What is a scripting language?


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A scripting language is a programming language that is interpreted. It is translated into machine code when the code is executed, not before. Scripting languages ​​are often used for short scripts rather than full computer programs. JavaScript, Python, and Ruby are all examples of scripting languages.

It may surprise you to know that more than 700 programming languages ​​have been invented throughout computer history. While that's not nearly as many as the thousands of human languages ​​we know, learning a new language is no small feat. In this article, you'll learn what a scripting language is, including the definition of a scripting language, examples of popular scripting languages, and the pros and cons of using them.

Definition of scripting languages

A scripting language (also known as scripting or scripting) is a set of commands that can be executed without compiling. While all scripting languages ​​are programming languages, not all programming languages ​​are scripting languages. PHP, Perl and Python are common examples of scripting languages.

Scripting languages ​​use a program known as an interpreter to translate commands and are interpreted directly from source code without the need for a compilation step. Other programming languages, however, may require a compiler to translate the instructions into machine code before they can be executed.

It is important to know the difference between interpreted and compiled programming languages ​​to expand your understanding of programming. However, advancing hardware and coding practices are gradually making this distinction obsolete. Overall, scripting languages ​​are used to provide instructions for software programs, e.g. B. on websites.

Is scripting the same as coding?

Scripting is not the same as coding, but the two are very similar. Although both are used in the backend of websites and applications, there are important differences between scripting languages ​​and programming languages. The main difference lies in the way each is used.

A programming language allows you to create a new program, while a scripting language allows you to provide instructions for an existing program. Scripting language provides functionality while programming language provides structure.

Interpreted vs. compiled programming languages

Understanding compiled and interpreted languages ​​is key to understanding how scripting languages ​​work. An interpreted programming language is a language that executes source code directly, without the need to compile a program into machine instructions. An interpreter executes the program by translating instructions into a series of one or more subprograms before finally converting them into another language, such as English. B. translated into machine code.

In compiled programming languages, a compiler program translates code written in a high-level programming language into a lower-level language so that the program can be executed. C or Java programs usually need to be compiled first in order to run. Two well-known compilers are Eclipse for Java and GCC for C and C++.

The easiest way to understand how a compiler works is to consider the different operating systems. For example, Windows programs are compiled to run on Windows platforms and are therefore not compatible with Mac.

Server-side scripting vs. client-side scripting

There are two types of scripting languages: server-side and client-side. The only significant difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting is that the former requires a server to process it.

Server-side scripting languages ​​run on a web server. When a client sends a request, the server responds by sending content over HTTP. In contrast, client-side scripting languages ​​are executed on the client side, i.e. H. in the client's web browser.

The advantage of client-side scripts is that they can lighten the load on the server, allowing web pages to load faster. A key advantage of a server-side scripting language, however, is that they cannot be viewed by the public like client-side scripts.

When deciding whether to use client-side scripting or server-side scripting, keep in mind that the client side focuses more on the user interface and functionality. Server-side scripting, on the other hand, focuses on faster processing, accessing data, and resolving errors.

Examples of server-side scripting languages

This section provides examples of server-side scripting languages ​​and notable details about them. In the following table you will learn more about the scripting languages ​​PHP, Java and Perl, among others.

Language Comment
PHP The most popular server-side language used on the web.
ASP.NET Web application framework developed by Microsoft.
Node.js Can run on a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, etc.
Java They are used in everything from the Bluetooth function of your car radio to NASA applications.
Ruby Dynamic. Focuses heavily on simplicity.
Perl A mix of C, shell script, AWK and sed.
Python Excellent for beginners to learn. Uses shorter code.

Examples of client-side scripting languages

Client-side scripting languages ​​include languages ​​such as HTML. The following table provides additional examples of client-side scripting languages ​​and their possible uses.

Language Comment
HTML The foundation of web development.
CSS Improves the look and graphics of pages in your web browser.
JavaScript Although typically client-side, can occasionally be used on the server-side as well.

Applications of scripting languages

Scripting languages ​​are used in many areas, both on and off the web. In addition to server-side and client-side applications, scripting languages ​​can also be used in system administration. Examples of scripts used in system administration include Shell, Perl, and Python.

Scripting languages ​​are also used in a variety of games and multimedia applications. Minecraft mods, for example, use Java to give users the ability to create their own worlds and in-game items. Second Life, Trainz and Wesnoth are also based on scripting languages ​​and allow users to create extensions for the games. Similar to the extensions used in games, extensions are also used in other programs such as: B. the extensions of the Google Chrome browser, executed with scripting languages.

Advantages and disadvantages of scripting languages

Using scripting languages ​​has many advantages over other programming languages. First, they are open source. This allows users from all over the world to participate in the improvement process. Other advantages are as follows

  • They do not need to be compiled, although this is occasionally required.
  • Easy transfer between different operating systems.
  • Scripting languages ​​make websites look more appealing.
  • The syntax is easier to learn and write.
  • Scripts can be used as prototypes for programs, saving time on testing projects.

There are not many disadvantages to using scripting languages. However, a downside is the fact that some companies don't want scripts to be read by everyone and therefore use server-side scripts to avoid exposing them to the public. Installing an interpreter program can also be tedious. Finally, scripts are sometimes slower than programming languages.

Most popular scripting languages

  • JavaScript . JavaScript is by far the most popular scripting language. In fact, according to Statista, it is the most commonly used programming language in the world. So, learning JavaScript opens up a wide range of job opportunities.
  • PHP . PHP is a universally applicable scripting language that is particularly useful in web development. It can be used to create a graphical user interface and is compatible with all major operating systems.
  • Python . Python is one of the easiest scripting languages ​​to learn. It is used for task automation, website creation, and data analysis.
  • Perl . Although Perl was originally developed for text manipulation, the scripting language is now used for a variety of tasks. Today it is often used for managing databases.
  • Ruby . Ruby is an object-oriented language used by many large companies today.

How to learn a scripting language

If you're ready to learn a scripting language like JavaScript, check out our list of the 17 easiest programming languages ​​to learn. Maybe you'll find one that interests you. We suggest that you find a scripting language that appeals to you and then choose a programming bootcamp that focuses on that language.

A coding bootcamp is great because it not only teaches you how to code but also prepares you for a career in tech. Most coding bootcamps last less than a year and offer career services and various payment methods that enable all people to start a career in the technology industry.

Learning a scripting language is the easiest way to get started in the world of programming. There are tons of resources to help you try out each language until you find one that works for you. Take it slowly, be patient with yourself, and start with small projects rather than large ones. It is also advisable to start with an easy-to-learn scripting language like Python.

Is Python a programming or a scripting language?
Python is generally considered both a programming and scripting language. Because it is interpreted, Python is a scripting language. However, due to its wide range of applications in development, Python is also considered a high-level programming language.

What scripting language do Roblox developers use?

The scripting language Roblox developers use is Lua. Lua is typically used in video game development, but also in the creation of network systems and embedded programming. Besides Roblox, there are many other companies that use Lua.

What is the best scripting language to learn?

Python is the best scripting language to learn because it is easy to learn and has become popular in many industries. It's also worth learning Python because it can be used for a variety of tasks, such as: B. for data visualization, automating tasks and creating websites.

Is SQL a scripting language?

SQL is a scripting language commonly used for managing data. As a fourth-generation language, SQL works with an interpreter rather than a compiler. SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is often used for communicating with databases and storing backend data.

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