Why did you have so many jobs?


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Hiring managers often ask tough questions, and it's important that you have answers that show them you're professional. When a hiring manager asks you why you do that lots of jobs it's really about your potential for loyalty. Employers want to hire someone who is committed to their company, and multiple jobs can give the impression that you won't stay long or won't make the effort to make a positive contribution to the company. It is important that you reassure the employer that you are ready to commit.

Points to highlight

  • If you are a recent graduate, explain that you worked to support yourself while you received training and that each job taught you something valuable that you will use in the position you are applying for apply and use.
  • Focus on the aspect of gaining experience and explain that you are a well-rounded person Package of skills wanted to have that you can apply in your career.
  • If any of the positions are classified as temporary, be sure to mention this.
  • If you were not suitable for one of the positions, communicate this by explaining that you felt that your values ​​and ideas did not match those of the company and that you are looking for a position that would be a better fit for you fits.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Don't focus on blaming every company if you're fired and avoid telling long stories that portray you as the victim. The hiring manager will see you talking about them this way in the future.
  • Never say that you were bored or that you weren't paid well, even if this is true. This creates the impression that you are a demanding and ungrateful employee.
  • Don't joke that you can't stay in one place for very long. By doing this, you convey to the person you are talking to that they are wasting their time.

Answer examples

Those: sas.admin.ch

This Ask can make you nervous. So practice your answer in advance with a friend or family member so that you have more confidence in the interview. Here are some ways you can effectively answer this question:

I made a living and had one at the same time completed good training , and each job has given me skills that will help me in my career.

I spent some time working for different companies that didn't share my values. I read your company's mission statement and feel like we are on the same page and have the same vision. I am ready to make a long-term commitment to a position that I am passionate about.

If you take the time to give the interviewer a solid answer, you will get the job.

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