7 reasons why you don't get the online interview


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To finally get the online interview you were hoping for, you should stop making these 7 job search mistakes and instead use our professional tips to stand out from the competition.
If you fancy one Online interview in the distance work market has become a competitive sport, you are not alone.
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more companies are choosing to outsource some or all of their workforce. And when they open their job advertisements to applicants around the world, it's not uncommon for one position to receive over 250 applications.
As if this competition wasn't challenging enough, eye-tracking technology shows that hiring managers and recruiters skim a resume for less than 10 seconds before deciding whether it's for interview or rejection. That's about as long as two deep breaths.
Since you don't have much time to prove that you are the right candidate, your application must be compelling and unique to make it to the online interview round. To do this, you need to learn how to stand out from the crowd of other qualified applicants and avoid the most common mistakes.
Luckily, with the tips in this guide, you can handle both tasks like a pro.

7 reasons why you don't get the online interview

Those : onlineclasshelp911.com

Let's assume you are perfectly qualified for the position you are applying for (i.e. you have the right qualifications, skills, years of experience, etc.). You may not receive an online Interview , if:

1. You don't know the ATS password
As we mentioned, hiring teams are inundated with applications. Therefore, most HR managers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sift through the pile of applicants.
Hiring managers can program this software to pick up specific keywords for each job posting. When the ATS finds these keywords on your resume, it forwards your application to a folder for a human to read. Resumes that do not contain these specific keywords/passwords end up in a folder that is comparable to spam (i.e. where no one reads them).
Der Fix Conduct keyword research for each position to outsmart the ATS gatekeepers. Take a look at the job description and you will find keywords that hiring managers use to describe their ideal candidates. Sprinkle these keywords naturally throughout your resume and cover letter so the ATS will pick them up.

2. You're not using resume real estate wisely

When hiring teams first look through your resume, they spend most of that short window of time on the top third. This is where you get a first impression of who you are and what you bring to the table.
If you don't hook readers right away, they won't want to read the rest of your accomplishments and career history.
Der Fix Consider the top third of your resume as your personal showcase. It should be eye-catching and arouse interest in who you are and what you can achieve.
In addition to using a modern resume template instead of the boring chronological resume, make sure the top third of your resume includes:
  • Your name and job title/industry. Pick up these keywords!
  • A personal branding statement. This should serve as an introduction, explaining your unique selling points in a short, memorable one-liner.
  • An overview of yours Career . These three to five sentences give the reader an idea of ​​your key professional achievements and strengths.
  • Relevant keywords. Consider adding a separate section to highlight your key skills/experiences related to the job. Use your keyword research to match your skills with what people are searching for.
A strong top third grabs the attention of hiring teams and makes them curious about what else your resume has to offer.

3. Your career path is a snoozefest

Let's say you manage to fill the top third of your resume and fill that area with valuable information. You don't want to lose readers as they go through your career journey - you need to keep them interested, engaged and impressed.
If you just repeat standard tasks, use cliched resume phrases, or fill your resume with more empty phrases than cold, hard facts, you're going to have a hard time. This won't make you stand out from the crowd, but will bore the hiring teams who are used to it.
Der Fix Make your resume so interesting and captivating that you won't be able to resist. Think about what sets your skills/work experience apart from your competitors. And don't be shy!
Creating an exciting resume that attracts the right attention:
  • Use the active voice instead of the passive voice. Phrases in your CV, like " was responsible for " are general and often ignored. Active language, such as " expanded market reach ," " Pioneer in the development of ," and " increased customer loyalty achieve more impact.
  • Show, don't tell. Hiring managers are more interested in what you have accomplished in your role than your actual job title. So instead of telling them you're a marketing guru, show them what your campaigns have achieved using concrete statistics (e.g. " Reduce CPC by 60% and maximize ROI in three months "). Quantifiable milestones prove how successful you are compared to other applicants.
  • Connect the dots so readers can see exactly how your experience qualifies you for the challenges of the new position. Tailor your resume to each job you apply for; highlight only your most impressive skills/experiences that relate to the job at hand.
The more specific unique selling points you provide, the more likely you will be to gain traction with hiring teams.

4. It's all about you and what you want

Many applicants assume that their resume is just there to show why they are qualified for the job. But potential employers and hiring managers read resumes to learn how you will use your skills for the benefit of the company .
This must be explicitly stated in your CV How Your experience will help them increase market share/profits, save money, lead teams better, etc. Show them Why They need you because of your proven success in other areas.
Der Fix Revise your resume to highlight what a company can expect from you if they add you to their team. Read the job description, the company's website, industry news, and more to find out what the company needs help with - and then prove you can provide it.

5. You haven't demonstrated any experience with remote work

For those who already work remotely, it's easy to highlight their remote work experience. But if you're just starting out with telecommuting, you'll need to prove that you're capable of working alone and with the tools the rest of the team uses.
Der Fix Create a section on your resume to showcase your remote work skills. Emphasize technologies and platforms that you are familiar with, e.g. B:
  • Industry-specific software, including CRMs like Salesforce, Word and Excel , WordPress, Google Ads etc.
  • File sharing and collaboration tools like Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Messaging-Tools/Apps wie Slack, Skype, Zoom and Teams .
  • Project management tools like Trello, Basecamp and Asana.
Bonus: Adding your experience with remote work techniques will help the ATS find more keywords. The ATS can do yours CV then rate it higher than the ratings of other applicants.

6. You have a non-existent professional online presence

Fact: When hiring teams are interested and curious to learn more about you, they will Google your name. That's why it's important to create a professional online presence that helps you put your best foot forward and make a great first impression.
Nobody says that to be a social media influencer you have to have millions of followers. But if you polish your online persona, your networking game will skyrocket.
Der Fix Consider creating a professional website to tell potential clients more about you, your strengths and passions, and how you have helped other companies/clients achieve their goals. An online digital portfolio or case studies provide hiring teams with real-world examples of your work and make you a proven leader.
If you don't want to create a website, at least optimize your LinkedIn or Twitter profile to boost your remote job search:
  • Include relevant keywords in your bio . Employers and recruiters often search for candidates to connect with using industry keywords. Use this to get on their radar.
  • Get active in your industry. Follow and engage with companies and professionals in your field. Share interesting case studies, articles and videos to show that you are up to date on new trends.
When someone googles you, they feel like they already know you and can't wait to take you to an online Interview to invite.

7. You're not fast enough

Those : content.wisestep.com

If you're applying for jobs you're perfect for but can't get an interview, you may just have a time problem. With so many qualified candidates applying for the same position, you can't be indiscriminate.
Get into a regular job search routine where you make time for the Job search , plan for resume revisions, follow-ups, and networking. Any of these activities can increase your chances of landing an online interview. And since job search depression is real, setting aside a specific window of time for these tasks will help you stay motivated, focused, and optimistic without exhausting yourself.
Der Fix : Sign up for job alerts from We work remotely and our robot recruiters will let you know when companies advertise new positions in your industry. If you have several versions of your CV ready, then you only need to change a few small things to be one of the first applicants to apply.

Time to finally do an online interview

Those : breakoutofthebox.com

If you follow today's tips, you will avoid the most common mistakes when looking for a job abroad. You'll receive more networking and online interview opportunities than your inbox can hold. And you'll be one step closer to getting the job you've been hoping for.

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