5 tips for performance evaluation


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The performance appraisal. It's one of those milestones in the working year - like starting school or the time for Girl Scout cookies. The anticipation of an upcoming review can cause stress. It can be difficult to have to sit while your work performance is scrutinized. And especially in today's economic climate, any shortage is a potential disadvantage for you if there are job cuts.

But a performance review can also be a good opportunity to strengthen your position and shape your role in the company - if you take the time to prepare for it.

Read our five tips to get the most out of your next one performance evaluation close.

1. Don't let yourself be taken by surprise

Avoid surprises at your performance review by asking for feedback throughout the year. Don't assume that no news is good news when it comes to how you're doing at work. Schedule a few minutes regularly to talk to the following people: your boss. Give them a status report and ask if you are working in the right direction. Use the feedback as a guide for eliminating deficiencies and building on successes.

2. Open your mind

Even if you dutifully seek feedback throughout the year, you'll probably still hear some criticisms in your performance evaluation. Be open to criticism. Don't be defensive. Don't reject them on your own. Accept criticism and use it to improve.

3. Be prepared to prove your worth

Those: simplilearn.com

Before your performance review, prepare a summary of the goals you have achieved and the accomplishments you have achieved over the past year (you will probably need this information for your self-review as well). These are concrete examples of your value to the company. It's about showing that you exceeded expectations and did more than just complete the tasks required. Work tasks.

4. Show that you have grown

Be prepared to show how you addressed weaknesses that were pointed out to you in previous performance reviews. Show that you respond to criticism and improve. For example, if your boss told you last year that you had not demonstrated sufficient leadership skills, then give some examples of how you have successfully taken on leadership roles since then.

5. Have a plan for the future

Those: hudson.hk

A performance review is a great opportunity to help develop your role within the company. Prepare yourself with a list of goals to pursue and skills you want to develop in the next year. If you have encountered legitimate difficulties in meeting some performance expectations, be honest and have a plan for how to meet expectations Future (e.g. through more training in a specific area).

Your next performance review doesn't have to be stressful. With a little preparation, you can make the most of your interview with your boss and walk away with a solid plan for your professional development!

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