Homeoffice & Remote Jobs bei SOPHiA GENETICS



SOPHiA GENETICS is the creator of SOPHiA DDM™, a cloud-based platform capable of analyzing data and generating insights from complex multimodal data sets and different modalities. The SOPHiA DDM™ platform enables healthcare institutions to get quick, robust insights from their data. We apply our technology to areas such as cancer and inherited disorders, where combining genomic and phenotypic information is vital to support research and drug development efforts.

SOPHiA GENETICS' data-sharing methodology also helps researchers and healthcare professionals work together as a community by sharing and leveraging patterns identified via artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our universal platform is designed to improve as we analyze more data over time.

The SOPHiA DDM™ platform is one of the largest technology-agnostic networks of connected healthcare institutions worldwide and is currently used by more than 750 hospital, laboratory, and biopharma institutions globally.

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