data analysis and gives you an overview of the jobs you can do if you have the skills. We look at which people enjoy working with data analysis and introduce you to some professions in which data analysis is regularly used. Data analysis isn't the right path for every tech-savvy person out there, but it might be a perfect fit for your interests.

Data analysis skills

Once you hear that data analysts make good money, you may want to jump straight into training. After all, money is a great motivator, and in this day and age, any job is better than no job at all. But before you enroll in bootcamps and develop your data analysis toolkit, take a few minutes to determine whether you're a good fit for the job. A good salary is poor compensation if you are not suitable for the job.
Data analysts deal with mathematics all the time, so this field is ideal for someone who has a high level of mathematics knowledge and an affinity for learning more about the subject. Analysis requires logic and the ability to approach problems logically, and people who are inclined to this type of approach do well in this profession. Additionally, communication skills and other soft skills are crucial as you will need to provide constant feedback to your colleagues in non-technical roles.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is everywhere. They do not believe me? Check out the ads on this site and the countless others you encounter as you wander the Internet - even in your email inbox. Digital marketing is coming at us from all sides. However, very few of these advertising efforts are tailored to our personal preferences, and the ads we see often lack impact and appeal.

Data analysis plays a major role in digital marketing and serves as a guide for companies for their campaigns and promotional materials. The analytics tools from Google and other major companies in the industry are invaluable if you know how to use them, and an experienced data analyst can improve a company's marketing approach in every way. Digital marketing specialists earn, on average, about $63,000 per year. If you have a love for analytics tools and enjoy working with ads, you should consider this area.

Operations analyst

Companies that keep an eye on their business practices and continually actively improve them are the ones that prevail and become industry leaders. Few companies get everything right once they open their doors and serve their customers. Those who are aware of this fact and try to mitigate it in time thrive where others wither. Operations analysts are key to continuous internal improvements in companies.

An operations analyst studies how companies operate and identifies potential weaknesses that could impact sales, customer service, and other areas. Operational analysis includes reviewing internal processes and producing reports to support the step-by-step development of concepts for sales, production and other areas. This area is particularly important for governments, military and other critical industries. Operations analysts earn, on average, about $83,000 per year.

Systems Analyst

You may be interested in finding work as a more general type of analyst. You're in luck because there are plenty of data analyst jobs for people who enjoy working with IT systems. Just like in companies, there are IT systems everywhere that usually do not work at maximum efficiency right from the start. Data collection and analysis is required to optimize systems and get the most out of them.

Systems analysts make good money - the national average wage is about $89,000 per year. In your work as a systems analyst, you typically use a variety of tools to collect and analyze the data you need and make recommendations to make the process more efficient. You may also develop your own collection and analysis tools to further understand the systems under investigation.

And there you have it, my friends. Data analytics is an important part of the business landscape and ensures that most companies and systems evolve and improve over time. Check out our guide to learn all about data analysis and see what careers are available if you have the right skills.

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