The Simplest Programming Languages: A Detailed Overview


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Learning to code can be challenging, especially if you don't know where to start. There are many resources such as online courses, coding bootcamps, and college programs that can help you learn to code. However, many aspiring developers still ask themselves: "Which programming language is easiest to learn?"

Some of the simplest programming languages ​​have relatively simple syntax, making it easy for learners to read and program the language. After all, programming is a method of communicating with computers. If you know how to program, you can handle many different tasks. Therefore, getting started with a simple programming language can help in a smooth learning process.

This overview presents the simplest programming languages ​​for beginners. We'll also look at the key features of beginner-friendly and popular programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, HTML, Python and C/C++ to help you choose.

According to many professional developers, the five easiest programming languages ​​to learn are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby because they emphasize readability and share many characteristics with other programming languages. However, keep in mind that opinions may vary depending on your level of knowledge, experience and career goals.

These five languages ​​are used by engineers around the world in areas such as software development, web development, data science, and full-stack development. This means learners have access to a variety of resources such as video tutorials, free coding courses and online discussions that can help them learn more effectively.

In the list below, we'll look at other programming languages ​​suitable for beginners.

This detailed list of the easiest programming languages ​​for beginners offers a wide range of options to get you started. We'll go over the basic information about each programming language before diving into use cases and additional reading recommendations.


Caption: HTML is a markup language used in web development and is considered one of the easiest programming languages ​​for newbies to learn.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is one of the three basic building blocks of the web. You may recognize "HTML" as part of a link to a website or in your browser's address bar. Although it's not technically a programming language, learning how to create an HTML page is often the first step in expanding your programming skills.

HTML is typically used along with JavaScript and CSS for front-end web development. HTML is great for beginners because it has a simple structure with easy-to-define opening and closing tags. They use HTML elements to decide how text, images, and other interactive buttons are displayed on a web page.

To be as effective and efficient as possible when writing HTML, it helps to have an editor to do some of the work for you. Check out our full list of the best HTML editors to find an option that suits your needs.

2. CSS

Caption: Thanks to its simple structure, beginners can expect to master CSS basics in a short amount of time.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is designed as a simple programming language. It is used to customize the appearance of a website and define how it should appear in a browser. With CSS you can define animations, show or hide certain content, and control the positioning of page elements. CSS can improve the appearance, readability and functionality of a website.

The article you are currently reading was created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. CSS is an ideal language for beginners because, like HTML, it helps you perform basic development tasks.

When applying for web development interviews, be sure to be prepared for some frequently asked questions about CSS because any potential employer will expect you to be proficient in this technology.

3. JavaScript

Javascript to learn programming for beginners
Caption: The syntax and structure of JavaScript are considered intuitive, making it an excellent programming language for beginners.

JavaScript is often used along with HTML and CSS to implement client-side functionality using small scripts. For this reason it is often referred to as a scripting language. You can use JavaScript to add features such as drop-down menus and web applications to your website. The language is beginner-friendly as it does not require a compiler and most browsers can serve as a standard environment.

Additionally, you can leverage frameworks like Node.js to use JavaScript for server-side programming. It is powerful enough to handle tasks like implementing a search algorithm, analyzing data provided by a user, or solving mathematical equations. There are even game engines developed using JavaScript that deliver impressive results.

4. Python

Python is a general-purpose programming language that emphasizes readability. As one of the simplest programming languages, it is often used as an introductory language for university computer science students. Python is very versatile and can be used to develop applications, automate processes, create operating systems, and much more.

Python is great for beginners because it uses a simple syntax comparable to the English language. This can ease the intimidation of programming for beginners. Plus, Python is supported by a large community of developers who provide plenty of resources to help beginners get started.

5. Ruby

Ruby is a powerful programming language with an emphasis on simplicity and productivity. Ruby is often compared to Python because the two languages ​​share common use cases and similar features. Ruby allows you to perform complex tasks with minimal code. Companies like Airbnb, Hulu, and Shopify are reportedly using Ruby in their web development tech stacks.

It is also an open-source programming language, which means beginners have access to numerous resources such as tutorials, books on Ruby programming, and online discussions. Ruby is often used together with the Rails framework to create dynamic and responsive web applications.

6. Java

Java is a general-purpose programming language popular for enterprise and mobile application development. For many developers, Java is their first exposure to the principles of object-oriented design. It is often used to teach students the fundamentals of design patterns and software engineering. There are numerous online resources to help you learn Java.

One notable project that uses Java is the Android Software Developer Kit (SDK). This project allows developers to create applications for devices using the Android operating system. Java was also used to create the foundation for Netflix's streaming service. Uber, Instagram, Spotify and Pinterest have also reportedly used Java in their tech stacks.

7. PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn, especially if you already have knowledge of HTML. It is mainly used for the backend server functions, which are essential for many websites today. PHP makes it easy for developers to retrieve and store data in databases while processing and responding to user queries.

