Is a career break right for you?


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If you're thinking about taking a career break, you're not alone. Thousands of people are temporarily leaving the workforce for all sorts of reasons. Whether for mental health, caregiving or professional development reasons, taking a career break has become a trend.

A large majority of people who take a career break are in the role of parents, especially women.  One of the main reasons for this is that the burden of family care typically falls disproportionately on women, who then face the challenge of balancing work and family responsibilities.

Generation Z and Millennials are also interrupting their careers in record numbers. These generations struggle with financial anxiety, a lack of a healthy work-life balance, and high levels of stress. However, instead of quickly moving into better paying or more suitable jobs, they are taking time to learn new skills, network, reevaluate their priorities and strive for change.

Taking time off from work can be an excellent investment in your professional and personal well-being, but careful planning for your future return to work is also important. If you're wondering, "Should I quit my job and take a break?", you need to consider whether - and when - taking a career break is right for you.

What is a career break and how does it differ from a sabbatical?

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A career break is an unpaid, targeted break from working life. Sometimes referred to as the “adult gap year,” it has become increasingly popular as people seek to achieve a healthier work-life balance. They can last anywhere from two months or more, but usually between 6 months and a year.

The length of a break depends on your situation and how long you can afford to be unemployed. A career break can give you the opportunity to expand your horizons, learn new skills, pursue a passion, or even travel the world.

A sabbatical, on the other hand, is a paid or unpaid, extended break from work granted to an employee who agrees to return on a specific date. Typically, people take a sabbatical to focus on their personal life or their professional and academic development.

Why take a career break?

Before you decide to take a year or even six months away from work, understand why you are making this potentially life-changing decision. Let's look at some of the reasons people take time off from work, and why taking time off from work might be beneficial for you:

1. Acquire new skills

Gaining new qualifications and improving your skills is a great opportunity to advance your career and a valuable and excellent reason to take a break from work. If you have free time and are not distracted by work, you can enroll in a certificate program, take an online course, or volunteer. The skills you acquire could help you move into a whole new industry or open the doors to better career prospects in your field.

2. Spend lots of time with family

A healthy work-life balance is crucial to a happy and fulfilling life and something we all deserve. Maybe you want to spend more time with your children, improve your family relationships, or you need to care for an elderly or sick parent. Taking time off from work could be a much-needed opportunity to support and care for those you love.

3. Reduce stress and rejuvenate yourself

Are you working overtime, burned out, or trying to escape a toxic work environment? This is one of the most common reasons people want to take time off from work. If your mental health is affected, you may want to consider leaving your job. The time off allows you to recharge and recharge before returning to a more positive, healthy workplace.

4. Gain a new perspective

Whether you want to take a career break in your 30s to redefine your life goals or are looking to change careers later in life, a career break could be just right for you. Many people feel like their work is stagnating and they lack motivation and enthusiasm. A break can benefit anyone who has spent a long time at the same company and can be the perfect catalyst to gain a new perspective on life. After a few months of reflection and exploration, you will become clearer about your options and what you really want to do with your life.

5. Traveling or working abroad

Wondering how to take a year off work and travel the world? While this decision requires careful and serious planning, it could be the best move you ever make. Maybe you've always wanted to travel to Europe or the Far East, or you've thought about studying or working in Australia. Either way, traveling can help you build a worldwide network of influential people and open you up to opportunities you hadn't considered before. Taking time off from work to travel can boost your confidence, broaden your horizons, and bring new experiences into your life.

How long should your break last?

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The length of your time off depends entirely on your circumstances and goals. What do you want to achieve with this? If you plan to gain a qualification or study abroad to advance your career, a year or two is perfectly acceptable. Or maybe you just want to take some time out to reflect, recover and reset. In this case, two to six months may be enough time to think about your next step.

Remember: the longer you take time off work, the harder it may be to get back into work. Also consider how long you can afford to be unemployed. The more you have saved, the more time you can devote to your time off without worrying about expenses or financial emergencies.

The advantages and disadvantages of taking a career break

While the benefits of taking a career break are obvious, you also need to consider the challenges that come with it. Make sure it is the right decision before committing to it. Below are some pros and cons that may help you determine if this is the right move for you.

Benefits of taking time off from work:

  • Opportunity for growth
  • Time to relax and reflect
  • Opportunity to expand your network
  • Path to personal development
  • Space to determine your future direction
  • to learn new skills
  • to master a passion

The disadvantages of taking a break from work:

  • Your career progress could last longer than expected
  • You could lose touch with your colleagues and the industry
  • returning to work can be more difficult
  • Lack of a continuous flow of income
  • You must explain your time off to a future employer.

How to declare a break in employment

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First of all, it is important to know that taking a career break is nothing to be ashamed of and can actually be beneficial. Employers are increasingly aware of the benefits of taking a career break, so it is important that you present your break from employment in a positive and confident manner.

On your resume, showcase any new skills and qualifications you acquired during your career break. You can also briefly discuss the life experiences and soft skills you acquired during your time off. Use these to highlight the benefits you bring to a potential employer. Also, don't forget to mention your career break in your cover letter and be prepared to answer questions about it in the interview.

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