How to build trust with new employees in the home office


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Anyone who leads a remote team knows the benefits of remote employees. You can find better applicants since you're not tied to one city, and it's a good way to cut costs. However, when you add a new employee to your team, the overall dynamic may be a little different.

  • How do you make your new remote worker feel welcome?
  • How do you build trust and keep them on board?

In this article, we want to take a closer look at this topic and give you some ideas on how you can keep your new employees engaged.

1 - Host a group event or vacation.

Most 100% remote companies organize regular meetings or team vacations. Some companies fly together to exotic locations, while others go to a common and convenient location for everyone. In any case, it is a time when all employees come together. It's up to you whether your company vacation consists of lounging at the bar, team-building exercises, or something else entirely. But the fact is, a face-to-face meeting makes you, the company, and what you're all working toward a tangible, physical, and very real thing. This way everyone can get to know each other outside of work, build a relationship and create trust.

2 - Make sure your new employee has everything.

Show that you truly care about your new employee by making sure they have everything they need. Ask your new employee if there is anything he or she needs to improve the way they work. Of course, set a price limit, but show the initiative that you want your new employee to be happy. Still not getting anywhere? Headphones - everyone needs a good pair of headphones - for both work and play!

3 - It's not just about work

This applies to both office workers and field workers. Don't get caught up in conversations about work. It's not just about your previous successes, how you work or what you like to do. Talk to them about them. Create an off-topic or random channel in your Twist or Slack channel to talk about anything. Ask your new employee specifically about football, baseball or the name of their pet. By showing that you care about them outside of work (and do so sincerely), you build a close relationship with a new employee.

4 - Create an FAQ

What happens if the team leader is not available? How do I apply for sick leave? Can I start earlier and finish earlier tomorrow? These are common questions that both office workers and remote workers have. Instead of spending time answering every single question, have an FAQ or wiki ready. Making your wiki available to your new employee will answer their questions and may even help them find answers to questions they didn't know they had. This not only creates trust, but is also a much more professional way to lead an external team.

5 - Open communication

Many companies have a mailbox where employees can anonymously submit questions or suggestions. It's difficult to send an anonymous email or Slack message. But Slack integrations like Abot allow users to send anonymous messages and are a good way to encourage employees to share their feedback. However, make sure that you are approachable on a personal level. As a manager, it is your job to be available when there are problems with an employee's situation. Be approachable and reach out to remote workers regularly to see how they are doing. By being proactive and asking for open communication, you will build trust with your remote workers.

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