5 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Job Search Results


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By now you've probably learned that the traditional methods of job hunting no longer work. A few years ago you could have yours CV Post on multiple online job boards and wait for the phone to ring. Those days are over.

If you have your Dream job If you want to find them, you have to be proactive.

Below are five essential strategies you can use to improve your job search results:

Scan your resume for 15 seconds

Hiring managers read hundreds of resumes every day. You only have time to skim the top ones. So if you don't make a clear statement about what you can do for them, then it's not a good resume. Since this is the most important document in your career, you need to give it the attention it deserves.

Focus on high-yield employment efforts

Job boards have an effectiveness rate of less than 5%, while networking has an effectiveness rate of over 50%.

Start by selecting your bucket list of companies you would like to work for. Conduct a company search on LinkedIn and identify the decision makers and their employees. Then see who you know who might know someone who can then introduce you. Follow the company and connect with people on LinkedIn Join their groups and conversations, comment on their blogs and become known.

This will take you from a passive job search, where you wait for the right job to show up on the job boards, to a proactive search, where you actively seek out the jobs you really want.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile

When a Human resources manager If you were to search for people for the job you're looking for on LinkedIn, would you show up? Try it. If you don't appear on the first or second page, go back to your profile and optimize with the right keywords to get better ranking.

Check your online presence

Many employers will Google your name to find out more about you. Make sure you look good on LinkedIn and check your activity on Facebook, Twitter and other online accounts. Delete or edit any comments that reflect poorly on you. Use your own blog, online exchanges, and testimonials to showcase your expertise. Your social media plays a big role in your job search.

Create measurable goals

Job hunting is like any other project, and you need to stay disciplined, so set firm goals for yourself. For example: "I'll be 10 Networking -Make phone calls and have two meetings a week".

Make sure you focus on high-impact activities like networking instead of applying on job boards. Keep a record of your efforts so that when an employer calls, you can quickly determine when and how you contacted them.

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