Most popular programming languages ​​for freelancers


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Freelance work has become very popular due to its flexibility and the income it brings. In 2020, there were 59 million freelance workers in the United States. Tech industry professionals can work as freelancers for various organizations or private clients.

If you work in this field, it is important to know the best programming languages ​​for freelancers. In this guide, you'll learn about the most popular programming languages ​​for this career path and how you can succeed as a freelancer in the tech industry.

What are programming languages?

Programming languages ​​are computer languages ​​used to develop scripts, software programs and other computer instructions. Whether you are into mobile app development, backend development, or simple software development, you need to know programming languages.

Which programming languages ​​do freelancers use?

Some programming languages ​​that a freelance developer uses are Ruby, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, Python and C#. Professional developers are usually experts in most of these languages. According to the TIOBE index, Python is the leading programming language among various computer languages. So you should consider learning Python.

The best programming languages ​​for self-employment

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Java
  • Swift

Which programming language is best for freelancers?


Python is a popular language that is great for building websites, developing software, automating tasks, and performing data analysis. It is a full-stack language used in backend web development and front-end development. This programming language is fun to learn because it is beginner-friendly.

Learning Python will help you carry out machine learning projects, build websites, and develop desktop applications. A mobile developer can use Python to develop games. Popular games like Vega Strike, Disney's Toontown and Civilization IV were developed using Python.


One of the most recommended languages ​​for freelancers is JavaScript. You can use this helpful programming language to make websites interactive. Whether you're an experienced developer or still learning, JavaScript gives you an advantage by adding structure and style to the web pages you want to create.

You can see JavaScript everywhere. For example, For example, the search box on Amazon or the refresh option in your Twitter feed are created with JavaScript. Mastering this programming language is essential for your freelance career as it gives you the opportunity to develop web and mobile applications.


PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely known language for freelance developers as it is used for web development. It is also a general-purpose language used for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It is not surprising that the demand for freelance developers is increasing as many large companies like Facebook use PHP.

The advantage of this language is that it is platform independent. This means you don't have to rely on a specific operating system to run them. It is also open source, i.e. H. the code used is accessible to everyone. This is an advantage, especially for technology companies, because they can build on the code they are already using. PHP can also synchronize databases.


Many freelancers are learning to program in Java because the demand for this language is also increasing. Java allows programmers to create desktop GUIs, enterprise, web and mobile applications. Java is also easier to use compared to other popular programming languages ​​like C++.

Java is a reliable, object-oriented programming language and was developed with a high level of security. Also, it is a cross-platform language and works on different operating systems. Freelancers developing mobile applications prefer this programming language due to its robustness and ease of use.


Swift is another programming language used by ambitious developers focused on iOS, macOS, and tvOS. This secure, fast and interactive language is used for Apple platforms. Swift is also a beginner-friendly language, but if your goal is to become a freelancer in one of the best tech companies in the world, then you need to make sure you have a good command of this language.

Swift optimizes and compiles code to get the most out of modern hardware. Python has also impacted this language, which is an open source programming language. Although it is an Apple programming language, it is also used in other major programs such as WordPress, LinkedIn and Lyft.

Which programming language should I learn first?

The first programming language you should learn is Python, especially if you are looking for something that is easy and fun to learn. Python can help you get started in your freelance development career because it is written in English. Also, it is great for graphical user interfaces, web development, and software development. Consider how many projects you can take on once you master this language.

Startups typically use Python because it is easily accessible. You use it as your primary backend stack. If you are interested in AU then you will definitely use Python too. Different types of projects are carried out successfully thanks to Python. It also has many advantages such as an extensive library. The focus is on code readability and there is a large community.

Is it possible to choose the "wrong" programming language?

No, it is not possible to choose the wrong programming language, especially when starting out as a freelance developer. No matter which programming language you choose, each has its own features and benefits. However, even the best programming languages ​​for freelancers have their limitations.

How to start freelancing

The freelance market offers many opportunities, whether you are an average freelancer or have been working as a freelancer for several years. No matter what your skills, strengths, or passions are, you can offer your services to a wide range of potential clients these days. However, you may be wondering how you can become a freelancer and succeed in this industry. Below we have put together some important steps for you.

Identify your skills

As an aspiring freelancer, you first need to figure out what skills you have and what services you can offer your private clients. If you are an IT professional, a web developer, or a UX designer, you already have some essential skills to be successful in your freelance role. If you find that you don't yet have the necessary skills, it's time to learn them and take appropriate courses or certification programs.

Determine who your customers will be

The next step is to figure out who your customers will be. For example, you need to decide whether you want to work with small businesses, restaurants, or nonprofits. You don't need to think through and decide everything right away. However, knowing who your customers will be gives you more clarity and a better idea of ​​what projects you want to take on.

Set your price for the service

The next step is setting the price for your services. You need to decide whether you want an hourly fee, a fixed project fee or value-based pricing. This depends on the type of service you offer. This should be clear at the start of your agreement with your customers. However, you can research and check what other freelancers charge for similar projects.

Create a portfolio

In order for a customer to choose you, you must first show them what you have created so far. You can do this by creating a portfolio of your best personal projects. If you e.g. For example, if you want to create a web developer portfolio, you can showcase websites you've already built to show potential clients your expertise.

Top resources for freelancers

  • Website builders. These include Squarespace, Wix and Weebly. On your website you can present information about yourself and your existing portfolio. This makes it easier for the customer to get to know you and get an idea of ​​your skills.
  • Project management tools. Project management tools include Asana, Trello or Slack. These tools help you keep up with your tasks and remind you of your to-do lists. Some customers also use these tools, so it's helpful if you already have an account.
  • Time tracking. If you want to get paid by the hour, a time tracking program is essential. Typically, time tracking programs take a screenshot of your work progress when they are turned on.
  • Invoicing software. The invoicing software takes care of your payments and stores your documents. This is especially important if you have to pay your taxes.
  • Job boards for freelancers. On job boards you can view available jobs and talk to customers. Freelance job boards include Upwork, Fiverr, and Guru.

Are you ready to get started in technology?

Starting out as a freelancer can be risky, especially if you have been working for a company for several years. You may feel like your job isn't always secure because clients can stop the projects you're working on at any time. However, this risk can also bring greater opportunities to take on more projects and earn more.

Knowing the best programming languages ​​for freelancers can help you stand out. As a freelancer, you can work on a variety of exciting projects, such as: B. artificial intelligence apps, mobile development, application frameworks and even software solutions.

Best programming languages ​​for freelancers FAQ

Is Python a good programming language to learn as a freelancer?

Python is a good programming language for freelancers because it is used in data science, process automation, web applications, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It has multiple applications and is very easy to learn. There are many customers looking for professionals who are good at Python.

Can I work as a freelancer with knowledge of the C programming language?

Yes, you can work freelance with C knowledge. The C programming language is a general-purpose programming language that can be used efficiently for gaming, graphics, and enterprise applications.

How much do freelance Python developers make?

A freelance Python developer can earn an annual salary of $108,082, according to ZipRecruiter. A full-time freelancer working as a Python developer can earn up to $172,500 annually, which is an excellent salary.

How long does it take to learn Python?

How long it takes to learn Python depends on you and how many hours you can dedicate to it. However, since Python is known to be an easy language to learn, it shouldn't take you too long to learn. Within two to six months, most Python users master the language.

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