Remote job as an environmental economist
Die Environmental economics is a branch of economics that deals with the relationship between the economy and the environment. It examines the impact of economic activities on the environment and the opportunities to promote greener and more sustainable economies.
Specifically, environmental economics examines, for example, the question of how environmental problems such as air pollution, climate change or waste disposal can best be solved. Economic analysis methods such as cost-benefit analyses, internalization of external effects, emissions trading or environmental taxes are used to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities.
Environmental economics not only looks at the economic aspects of environmental problems, but also their social and political dimensions in order to find a holistic solution that is both ecologically and economically sustainable.
What activities does an environmental economist perform?
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An environmental economist typically works in various fields that deal with the relationship between the economy and the environment. These include, among others:
- Advising companies: Environmental economists advise companies and organizations on issues of sustainability and environmentally friendly economic practices. They support the implementation of environmentally friendly measures and the implementation of environmental management systems.
- Research and analysis: Environmental economists conduct scientific research and analysis to explore the economic impacts of environmental problems and measures to reduce environmental pollution.
- Policy advice: Environmental economists advise policymakers on the development of environmentally friendly policies and the design of environmental laws and regulations.
- Project management: Environmental economists often also take on the project management of environmental projects, for example in the areas of renewable energies or waste management.
- Teaching and further training: Many environmental economists are active in teaching and impart their knowledge and experiences to students and further training participants.
The specific activities of an environmental economist can vary depending on the employer and work environment. Environmental economists often work in research and educational institutions, at environmental organizations or in management consulting.
What training is required to become an environmental economist?
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In order to work as an environmental economist, a degree in economics or a related discipline such as environmental science, environmental technology or environmental management is usually required. An interdisciplinary course of study such as environmental economics or sustainability management can also provide a good basis for a career as an environmental economist.
As part of the course, knowledge in the following areas is acquired Micro - and Macroeconomics , environmental and resource economics, environmental law, environmental technology and environmental management. Following their studies, graduates can work in a variety of areas, including research, consulting, policy advice, project management and teaching.
A master's degree or doctorate in a relevant field can improve career prospects as an environmental economist and lead to higher salaries. Further training and certifications in the areas of environmental management, sustainability and energy efficiency can also be an advantage when looking for a job.
How much does an environmental economist earn in Switzerland?
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The salaries of environmental economists in Switzerland can vary depending on the industry, professional experience and qualifications. According to data from the Federal Statistical Office, the average annual salary of economists, which also includes environmental economists, in Switzerland was around CHF 105,000 (gross) in 2020. However, salaries can vary greatly depending on the area of work and professional experience. Environmental economists in management positions or in consulting can achieve a higher salary than entry-level employees or employees in the public sector.
How much does an environmental economist earn in Germany?
The salary of environmental economists in Germany depends on various factors such as industry, qualifications and professional experience. According to a salary study by the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI), a career starter in the field of environmental economics earns an average of between 41,000 and 47,000 euros gross per year. However, experienced environmental economists can also achieve an annual gross salary of over 100,000 euros. Overall, the salary can vary greatly depending on the industry, field of activity and company size.