Why performance reviews are important (and helpful).


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Performance reviews can trigger mixed feelings for professionals. For some, it's an exciting time where they talk about their achievements and get a pat on the back. For others it is a nerve-wracking time when shortcomings are discussed and some employees share theirs skills question.

However, it is important to keep emotions in check. Performance reviews are an opportunity to grow as an employee and should be taken advantage of. Below are some tips for preparing and conducting a successful performance review.

Preparing for a performance review

On day one, you should create a plan on how you want to develop as an employee, what you want to achieve and what value you want to offer the company. Some people use the 30-60-90 day plan they prepared during the interview to guide themselves if they used one.

Once you have a plan in place, consider keeping a journal or using a system to record what you've learned, your goals, and your successes and weaknesses.

Identifying weaknesses is just as important as achieving success. Self-awareness is a great quality, and when you are aware of your weaknesses, you can devise a plan to address them and ultimately turn them into strengths.

This type of performance appraisal should always be done - not just in preparation for a performance appraisal. It makes you a better employee and also helps you set and adjust your career goals.

Go through a performance review

Here, too, it is important that you neither get too excited nor too distracted. The performance review is a time for listening. Most assessment processes leave the employees Time to speak up, so don't interrupt your manager when he's giving the review.

If you do speak up, be humble when praised and don't be upset by negative feedback. If you received negative feedback during the interview, it's okay to ask questions to better understand where you need to improve - just don't argue with your manager or apologize.

Negatives Feedback is not the worst thing in the world. Anyone who knows both their strengths and weaknesses is ultimately a good employee.

Use this time to talk to your manager about your strengths and weaknesses. It's also the perfect time to create a plan to build on those strengths and identify areas where you can grow with the company and problems you can solve for the company.

More importantly, you can have an open and honest conversation with your boss about your weaknesses and come up with a plan for improvement.

What to do after a performance appraisal?

You are now full of information! There are goals to achieve and things to improve. This can all be a little overwhelming at first. Take a breath, sit back and realize that not everything has to be achieved at once. You can tackle these goals gradually.

The most important thing for the future is that you continue to strive Check your own work performance . Reviews occur sporadically depending on company policies, but you should always hold yourself accountable.

You will find that as the performance review progresses, your goals will change and sometimes new weaknesses and strengths will emerge. This is normal when the tasks in the job change. That's why it's important to always keep an eye on your work performance, even if you don't receive a performance review.

One final note about performance reviews: Just because you received a good performance review doesn't mean you're automatically eligible for one promotion come into question. a raise. Company policies regarding salary increases vary, and you should familiarize yourself with your company's policy or ask for clarification. In some cases, salary discussions are completely separate.

When it comes time for a performance review, keep these tips in mind. If you're prepared, they're not as scary as you think.

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