The most dangerous pitfalls of managing remote teams


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More and more companies are taking advantage of the freedom and benefits that telecommuting brings. Whether it's working from home for a few days or a completely remote team, you may need to manage your employees in new ways. As with any new process, there are some pitfalls that you must avoid at all costs! The fact that you're not in the same location as your employees can make things a little difficult, but with a little thought, you can make the most of remote work.

Exclusive use of the asynchronous Communication

Relying solely on email to keep track of your team's work can lead to frustration and inefficiency for everyone involved. Email is great for certain things, such as: For example, for setting tasks or conveying important information in writing, they should not be the only form of communication you rely on.


Using video calls can save you hours of back-and-forth emails with your team. It also has other great advantages, e.g. B. that you can physically see your team member. It can be easy to forget that there is actually a human on the other side of the email you just received! This also helps maintain good personal relationships, which is especially important when working with a team that works completely remotely and that you may never get to know. Even a short phone call is helpful if you're unable to have a full video call. You will soon notice that misunderstandings and important questions can be resolved much more quickly.

Focus on working hours and not results

Many people choose remote work because of the flexibility it offers. This includes being able to work at times when you are most productive, being able to work from a variety of locations, and having days off when needed. If you focus on the number of hours worked and not the results, you will waste a lot of time and get annoyed. Learn to prioritize and give your employees the freedom they crave when working remotely. Also, time tracking is pretty difficult if you don't work in the same office, so don't make this a policy for yours Remote-Team . The most important thing is that the work is completed on time and to the quality you require.

Remote team management. What are the most dangerous pitfalls and how can they be avoided?


Not having the latest and greatest remote collaboration tools Email, phone calls, or video conferencing alone are not enough to ensure good collaboration between your remote team members. Project management tools like Asana or Trello make it easy to tackle difficult tasks. All team members can view the status of projects and see exactly what they have to do and when they have to do it by. Combine this with Communication tools like Slack or Google Hangouts, and you will be able to manage your team with ease. When your team finds it easier to work together, they will produce more and better quality work. This is a win-win situation!

Don’t organize physical meetings for your team

This pitfall cannot be completely avoided as some teams are spread across the globe. Many Remote-Teams however, have at least some members who are close to another team. Organizing a physical meeting with a combination of work and fun will help strengthen your team's bonds and promote a greater sense of cohesion. Just because remote workers have chosen not to work in an office doesn't mean they don't want to get together with their team every now and then. Even companies that employ employees in different countries have organized retreats for their employees. Although this depends a bit on the budget and schedules of your team members, if you can do it, you will have a much better team spirit!

Inadequate communication with your team.

One thing that matters when managing Remote-Teams What really needs to be highlighted is that it is difficult to over-communicate. Put regular calls on your team members' calendars to keep everyone updated and on the status of work. Since you can't just walk into an employee's desk like you would in a regular office, you'll have to make an effort to communicate more. Instant messaging services like Slack are ideal for quick team communication. However, make sure your communication is actually useful and not just annoying! You don't want to interrupt someone's workflow. To truly reap the benefits of overcommunication, keep it polite, concise, and as simple as possible.

Would you like to learn more about how you can make your company more employee-friendly?

Now that you've avoided the biggest pitfalls that can arise when working remotely, there's a lot more you can do to make sure everything runs smoothly. Here at Remote Scout, we've gathered the best tips, lessons, and tricks from remote work experts with real management experience. Arrange a time to speak with us to discuss how remote work can reduce the burden on your company and register for the academy today!

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