Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? A positive attitude can help!


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Do you feel like some days you can't take a break and just want to throw your hands in the air? Pause, close your eyes, take a deep breath and count to 10. There will be good days and better days, and a positive attitude will help you get through these difficult times.

Whether you believe in fate or luck, I believe that everything happens for a reason. When something bad happens, I may not understand why, but I know that the universe will take care of me and that everything will be okay. Sometimes it's important to put things in perspective.

3 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude When You're Feeling Stressed

Here are three things you can do when you feel stressed and overwhelmed:

1. Clear your head - go for a walk around the block, put on some music (and dance like no one is watching), download a relaxation app like Calm, etc. Taking a break and coming back calmed down works wonders to strengthen your mindset.

2. Think of three (3) things you are grateful for every day - your health, a roof over your head, having dinner with your family, the opportunity to help someone who needs help, etc. There are others , who have probably had a worse day than you.

3. Talk to a friend who can give you a dose of optimism - get a perspective other than your own. This Positivity can be contagious.

Life is like the four seasons

At the beginning of mine Career I was going through a difficult time, and my Mutter told me life was like the four seasons. When I was at my lowest point (winter), things would get better (spring), and then I would hit a high (summer), which would eventually slow down (fall). Even though my mother has passed away, I always think of her wise words as I face the next winter.

Nothing is permanent. I know that through my determination and perseverance I will not lose sight of the goal and will get through difficult times. You can do it too!

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