The future of work: remote, asynchronous, with a 4-day work week


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Remote work, work-life balance, asynchronous communication and most recently the 4-day week have been the buzzwords in the working world for some time. If you put all of these terms together, you find yourself in a pretty pleasant working environment. In this article, we have compiled a list of companies that hire remote workers in Europe and offer a 4-day week.

How do companies attract and retain talent today?

A recently published one Bericht des ADP Research Institute found that 64% of around 32,000 workers surveyed in various countries said they had already looked for a new job or would consider doing so if their employer wanted them back in the office full-time.

The most recent news to send the remote work community into a frenzy was AirBnb's announcement of work from anywhere. Within a few weeks, Airbnb reported more than 800,000 visitors to its careers page. The answer to the challenges of attracting and retaining Talents seems simple: allow people to live and work where they want. Make Remote work possible.

The idea of ​​full-time employment is changing

People are beginning to seriously question what a “full-time job” means. Because companies are completely on Remote work As people shift and many begin to consider shorter working weeks, workers are discovering that work no longer has to be the same as it has been for decades: daily commute to the office, 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday, start and finish times, etc.

Remote work is no longer an advantage, as it was a few years ago, and the big one Wave of layoffs is just around the corner for many companies. The companies lose Talents , as they ask their teams to return to the office. Employers are forced to Working model to reconsider. The puzzle isn't too difficult to solve: the less flexibility there is, the harder it is to retain talent. Either you offer the opportunity to work remotely or you lose your most valuable asset - yours Employees .

Imagine offering remote work and a 4-day week model! The most likely outcome is that companies will start attracting people to their careers pages like this Airbnb has experienced after transitioning fully to remote work.

The 4-day week is on the rise and here to stay

The trend towards a 4-day week is on the rise. Buffer , one of the pioneers of the 4-day week model, shares startling statistics about how his teams' happiness and productivity have changed:

  • 91% of Buffer employees are happier and more productive when they work four days per week.
  • 84% of employees were able to complete the work required of them in the new four-day week
  • on a scale of 1 to 5, the stress level fell from 3.3 → 2.7

Many companies have already started testing a 4-day week model. 4 Day Work Week , a non-profit community that promotes the idea of ​​the 4-day week and encourages employers to support it, found that 63% of companies believe a 4-day week makes it easier to attract talent and to keep.

Top 10 4-day work week companies hiring in Europe

1. Buffer

Buffer is a streamlined social media management platform trusted by thousands of businesses and individuals. Find out more about Buffer in their Work culture blog .

2. GooseChase

GooseChase is an online platform that helps organizers create and run digital scavenger hunts via players' mobile devices. Learn more about the core values ​​of GooseChase .

3. Global Loans

Awin is an affiliate marketing platform. Awin and ShareASale announced a 4-day week in early 2021, following a successful six-month pilot with a 4.5-day week. The company is an award-winning place to work .

4. Bunny Studio

Bunny Studio is a creative fulfillment platform powered by technology and people with a globally distributed team. The company became #1 Best Remote Startups chosen to work for.

5. Melisearch

MeiliSearch is a RESTfull search API that is a turnkey solution for anyone who wants a powerful, fast and relevant search experience for their end users. The company supports the mental health of its employees , without interfering.

6. Piktochart

Piktochart allows its users to design and create infographics, presentations and videos with just a few clicks. Find out, how Piktochart used 2020 to reinvent yourself.

7. Indebted

InDebted is committed to being the preferred choice of customers to help them on their journey to debt freedom - everywhere. Find out here , how InDebted switched to a 4-day week.

8. Wildbit

Wildbit is the team behind Postmark, Beanstalk, DMARC Digests and People-First Jobs. More about the company and the reasons for introducing a 4-day week find out here .

9. Uplift

Uplift is committed to perfecting our work lives while learning, building and enjoying our free time. Here you can learn more about Uplift's values ​​and culture.


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