7 smart questions for a job interview


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In a job interview, it is ideal if the dialog becomes an active conversation so that you do more than just nod in agreement and engage with your interviewer. This also includes asking questions. You should prepare enough questions in advance. Asking questions shows the interviewer that you are interested in the job and have done your homework. It's also very strategic: you want to know what the company is planning so you can see how you might fit into those plans. Here are seven questions you can use to hone your interview skills and stand out from the crowd.

1. What does "success" mean in this role?

As an employee, you are an investment and you are expected to add value to the company in return for your salary. One way to achieve this is through performance indicators - and asking about these indicators is a good way to show that you want to feel good about the position.

2. Am I a good fit for the company?

Asking for a subjective opinion shows that you are open to constructive criticism, as the interviewer is usually the person you work under directly. Having an idea of their opinion of you is useful in building this relationship, and the question itself also shows the interviewer that you are serious about the job.

Source: mystipendium.de

3. What challenges did my predecessor face?

This question can be scary, but it is useful - the answer is crucial. An honest, direct and positive answer with an explanation is a good sign, while hesitation is a red flag. The point here is for you to assess the company as much as the interviewer assesses you - smart interviewees want to know what challenges the job entails.

4. What did the last person in this position miss?

"What did my predecessor do?" - Source: shrm-res.cloudinary.com

Show that you are able to solve problems before they arise. The answer can shed light on why the position is open and put you on the path to success. You're selling yourself as a potential employee, so show that you're a team player who wants your colleagues to succeed as much as you do.

5. Do you have any doubts about my profile?

Asking your interviewer if there is anything missing from your CV gives you the opportunity to dispel any doubts and shows that you can accept constructive criticism and want to improve - valuable qualities for any employee!

6. Where will this role develop in the future?

By asking how the position will develop in the short to medium term, you show that you want to get started immediately - something that all employers value.  If it is a temporary or interim position, show your future prospects and let the employer know that you would like to stay. It also gives you the opportunity to prepare for your next internal or external search. However, be careful not to phrase this in a way that comes across as self-serving. For example, avoid expressing expectations of a promotion or a pay rise.

7. What does the corporate culture look like?

Corporate culture - Source: worldmanager.com

Inquire about the dress code, social events, meal times and even whether the company considers itself a "start-up" or a "mature company" in its sector. These aspects of a company are important for building lasting relationships, and your questions show that you are trying to empathize with the company. It also shows that you are keen to fit in with the dynamics of the whole company, not just your team.

Which questions should you avoid?

In addition to the questions that make a good impression in a job interview, there are also some that you should avoid.  

One of these is the question as to why the interviewer has decided to invite you for an interview. If you know the job description and have researched the company, you should already have an answer to this question. Otherwise, your interviewer will get the impression that you don't know your own worth or that you are fishing for compliments.  

Questions about promotions, raises and vacations are important, but asking them too early in the interview will make you seem lazy and more interested in the benefits than the actual job.  

Use these tips when preparing for your next interview to make a good impression.

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