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Europe, Middle East and Africa

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Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaVirtasant is a leading cloud consulting services provider. We heavily focus on lift & shift, cloud-native development, cloud cost optimization, and migration services. As a consulting company, we often face the challenge of creating an engineering team in a matter of a week or two. To do that, we have created a secondary support business that runs a talent network and provides staffing services.Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaAt this time, we are looking for SRE Support Engineers to join our team and provide support to one of our clients. The successful candidates will be providing support in the Europe, Middle East and AfricaUnited Kingdom's office hours, from 8 AM to 5 PM local time.

Europe, Middle East and AfricaThis role is about successfully supporting customers’ internal IaaS. Successful candidates can provide a wide range of services from “white glove” onboarding to creating informational posts on the community support platform, and everything in between. Additionally, these SRE Support Engineers will actively participate in developing the support tools and process, so we are looking for someone with the maturity to understand what it takes to scale in services.Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaKey Qualifications/ExperienceEurope, Middle East and Africa

  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaRobustEurope, Middle East and Africa level of Europe, Middle East and Africaspoken and written EnglishEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaSeveral years of experience (ideally 5 or more) in Europe, Middle East and Africasupporting highly scalable applicationsEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and Africaweb services.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaHands-on experience with open-source technologies such as Europe, Middle East and AfricaKubernetesEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and AfricaDocker (mandatory),Europe, Middle East and Africa Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and AfricaSpark andEurope, Middle East and Africa Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and AfricaKafka Europe, Middle East and Africa(at least basic knowledge of these two)Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaRobust experience with at least one of these languages: Bash, Powershell, Python, Java, or Golang.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaComfortable working with Europe, Middle East and Africaa very technical customer base.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaComfortable providing a Europe, Middle East and Africawide range of supportEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, from Europe, Middle East and Africasimple issue resolutionEurope, Middle East and Africa to Europe, Middle East and Africaend-to-end onboardingEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaStrong familiarity with Europe, Middle East and Africamodern server technologiesEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and Africaarchitectures.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaStrong Europe, Middle East and Africaattention to detail.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaExcellent Europe, Middle East and Africaanalytical capabilities.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaPassionateEurope, Middle East and Africa about Europe, Middle East and AfricaTechnical Support.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaStrong Communication skills.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaStrongEurope, Middle East and Africa Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africatroubleshooting experience.Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaNice to haveEurope, Middle East and Africa

  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaObservability and logging tools experience like Prometheus, Grafana, Datadog, Splunk, etc.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaHands-on experience with Europe, Middle East and AfricaRelational Database Management Systems.Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaResponsibilitiesEurope, Middle East and Africa

  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaWork Europe, Middle East and Africacross-functionallyEurope, Middle East and Africa with Europe, Middle East and Africacustomers and partnersEurope, Middle East and Africa to address Europe, Middle East and Africacomplex customer questionsEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and Africadrive incidents to resolutionEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaTroubleshootEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, Europe, Middle East and AfricaisolateEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, and Europe, Middle East and Africaresolve container orchestration/management issuesEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, specifically Europe, Middle East and AfricaDockerEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and AfricaKubernetesEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaTroubleshootEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, Europe, Middle East and Africaisolate,Europe, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and Africaresolve complex application deploymentEurope, Middle East and Africa issues.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaAnalyze and Europe, Middle East and AfricacategorizeEurope, Middle East and Africa Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africacustomer interaction trendsEurope, Middle East and Africa to provide Europe, Middle East and Africaaccurate and meaningful feedbackEurope, Middle East and Africa to Europe, Middle East and AfricaEngineeringEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and AfricaSRE organizationsEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaBuild knowledge base articlesEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaParticipate in Europe, Middle East and Africapost-mortem reviewsEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, and drive Europe, Middle East and Africaongoing improvement.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaObsess over minute detailsEurope, Middle East and Africa to Europe, Middle East and Africadrive operational excellenceEurope, Middle East and Africa in every aspect of your work.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaMEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africaake meaningful and significant contributionsEurope, Middle East and Africa to our client’s Europe, Middle East and AfricadevelopmentEurope, Middle East and Africa of Europe, Middle East and Africaobjectives and goals.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaWEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africaork on complex issuesEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, Europe, Middle East and Africaanalyzing situations or dataEurope, Middle East and Africa that require Europe, Middle East and Africain-depth evaluation.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaYour Europe, Middle East and Africaexpertise and discretionEurope, Middle East and Africa will be required to Europe, Middle East and Africathink outside the boxEurope, Middle East and Africa and Europe, Middle East and Africaresolve highly complex issuesEurope, Middle East and Africa creatively and effectively.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaWork hours are from Europe, Middle East and Africa8 AM to 5 PM United Kingdom time, Monday to FridayEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa. While there is Europe, Middle East and Africano on-callEurope, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa, if there’s any Europe, Middle East and Africamaintenance during the weekendEurope, Middle East and Africa you will need to Europe, Middle East and Africabe available,Europe, Middle East and Africa and then you'll Europe, Middle East and Africaget time offEurope, Middle East and Africa to compensate for that)

Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaRecruitment processEurope, Middle East and Africa

  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaRecruiter screen (30 mins)Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaTech Interview #1 (60 mins)Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaTech and HM Interview (60 mins)Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaFinal interview with the client (60 mins)Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaWe strive to move efficiently from step to step so the recruitment process can be as fast as possible.Europe, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaEurope, Middle East and Africa

Europe, Middle East and AfricaWhat we offerEurope, Middle East and Africa

  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaFully remote, 40 hours/week.Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaLong term contractEurope, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaPayment in USDEurope, Middle East and Africa
  • Europe, Middle East and AfricaTraining and certification opportunities on AWS, GCP, and/or Azure.Europe, Middle East and Africa
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Europe, Middle East and Africa
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