Creating your first PHP program is as easy as embedding PHP code into an HTML page and uploading the file to a server that can process it. Many online resources can help you learn PHP. Some notable projects and services that use PHP are Facebook, Tumblr and WordPress.

8. C/C++

Many beginners learn C and C++ first.
Caption: C and C++ have been around for decades and remain very popular among modern developers because of their ability to create powerful systems.

C and C++ are often referred to as low-level languages. They are particularly useful for developing high performance systems. C++ can be viewed as an extension of the C language that adds features such as object-oriented programming.  Some projects that use these languages ​​are the Linux kernel, which is written in C, and Adobe Photoshop, which is written in C++.

C and C++ can seem intimidating due to the added complexity of managing memory and interacting with the programs. However, learning C and C++ can give you a solid foundation in programming, making it easier for you to understand even more complex concepts.

9. C#

C# is a general-purpose programming language developed by Microsoft for Microsoft. It can be used for developing web applications, cloud-based services, enterprise software, and much more. It also offers comprehensive support for object-oriented programming. One of the most famous use cases of C# is game development using the popular Unity game engine.

Compared to the other languages ​​on this list, C# may not be the easiest programming language to learn. However, many programmers agree that C# is worth learning. Given the size of the C# community, there are many helpful online resources for learning C#. Most answers can be found either using a search engine or by reviewing online tutorials.

10. R

R is a programming language primarily used for data science, deep learning and machine learning. If you're just starting out with programming, you'll find that R has a steep learning curve. However, there are many R additional tools such as RStudio and lintr that can simplify the process.

Like Python, R is widely used for statistical analysis of data, building web applications, and writing scripts to complete various tasks. Learning R is a great option if you are considering becoming a data scientist or simply enjoy working with statistics.

11. Go

Go, also known as Golang, is a general-purpose programming language developed by Google with a syntax and use cases similar to C and C++. Their goal was to simplify the syntax and general complexity of these and other languages. Go can be used in systems engineering, software engineering and data science.

Go is often used to implement components of larger projects where execution speed is important. For example, Dropbox used Go in 2014 to improve the performance of its backend systems, particularly when accessing its database. You can find many online Golang courses, classes and training that can make your learning easier.

12. Rust

Rust is another general-purpose programming language based on C and C++. Rust is strict when it comes to interacting with memory. This approach minimizes the possibility of errors or vulnerabilities in programs while maintaining a high level of performance. Therefore, Rust is becoming increasingly popular when it comes to developing systems where security and protection play an important role.

A good example of the use of Rust is the Firefox browser itself. It was used to improve the efficiency of the CSS engine while reducing the number of potential security vulnerabilities. Although Rust is particularly suitable for system-level programming, it is not uncommon for people to start their programming journey with Rust.

13. Swift

Apple developed Swift in 2014 specifically for use within its own technology ecosystems such as macOS and iOS. Swift is also easy to read and write, making it a good option for beginner programmers. To guide novice programmers through the Swift programming language, Apple has developed a free application called Swift Playgrounds.

Even if you have no programming experience, Swift Playgrounds can help you quickly learn the basics of Swift before moving on to more complex concepts. Swift Playgrounds provides a direct guide to learning Swift and is a useful resource to help you learn skills applicable to any programming field.

14. Erlang

Erlang is a functional, general-purpose programming language. It is one of the easiest programming languages ​​for beginners and was first released in 1986 with a focus on concurrent programming. This means that their features are ideal for building systems in which several different processes run simultaneously and still need to communicate with each other.

Unlike other programming languages ​​on this list, Erlang only supports functional programming. The focus is on using mathematical functions to complete tasks. This type of programming typically reduces dependence on an external state or data. Ultimately, it is easier to debug and more likely to run safely alongside other processes.

15. Elixir

Elixir is an extension of Erlang, but with additional syntax and tools for creating scalable web services. Discord is one of the most popular Elixir users, supporting more than five million concurrent users while processing millions of events per second. Pinterest also uses Elixir to improve the performance of its API service.

For this reason, it may make sense to start with Erlang or Elixir as your first language if you want to learn functional programming concepts. Elixir is also useful if you are interested in developing systems that provide services where scaling under high demand is important. New programmers can use resources like Joy of Elixir to begin their learning journey.

16. Scala

Scala is built on the foundations of Java, making it one of the best programming languages ​​for beginners to learn. The focus is on functional programming and concise, flexible syntax. Scala's additions make it easier for experienced developers to solve problems more efficiently. Scala is widely used in data processing, web development, and data engineering.

Twitter first adopted Scala in 2009 for performance reasons and is perhaps one of the largest Scala users. Most Scala online learning resources assume that you already have some programming experience. However, you can also find great resources for Scala beginners like Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with Scala and Scala School.

17. Clojure

Clojure is a functional programming language based on Lisp, a language that first appeared in 1958 with a unique bracket syntax. Clojure added features like immutable data structures to Lisp, making it easier to write concurrent systems. Companies like Walmart use Clojure for backend services to develop systems that can handle large amounts of activity.

