If you have not received a response after an interview


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You applied for a job and actually received a response from the hiring manager. And not only that: you have completed the first step of the interview process: the interview. What should you do if you are after this? job interview or be confronted with silence later in the process? The good news is that silence doesn't always mean rejection. The author presents common reasons why you hear crickets after a job interview - and what you can do about it.

When looking for a job, it's not uncommon to be called back for weeks or not at all after applying, even if you have the skills and abilities you want. At this stage of the process, it's possible that your resume won't even be looked at. But what if you get the call back and then remain silent during the interview? It's nerve-wracking, but the good news is that silence doesn't always mean rejection. Here are the most common reasons for silence interviews and what you can do in such a case.

After a screening by a recruiter

Even if you've spoken to a hiring manager, that doesn't mean you're actually a candidate. Hiring managers typically have more than 10 open positions to fill at any one time, requiring dozens of applicants to be screened to find enough viable candidates to present to the hiring manager. Typically, the hiring manager decides who will be included in the hiring process based on the information the recruiter has collected. It can take time for recruiters to find time in the hiring managers' calendars, and then the managers have to make those decisions. If they are not satisfied with the candidates presented by the recruiter, the manager may want to see more, which can delay decision making and the next round of interviews.

To avoid silence at the beginning of the process, ask the hiring manager during the process interview : "Based on the candidates you have reviewed so far, what else do you need to know from me to make me a top candidate for this position?" Or, "Based on the candidates you've met with, do you see me moving forward in the hiring process?" It's better to get an honest answer than to remain silent, even if that answer might change with further interviews. You may be a top candidate today, but later be pushed out by more experienced candidates who appear on the list.

After an interview with the HR manager or a committee

If you survive the hiring manager's review, you may be interviewed by the hiring manager and other stakeholders. Below are five main reasons why you could be punished with silence after one of these conversations:

Debriefing delays

Debrief - Source: biz30.timedoctor.com

The interviewers conduct the debriefing either separately or jointly with the hiring manager and hiring manager. Not all applicants carry theirs Interviews on the same days, which means that the interviewees do not share their feedback on the same days. Unfortunately, not every interviewer provides feedback in a timely manner, and it may take some time to align all interviewers' calendars for a debrief.


The hiring manager and the hiring manager might be discussing how to make someone a competitive offer - only it might not be you. And if you're not the first choice, you may be number two and may have to wait quietly until the top candidate declines the offer. The replacement candidate often gets that Job !

Unavailability of the HR manager/recruiter

In the middle of the hiring process, a hiring manager or recruiter may go on vacation, go on a business trip, get sick, or attend a conference. These are short-term delays. Other delays can occur because an HR manager takes a vacation or leaves the company. Yes, that happens! In these cases, the hiring process is typically put on hold as the company tries to figure out whether it will proceed with the hiring and who will lead the process while simultaneously filling the manager position.

Change of job

After a position is advertised, the job description and criteria may change, or the position may be put on hold or eliminated due to changing economic conditions or business needs. This is common because there are fluctuations and uncertainties in the economy that can impact revenue. Companies may change their hiring strategies and hiring managers will have to reevaluate what they need while simultaneously cutting their budgets.


If the hiring manager doesn't get in touch no matter how many times you get in touch, you've been " geghostet ". This is terrible, painful and should never happen, but it does happen and it could be for one of the reasons mentioned above.

How can you tell which of these situations applies to you and how should you handle it?

Listen carefully

Listen carefully - Source: odgersinterim.com

After each round of interviews, schedule a meeting with the hiring manager, let them know how you felt about the interviews, and ask, "When will you discuss all applicants with the hiring manager?" This debrief date or time frame is critical. If the hiring manager does not communicate with you after this appointment, you are most likely not a top candidate. If he contacts you, you'll probably be one of the top two or three candidates. If it says, "We will make a decision next week" and the debriefing time frame has already passed, either the hiring manager hasn't made a decision yet or, more likely, the hiring manager has offered the job to another candidate and is waiting for one Answer before he rejects you as you may be the replacement candidate.

Don't take the silence personally

When you finish the interview with the hiring manager and another round of interviews If you survived but ultimately didn't get the job, that means your resume demonstrates your experience and interview skills, but you weren't the top candidate. The rejection may have nothing to do with you and everything to do with the skills of the other applicants. While it's always good to contact the hiring manager, they may not always respond if you're not one of the top candidates or if the position has changed or been eliminated. Some recruiters build relationships, others don't and simply focus on the next position that needs to be filled. The best thing is to move on and realize that the job wasn't as perfect for you as you thought.

Silence sometimes says more than verbal communication. Be bold enough to ask meaningful questions to understand where you are in the hiring process. Most importantly, even if you think you've aced an interview, you should never stop applying for jobs until you've received and accepted an offer.

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