How long does it take to receive a response after an interview?


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If you don't hear back immediately after your interview, don't worry. If you've ever applied for a job, even a temporary one, then you'll have the painful wait after each one job interview experienced. Even if you are highly qualified for the job and aced the interview, you may find yourself waiting on the phone for days without receiving an answer . In moments like these, it's only natural to want to follow up immediately. However, too many questions immediately after the interview will leave you feeling desperate and appear less desirable. So how long should job seekers wait to hear back after an interview before following up or moving forward?

The hiring process, from interview to job offer
Once a job opening is posted online, the hiring company may receive hundreds to thousands of applications. Large companies like Google receive more than two million applications every year - imagine that! As soon as a human resources manager or an applicant management system (ATS) has viewed the applications, the selected applicants are invited to a personal or telephone interview. Remember that the employer also speaks to other applicants. So don't be sad if you don't hear back immediately - it takes a while for the company to make a decision.

Typical waiting time after an interview

According to Jobvite's 2019 Recruiting Benchmark Report, the average time to hire in 2018 was 38 days, up from 41 days in 2015 - that's more than a month from job posting to job offer! Typically, you can expect to hear back from the hiring company or human resources department within one to two weeks of the interview, but the wait time varies by industry. For example, Jobvite reports that a position in "accommodation and food services" is filled within 30 days on average, while a position in "transportation and warehousing" takes an average of 48 days to fill.

Keep this in mind and don't freak out if your friend finds a job faster than you in a different industry. If you need a plan, give yourself a week after your last interview before applying for other jobs. You can set your own personal schedule based on your circumstances and the industry in which you operate.

When is the best time for a follow-up?

Patience is part of it - source:

You should send the interviewer a thank you email within a day or two of the interview. A thank you email is not only useful for expressing your appreciation, but also a good opportunity to show your enthusiasm, highlight your qualifications, and mention important details that you may have missed during the conversation.

Then the waiting game begins. As a rule of thumb, you should wait 10 to 14 days before reaching out again. It's not uncommon to wait a few weeks before the person you're talking to calls you back. Calling too often makes you seem needy and pushy. And worst of all, if you reach out too early, it will look like you think the person you're talking to isn't doing their job efficiently!

Why haven't you heard back from an interview yet?

Sometimes a few weeks go by without receiving a response, while well-meaning friends offer advice about how long you should wait after an interview before moving forward. There are several possible reasons for this long wait, which do not mean that you are ineligible for this position. The most obvious reason is that the company is probably still talking to other applicants, especially if the position is open to applicants from all over the world. Don't hesitate to ask the interviewer about the approximate time frame for a response before you leave the conversation so that you don't have to worry about the response time.

As for waiting after an interview, keep in mind that the hiring process is complicated and requires approval from many people before it can be completed. If a person is on vacation during the hiring period, you may have to wait for them to return before making the decision. In addition, unexpectedly large projects may arise, meaning that the HR manager can no longer concentrate on the interviews. Sometimes hiring can be put on hold for months due to budget cuts. That's why it's important to follow up instead of assuming you're not good enough for the job. If you haven't heard anything from you for weeks, it's time to move on gracefully and explore other options. And don't forget, if you're invited, you're part of the de lucky 2% . Here is another list of things you should never do during a job interview .

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