Given that Clojure focuses on the usefulness of concurrency, it is not surprising that it is often used for developing services where it is important. Since it is a functional programming language, one might think that Conjure is not a good entry-level language for beginners. However, it has a relatively minimal syntax that can make your learning process easier.

What is the easiest programming language to learn first?

According to many experienced developers, the easiest programming language to learn first is JavaScript. That's because you can't learn JavaScript using anything other than a web browser and a text editor. JavaScript is also supported by a large community of developers, which can be beneficial for new programmers looking for additional resources.

In terms of overall complexity for someone just starting out programming, one could argue for a ranking like the following, with the first being the easiest programming language to learn.

1. JavaScript and PHP

JavaScript and PHP are perhaps the easiest programming languages ​​in this list when it comes to producing a tangible result when combined with HTML and CSS. Both feature an intuitive and simple syntax that makes them accessible even for beginner programmers. Having these skills will allow you to learn any of the more difficult programming languages ​​faster, which in turn will increase your career prospects in tech.

2. HTML und CSS

HTML and CSS are not true programming languages, but they will familiarize you with using a text editor and creating documents according to well-defined rules. If you understand HTML and CSS, you can quickly learn the basics of programming. Every website is coded using HTML and CSS, so these two languages ​​are very important for aspiring web developers.

3. Python, Ruby, Go, R und Swift

Python, Ruby, Go, R, and Swift are some of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn first.

They are designed to be beginner-friendly with simple and clean syntax. They are also beneficial in areas such as mobile applications, desktop applications, data science, and more. You can find a lot of online resources about these languages ​​to speed up your learning.

4. Java and C#

These two languages ​​are moderately complex, so they may not be your first choice. However, Java and C# are well established, meaning there are plenty of resources to help you with any questions you may have as a beginner. Java and C# skills can help you pursue a career in software engineering, enterprise software, game development, and more.

5. C and C++

C and C++ are at such a low level that in addition to learning basic programming concepts, you also need to pay attention to how you manage your memory. However, none of these languages ​​can be called super complex. Some even recommend the C languages ​​for beginners because they help them gain a solid foundation of programming.

Which programming language is easiest to learn depends on a number of factors, such as: B. Your background, your motivation for learning and your interests. Each of these programming languages ​​offers different advantages and possible uses for developers. If you have specific goals, you should look at each of the programming languages ​​above and see which one is best.

The easiest way to learn a programming language

The easiest way to learn the basics of a programming language is to identify your personal learning style and preferences. If you can work well in a supervised environment, you should look for a coding bootcamp. On the other hand, if you are a self-sufficient person, you can take advantage of online resources that offer more flexibility. Below we look at some of the most popular options.

Free online resources

If you're just starting out, consider free online resources like these programming YouTube channels. They are typically bite-sized videos that succinctly explain basic programming concepts. You can also use other tools to learn programming for free, such as: E.g. programming apps, courses and classes.


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offer open access for all online learners. Popular platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity typically offer both free and paid options, giving you the freedom to choose. Most free courses introduce learners to the basics of programming, while paid courses offer additional features such as practical exercises or certificates of completion.


Coding bootcamps offer intensive, fast-paced training geared towards career preparation. Some coding bootcamps can help you learn to code in as little as a month, but more in-depth training typically takes longer. Many students find coding bootcamps attractive because the curriculum is tailored to beginners, career changers and advanced learners.

Which programming language should I learn first?

Which programming language you should learn first depends on several factors, including your interests and the career path you want to pursue. Many developers find it useful to learn the simplest languages ​​first as they provide a basic understanding of programming concepts.

As highlighted in the article, some of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn are JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Golang, and Ruby. Each of these languages ​​has its own characteristics, so do a little research or try free programming courses to find out which language you should learn first. With this preparation, you can successfully start your journey into programming.

How long does it take to learn to program?

How long it takes to learn programming depends on your approach. The quickest way to learn programming is in a coding bootcamp, which usually lasts between three and six months. Alternatively, you can learn to code in six to 12 months through self-study or in four years with a traditional college education.

Which programming languages ​​are the most difficult to learn?

The most difficult programming languages ​​to learn are Prolog, Lisp, Haskell and Malbolge. Some of them are designed in such a way that your program must be error-free in order to work smoothly. If you are a programming beginner, it is best to start with the easiest to most difficult programming languages. Popular options for beginners include Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Ruby.

Which programming language is easiest to learn for web development?

The easiest programming language to learn for web development is JavaScript. It is an interpreted high-level language with simple syntax and structure. JavaScript is also one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn for game development, especially if you develop web-based and mobile games.

What is the easiest programming language to learn in a week?

The easiest programming language to learn in a week is CSS. Technically speaking, it is a scripting language that is used alongside HTML and JavaScript to create dynamic websites. CSS is used solely to customize the look and appearance of a website. This makes it less complex and easier to learn in a short time than other programming languages.

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