The 8 most important jobs and careers in quantum computing in 2022


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What careers are there in quantum computing? What types of jobs are there? What degree do you need for quantum computing? These are some of the questions that everyone asks and Remote Scout will try to answer to some extent.

2022 is a very interesting time to get a job in quantum computing (QC) and the broader discipline of quantum information science (QIS) and quantum technology in general.

Quantum computing is not yet as well-known and understood as other areas of the deep tech sector and is still in the development phase, which is also reflected in recruitment.

But that's a good thing, because it's not that well defined yet. According to the careers section on the Google Quantum AI website is [Google] always looking for creative researchers and engineers [...] to advance this field, wherever they are.

Google Quantum AI - like its major competitors in the market such as IBM, AWS Braket and Microsoft - is always looking for the brightest and hungriest minds in STEM fields fresh out of university.

The company states:

These roles can of course be refined to other, more specific subgroups within the broader disciplines.

With that in mind, Remote Scout will now draw attention to eight of the most popular roles in the industry and briefly mention the requirements of the role and the qualifications required to get started.

Of course, this is just an overview - as there are many different architectures and designs Qubit modality, it would not have been possible for us to mention them all. This is just a quick overview of what jobs are available and what qualifications you need to set foot in the quantum world.


Quantum machine learning (QML) is undoubtedly an exciting area of ​​research, especially when it comes to applications for quantum computers.

The use of hybrid classical quantum systems is among the most promising techniques that will have an impact on real-world problems in the near future - these techniques can be improved by applying quantum algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning.

For a position as a quantum Machine Learning However, getting a scientist is almost always a doctorate in quantum physics or Computer Science necessary. Regardless of these requirements, a sound knowledge of machine learning, quantum information and quantum algorithms is also a decisive factor in whether the applicant will be successful in an interview.

Another plus point is the applicant's research and publication history in one of the above-mentioned areas. experiences with Deep-Learning -Techniques and Parameterized Quantum Circuits (PQC) when performing classification, regression and generative modeling tasks will also help accelerate the learning curve on the job.


As a Quantum Software Engineer, your main task is to optimize the control of the important quantum processors. Your tasks also include automating the individual phases of the design process, such as: B. developing benchmarking code using your own control systems.

In-depth knowledge of quantum programming languages ​​is also a self-evident prerequisite It's tight , Q#, Q|SI>, Silq, QML, LIQUi|>, Python etc. are always needed.

Unlike a "scientist" in the field of machine learning in quantum physics, the entry requirements for a quantum software engineer can be slightly lower, with a PhD being desirable, but a master's degree for the right candidate in quantum technology or a related field is usually sufficient.


Quantum computer - Source:

This position is a real niche as several qubit modalities have already been established in the industry, such as: B. superconducting and ion trap-based approaches, and the technology is about finding the best qubit - the basic unit of quantum information.

Without logical qubits, there is no quantum computing - hence the demand for this position in recent years. And the larger the systems become (number of qubits), the more specialists are needed in this area.

Working closely with technicians and quantum engineers, qubit researchers must pay close attention to the process integration, layout and design of the entire system.

The applicant should generally have a doctorate or equivalent degree in a field of physics, computer science or engineering or have comparable experience. He should have in-depth knowledge of all qubit modalities (or, for example, qubit design for superconducting devices if he works for a company that uses this approach), technical expertise in quantum computing and quantum computing, and a variety be familiar with methods and tools for working with qubits


In addition to qubits, quantum gates with high precision are also important - this is crucial for superconducting qubit processors. Since qubits interact harmoniously as part of a larger overall system and the complexity of these interactions must be controlled and isolated, this is where the role of a quantum control researcher comes into play.

A quantum control researcher should understand and have relevant expertise in the requirements of microwave hardware, Hamiltonian modeling, optimal control and dynamic decoupling.

Based on collaboration with engineers and other scientific researchers and independent thinking, a quantum control researcher should have a doctorate (or equivalent degree) in physics and experience with quantum control and quantum information.


The demands on a quantum error correction researcher are so high that they must have excellent knowledge - both in theory and in practical implications - of codes and protocols for the reliable storage, processing and transmission of quantum information.

Aside from these requirements, efficient methods must be employed to mitigate decoherence, control errors, and other external factors that contribute to perfecting a fault-tolerant quantum computer.

As with many of the positions already mentioned, a quantum error correction researcher must have a PhD in physics, preferably in quantum technologies or quantum information theory, be able to demonstrate high-quality academic work, have excellent communication skills, and be able to work both independently and collaboratively to be carried out with a research team.


A quantum algorithm researcher studies computational problems that quantum phenomena such as randomness and entanglement can help solve. The individual will research and develop quantum algorithms, design new algorithms, and suggest how existing algorithms can be used for current applications to improve results.

A particular strategy for solving this problem is to use polynomial-time quantum algorithms, which are known to be the most powerful type of computation that physics allows.

Key qualification requirements include a PhD in mathematics , more theoretical physics , Computer Science or a related field, as well as the ability to collaborate effortlessly and communicate scientific results and concepts to both professionals and non-experts. In addition, scientific publications on quantum algorithms and their design as well as experience in the Computer programming very desirable.


A quantum cryogenics engineer is needed to analyze and develop the tools to keep the cryogenic systems that run many quantum computers cold.

Unlike classical computing infrastructures, which can operate at room temperature, quantum computers - especially in the case of superconducting qubits - require extremely low temperatures (~15mK) to operate successfully.

An engineer working in this environment must know how a cryogenic dilution refrigerator works and is constructed, be familiar with thermal modeling, and have experience with thermometry techniques and cryogenic engineering/thermalization.

To enter this profession, a potential candidate should hold at least a BSc degree in Physics or Engineering, with a Master's degree being desirable.


Quantum microwave engineers work in the microwave domain and address packaging and microwave hygiene to enable these devices to operate at high fidelity, resulting in fault-tolerant quantum hardware. You must also develop electrical circuits for quantum computer processors and be familiar with electromagnetic modeling tools such as HFSS, Microwave Office, Sonnet, COMSOL, Ansys Maxwell and Ansys HFSS, as well as microwave/radio measurement techniques.

As with most of the other positions mentioned here, a doctorate is the usual requirement, usually in electrical engineering, physics or a related engineering field. However, sometimes an MA is sufficient, and in some cases even a BA, if the applicant is highly motivated and exceptional. This is even more true if he has knowledge of Python, C, C++ and/or MATLAB, which can give him a competitive advantage during interviews.

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