The 5 biggest dangers for remote workers


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Remote work is an everyday part of your company. Your employees receive their orders, load their company vehicles and make their way to their respective locations. When everything goes smoothly, they finish on time, sign off for the day, and head home, ready to get up and do anything again tomorrow.

Unfortunately, there are problems with every job, often compounded by the distance between the job site and your headquarters. While some of these problems have quick, painless solutions, others can help you Pursue and especially for yours Employees pose a serious danger.

When sending your employees to high-risk locations for work projects, what hazards should you be aware of and how can you prepare for risky situations? Learn how to best protect your employees and some of the top threats facing remote workers in high-risk locations.

1. Insulation


The greatest danger posed by remote, high-risk locations is distance and isolation. Many locations are outside populated areas, putting your employees at risk in emergency situations. People in remote areas, particularly remote construction sites, are twice as likely to require hospitalization due to an injury. The combination of these increased risks and the effects of isolation puts your employees at risk. Do everything you can to monitor and support your employees in remote workplaces. Use security devices that enable two-way communication, location tracking and emergency alerts for all situations.

2. Lack of communication

Communication is the top priority in high-risk work. Make sure your employees have the ability to communicate with your main office throughout the project and that equipment is properly maintained. By using personal safety devices, you can monitor and protect your employees when they are not in the office. Alarm buttons and fall, accident, or inactivity features alert your office when your employees are under duress. With the timed check-in function, you can continuously monitor the well-being of your employees, even outside of mobile reception. Whether with or without these devices, the most important thing is that your employees can contact the local emergency services quickly and efficiently in any situation.

3. Conditions in the workplace

The more flexible, the better - Source:

When you send employees to a construction site, you trust your customer to provide a safe work environment. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and unsafe working conditions become infinitely more dangerous in a remote location. To ensure the safety of your employees, you should inspect the construction site yourself before starting work. Check whether safety regulations are being followed and whether support is available. Give your employees the tools and environment they need to get the job done safely and return home unharmed.

4. Emergency situations

Emergencies happen again and again. Whether it's an accident at work or dangerous weather conditions, your employees need to be prepared for any situation. If work requires long hours in dangerous heat, is there a place for your employees to cool down and enough water to stay hydrated? Do your employees need to be wary of dangerous wild animals in the area? Are your employees adequately warned of the approaching weather and do they have safe shelter nearby? Discuss these potential situations before the project begins and give your employees the knowledge and equipment to handle any problems that arise.

5. Travel

The joy of traveling - Source:

When your employees travel in remote areas, there is an increased risk of accidents and injuries: 46% of all fatal traffic accidents and 48% of all accidental deaths occur in rural areas. Poor road maintenance, mechanical failure, collisions and inclement weather can also lead to dangerous driving conditions. To increase driver safety, leverage location tracking, emergency alerts, and open communication to help your employees avoid bad routes and get the help they need in emergencies.

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