Graphic Design for Web Applications: What You Need to Know


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As a graphic designer, you are used to working with images and transforming abstract concepts into concrete visions. However, to get the best salaries and jobs in 2023, you need to transfer your skills online. Switching to graphic design for web applications is one of the best moves you can make as a graphic designer. To create a smooth and successful transition, you need to know what to expect.

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Our article will introduce you to the world of web-based graphic design and show you what sets web graphic design apart from the traditional design fields. You'll find out how digital graphic design forces you to adapt your mindset, and we'll also give you insight into the different business approaches and support models that digital designers adopt as part of the realities of working with vibrant and growing websites and apps. With our help, your transition to the digital world will be child's play.

Web designers must consider digital requirements and limitations

As a graphic designer working in more traditional media, you don't have to think much about your materials and the space you're working in. As long as you have enough drawing materials and space to work with, you'll be fine. Unfortunately, web graphics don't have it that easy. As a web designer, you must always be aware of your medium and avoid pitfalls that can derail your work.

First of all, when working in digital design, you always need to keep an eye on loading times and file sizes. The worst thing that can happen to you as a web designer is that you produce a beautiful and well-designed image or animation that is too large and bloated for your application. Scaling is much more important in web graphic design than in traditional design - web designers need to consider how their images will look on large screens, and that goes for typography and layout too.

Digital design is forever

Unlike graphic designers who work with pencil and paper, digital graphic designers must be prepared for a long-term investment in their product. Traditional graphic design is a discipline that is quickly forgotten: as soon as the customer accepts the product, you are finished and can move on to the next job. This is not the case with web graphic design. Since most websites and applications are constantly evolving, you need to maintain your creation over a long period of time.

This is mainly due to the different intentions. Many physical graphic design products have a limited lifespan, determined by wear and time. But companies don't throw away websites or apps when they get old; While they make gradual changes, they typically retain most of the overall aesthetic. You'll likely continue to support some of your web designs years after they were originally created. Be prepared to support your products long-term.

And that's it, dear readers. Switching from traditional graphic design to digital design is a fantastic way to boost your career and make good money. However, to make the transition successful, you need to know how to adjust your mindset and work like a web designer.

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