Hiring Methods: 8 Tactics to Find the Perfect Employee


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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is estimated that many people are now unemployed, making many of them active job seekers.

If you're looking to fill positions in your company, now is the perfect time to start looking for new employees. When you use a wide range of recruiting methods, you are more likely to find the right talent ready to take on an open position.

Here are eight recruiting methods you or your recruiter should consider when looking for your next new employee.

1. Internal promotion

When looking for the right employee, it makes sense to use both internal and external networks. Intern This means posting your job posting on your company's website and relying on your own human resources department, but also looking for potential transfers and promotions within your company or among recently departed employees.

The reality is that the perfect person for your open position may already exist within your four walls. Promoting a current or recently departed employee may create another position that is much easier to fill. This also allows your company to save money that would otherwise be spent on onboarding and training a new employee. The Saratoga Institute reports that hiring externally costs 1.7 times more than hiring internally.

These internal employees often also have a higher success rate. Research from the University of Pennsylvania shows that internally hired employees perform better in their first two years.

2. Job advertisements on career sites and job boards

Remote Scout - Source: remotescout24.com

There are a variety of career sites and job boards that can be used for your job advertisement - Remote Scout, Monster , Career Builder and Indeed , to name just a few. By using these platforms, you or your recruiter will gain access to a pool of passive and active job seekers.

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of using different job boards for your talent search is that Boolean search techniques allow you to see a variety of available qualifications - helping you find what is often referred to as the "purple squirrel" of candidates needed for the job referred to as.

3. Attend networking events

A lesser-known but often very effective method of recruiting is attending local networking events. Attending networking events not only increases your brand awareness and strengthens your company's local presence, but can also help you discover passive talent. Remember that this type of interaction could be your first and last chance to make an impression on certain candidates, which is why you should prepare well before a networking event.

4. Include employee and industry recommendations

When looking for a person who is a perfect fit for your company culture, you should rely on recommendations from co-workers and industry colleagues. Not only are your current employees good ambassadors for your company, they can often identify better-suited candidates because they are more familiar with the day-to-day needs of the team.

According to 48% of companies, employee recommendations are the most important source of quality hires. If you hire a potential candidate who already has a relationship with one of your employees, the onboarding process will likely be much easier and will help develop a sense of camaraderie from the start.

You can also work with recruiting agencies who can provide you with recommendations from industry leaders and experts. Hunt Club has an expert network of senior executives, founders and vice presidents who match top candidates for open positions. Leaning on the expertise and network of a staffing agency or headhunter gives you access to a larger pool of talent and increases the likelihood that a candidate will be interested in your position.

5. Research artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used to quickly filter applications and resumes and narrow the pool of qualified applicants. However, on a much deeper level, AI can even be used throughout the entire selection and interview process. Instead of a direct conversation with a hiring manager or executive, a chatbot can facilitate the conversation by asking candidates questions and using their answers to qualify or disqualify them in real time.

This method has paved the way for companies looking to make large numbers of hires in industries with high turnover and a constant need for new employees. At the very least, it allows recruiters and companies to sift through large applicant pools and leave only a few top candidates for final interviews with companies.

Do you need more information about recruitment? Read our article about searching resumes on LinkedIn to find top talent.

6. Use social media for search

Social Media - Source: reisevor9.de

More than 84% of companies use social media for recruiting, making it an extremely popular recruiting method. Not only can you reach your own personal network, but you can also use your job posting to get recommendations from family, friends and acquaintances.

If you're using LinkedIn to recruit talent, make sure the job posting is specific, concise, direct, and can't be missed. Since users quickly scroll through their timelines, it's harder for your post to be seen than you might think. Make sure to post your job posting not only to your own timeline and your company's page, but also to relevant networking groups on the platform. This gives potential applicants even more opportunities to find your job offer.

7. Passive recruitment

You may never find the ideal candidate for your open position, and that's often because most top talent isn't actively job hunting. Outsourcing your recruiting needs to professional staffing firms or a headhunter is perhaps the best way to uncover the best talent available.

While you may not have the time to research exactly what your company needs in a new hire, hiring a trusted recruiter to identify the top talent in your industry, build connections, and accept your job offer can be very effective present.

8. Use video interviews

There are times when schedules just don't align, especially when you're looking for top talent who are currently employed or when candidates are relocating. Using video interviews as a recruiting technique can be very effective in pre-selection.

These automated pre-interviews allow applicants to do so on their own time Interviews before being referred to in-person or video interviews with management.

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