3 ways to further your education without working your dream job


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With economic uncertainty and ever-increasing competition in the job market, it is not uncommon for job seekers to accept a position that is not in their target industry.

Even though it's difficult to be happy in a job you don't necessarily want, that doesn't mean there aren't opportunities to grow professionally.

No matter what career you're in, the more you strive to develop your skills, the better your chances of growing into your role or getting an opportunity in your desired industry.

If you're worried about not getting the experience you need, here are three ways to get yours professional talents to expand further.

Actively look for opportunities to use your skills at work

No matter whether you work as a writer in sales or as a BWL-Student in one Bank : There is always a way to apply the skills you have studied and practiced - no matter where you are. You just have to actively look for it.

If you e.g. For example, if you want to be a reporter one day but your current job is in office administration, you should find a way to invent writing projects to improve your craft. Perhaps you could write a summary of the company on the company website, write a blog about the company, or even try to connect with other sellers through social media. Be careful, social media can also backfire .

There are always ways to hone the skills you've already acquired to add value to your current workplace.

Ask the boss to give you more responsibility

Taking on more difficult tasks will help you find a challenge in your work area, and you can ask your employer for more responsibility shows that you are not afraid of one Challenge have. Plus, it will make you stand out from other employees in the right way.

Everyone involved benefits: you can put your skills into practice and your employer has less work to do. And even if your current job isn't in your industry, not being good at a job doesn't exactly make you look like a professional.

Start a blog and use social media

Even if you don't want to blog, tweet, or post on other people's walls, knowing how to market your business will help you learn more about who you work for. The more you know about your employer's business, the easier it will be for you to figure out how you can continue to be a valuable asset to that company.

Furthermore, this shows additional initiative. Employers love employees who always come up with new ideas that can save or make money for the company. The more you contribute, the more you make yourself an indispensable employee.

With all of this effort, you may find yourself growing fond of the job you're currently doing. And even if that's not the case, try legitimately to grow professionally and gain valuable experience and skills that will eventually help you land your dream job.

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