How to program a mobile app: Create an app for Android or iOS


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Learning to program an app is easy. All you need is an idea and the right tools. Programming an app means having an idea, designing the app, testing it and publishing it. Depending on your platform and capabilities, this can be done in a variety of ways.

Even though the app programming process is straightforward, you need to have basic programming skills and understand some core concepts of mobile application development. If you want to learn more about how to code an app, check out our guide where we detail the duration, cost, and required skills of the app development process.

How to program an app for beginners

There has never been a better time to develop an app than it is today. Today over 3 billion people use smartphones. You have a huge market for your app once it hits Google Play and the App Store. It's not an easy process, but it's entirely possible to learn how to program an app for beginners.

In this article we'll go over the basics of creating iOS and Android-Apps a. We also provide some useful tips to help you turn your app idea into reality. Here you will find tips for programming an app for beginners.

If you don't know how to program, don't worry. Career Karma offers its users quick tutorials that teach you everything you need to know. While it's possible to learn on your own, attending a coding bootcamp will give you access to trained instructors and prepare you for a career in tech.

App development is a satisfying and potentially lucrative skill, and we'll help you get started on the right foot. This guide to app development for beginners will help you get started on the right foot. Below you will learn more about programming Android and iOS applications.

The basics of mobile app development

Before we delve into the basics of app development and provide a step-by-step guide to creating an app, we need to set the stage for the app development process. Like most other types of software development, creating an app requires you to know how to code. There are several ways you can approach this.

The best place to start is probably deciding which platform you want to work on. The two main options are Android and iOS. This is important because the programming language and environment you will work in depends on where your app is running.

There are other basics you should familiarize yourself with before you set out to code your first app. Below you will learn about the basic steps of developing a mobile app for beginners.

  • Master a programming language. There is a wide range of programming languages. However, many of them have different core tasks. App developers usually have programming skills in languages ​​like Swift , Java, C++ and HTML5.
  • Familiarize yourself with the app development tools and environment. Even professional developers rely on specialized tools to complement their app development skills. Familiarize yourself with tools like Android Studio, React Native, BuildFire, and others.
  • Design for functionality. When building your first app, you should focus more on functionality than aesthetics. App design is a learning process, so try different things to see what works best.
  • Write solid code. One of the most important tasks in app development is to ensure that the source code is error-free. You can also use a mobile code editor to help you with this step.
  • Test your app and make improvements. Now you can bring your app to life and test its functionality. You may want to collect actual user feedback within the app so you can learn about any bugs.

How long does it take to develop an app?

Developing an app can take between one and 12 months. However, there are many factors that determine how long it takes to program an app. First and foremost, the time frame for developing an app is influenced by the complexity of the app. A simple app can be designed, programmed and ready to go in just a few weeks. However, a more complex app requires a lot more time and planning.

How to program applications for iOS

You can learn how to program an app for iOS devices by completing simple app projects.
Apple products, such as iPhone and iPad, use an operating system called iOS. Developers typically create apps for this platform using the Objective-C programming language, which is one of many C variants. Apple has chosen this language as its primary code. Therefore, mastering them is essential if you want to learn how to program an iOS app.

When learning how to build an iOS app, you will probably also need to use some other programming languages ​​such as: B:

  • Swift
  • Htmlkh
  • C#
  • C++
  • Java

Additionally, Python is another popular language and is known to be easy to learn. It is a common tool for creating modules, libraries and backend tasks such as storing data for the iOS platform.

How and when you use each of these languages ​​depends on what you want to achieve with your app. Many of these languages ​​are also used for Android development. You can research them online yourself or ask your programming teacher for more information. To learn how to develop iOS apps, it's best to start with Objective-C or Swift.

iOS programming languages

In this section, we will discuss five programming languages ​​that are essential for learning to program an app for Apple devices. These languages ​​will help you bring your ideas to life and get your creation into the App Store.

Programming Language Who Uses Swift? Learning Difficulty
Swift Apple, LinkedIn, Uber Easy
Htmlkh Google, YouTube, Amazon Moderate
C# Accenture, Microsoft, Trustpilot Easy
C++ Adobe, Evernote, Meta Hard
Java Airbnb, Netflix, Spotify Easy

How to program applications for Android
When learning how to program an application for Android devices, the first thing you should know is that the official language of Android is Java. As an old and established object-oriented language, Java is stable and has a large community of users you can ask for advice. Additionally, one of the most popular software tools for creating Android applications, Android Studio, uses Java.

Additionally, many developers choose to program their applications using C and C++. The technical requirements of your application determine which languages ​​you want to work with.

Luckily, you can choose from many different languages ​​when learning how to write an app for Android devices and the Google Play Store. Android app development is flexible, and you can also program with other languages ​​like:

There are many language options for Android development. While you are not forced to use the additional languages, you can do so at your own discretion. Favorite programming languages ​​are constantly changing, so it's best to keep up to date.

Android programming languages

As mentioned above, you can choose from a variety of programming languages ​​when learning how to program an app for Android. Depending on the list of features you need in your app, one language may be better than another.

Additionally, the language you choose to work with will likely depend on your programming skills. Below you will learn about different languages ​​that professional app developers use for Android system.

Programming Language Who Uses Swift? Learning Difficulty
Python Google, IBM, PayPal Easy
Kotlin Pinterest, Coursera, Uber Easy
Lua Amazon, Mastercard, TikTok Easy

Other useful tools for learning to program an app

Aside from the above considerations, there are many useful tools for app programming, especially for beginners. Some app creation software even requires no programming knowledge. Some useful app creation tools when learning how to code an app are


Appmakr is one of the most popular platforms for creating a content-based application. Most of Appmakr's services are free and simplify the app creation process for users with little or no coding experience.

This app creation tool can be used to design apps for the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Additionally, it acts as a drag-and-drop visual designer and offers affordable monthly subscriptions.


AppyPie is another great platform for users with no programming knowledge. Although the app development software does not require any programming skills, users can still work on complex projects. With a premium subscription, AppyPie can be used to create apps for Android and iOS.


ImageX is a command line tool that allows capturing an entire hard drive as a Windows Imaging Format file.


Intellij is a platform-independent IDE specifically tailored for writing Java. It offers courses that give beginners practical experience and a solid foundation in their chosen programming language. This program is offered free of charge and provides real-time feedback on sections of code.


Flutter is a toolkit from Google for building native apps for Android, web or desktop with just one codebase. It is an open-source app creation tool that offers numerous learning resources. Beginners can learn how to use Flutter through instructional videos, code labs, guides, and more.


This is Microsoft's cross-platform development platform that extends the older .NET platform. This makes it easy to develop an app for a variety of mobile environments. It is also a free, open-source app creation tool that allows users to work on coding apps for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and more.


Another important aspect is the design. User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are critical elements of an app's quality, usability, and ultimately marketability. Nobody wants to use an app that isn't user-friendly.

While it's possible to learn programming, graphic design, and UX design to create an app, you may want to hire a dedicated UX/UI designer. You can hire a UX/UI designer either as part of a company or as a freelancer.

How to program an app: step-by-step

Now that we have an overview of the tools and languages ​​required, we can now discuss the steps for programming an app. While there is no specific approach to mobile app programming, the following is a good template if you're working on your own:

  • Find a good idea
  • Create a soft draft
  • Create a prototype
  • Creating a hard draft
  • Build your app
  • Conduct user testing
  • Publish and market

Find a good idea
If you're reading this article, there's a good chance you already have an idea for an app. However, it is important to start with an idea that can be turned into a successful product.

The most successful products solve a problem, so ask yourself, “What problem will my app solve?” The problem you solve can be as simple as boredom or as complex as identifying aerodynamic engineering solutions. Just make sure there is a demand for what you are producing by doing a little market research.

Understand your market

Even if you're excited about your idea, you should take a deep breath and think about how it will fare in a competitive market. Conducting market research to gauge demand for your app idea is an important part of developing a successful application.

Monetization of the app

Most likely you want to generate income from your app. However, there are several ways to achieve this. Take time to review different options and decide whether you want to include advertising in your app, offer subscriptions, or list the app at a specific price in the App Store. You also need to research what price is appropriate for your particular app.

Choose the name of your app

Naming your app can take more time than you might think. First, think about what you want users to feel or imagine when they hear the name. Should the name make the app self-explanatory, or should it be creative?

Choose a color scheme

Establishing a coherent color scheme that you can stick to will make the later design process easier. It also makes your app appear more polished and professional. Different color schemes trigger different feelings in users. Therefore, make sure that you choose a color scheme that appropriately reflects the feelings of your users.

Soft design

When learning how to code an app, many people get carried away by elaborate designs and quickly lose sight of the purpose of their app. First, think about how your app will solve a problem. Think broadly: What features will your app have, and what tools will be needed to implement those features? What devices will it work on?

This is the time to determine the platforms, programming languages, and frameworks (if any) that are best suited for your project. Remember to focus on the purpose of your application. This makes it easier to start with a blank project.

Creating a prototype

Create an app that represents the bare minimum version of your final design. Don't worry about UI, UX or non-essential features. When learning how to code mobile applications, you should work in small steps.

Your prototype should be a simple and clean proof of concept that shows that the basic concept of your application works. You then build your fully functional app on top of this and introduce more advanced concepts.

Tough draft

Now that you know your application will work, it's time to determine exactly what you want your application to look like. Think about what features it will and won't have, and how it will look and feel when you use it. Create a development plan and determine the order in which each part of the app should be built.

This is the right time to design or commission the design for your app's UX and UI. Consider your own knowledge of app development resources. If you have basic knowledge of application programming, you may need to hire an expert to develop the advanced features or look for app building tools that can help you with this.

Build your app

Although this step often takes the longest, it is also the easiest to explain. Just stick to the plan you created. Since you'll likely encounter obstacles and unexpected errors, you can change your plan at any time while building your app. Learning how to program an app also involves a lot of trial and error, so be patient with yourself during this phase.

User testing

Once you have a finished version 1.0, it's time to put your app in the hands of others. Ask for honest criticism and accept it humbly. Make changes to your application if necessary and try again until you have a product that users like and are proud of.

You can ask your family and friends to test your app, or release a beta version and collect general user feedback. After working so hard on developing your app, you may find it difficult to accept criticism. However, to be successful, your app must be user-friendly and appeal to a wide audience.

Publishing and Marketing

Nobody can buy and use your app if nobody can find it or has never heard of it. Publish your app on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and other app marketplaces. Create a marketing strategy that works for your product and your budget. After all, knowledge of app programming is useless if you are unable to promote the product and attract users.

Learn how to program an app by doing it
Learning how to create your own code can be daunting for beginners, but there's no need to do it alone. Platforms like AppMakr, AppyPie and many others are a great way to simplify the app development process even for novice users.

Additionally, you can join a community of aspiring developers like the one Career Karma offers. They will help you find the right programming courses. Get started today by downloading our free app.

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