Innovative recruiting methods used by professionals


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So your job descriptions are ready! But have you already selected the best positions for your job advertisement? Finding the best talent in the industry has never been more difficult than it is today. No wonder recruiters can't get enough of LinkedIn connections, candidates and innovative recruiting ideas. The baby boomers are leaving the workforce, Millennials are working as freelancers and Generation Z is entering the workforce. And amidst all this chaos, digitalization is revolutionizing the recruiting process and breaking all the bottlenecks of traditional recruiting methods.

Fortunately, there are some effective recruiting methods that recruiters can use to attract and hire top-notch candidates.

Networking events

HR events, job fairs, open days, seminars and conferences offer a perfect platform for recruiting. Hiring managers who have relevant and lasting relationships can easily attract candidates and interns from different disciplines at these events. These events can also be used to provide candidates with a VR experience. Virtual reality gives your potential employees a realistic picture of your company and culture through an engaging video!


Body shopping has become one of the most popular recruiting methods for professional associations and training institutes, creating a talent pool for future jobs. Potential employers can turn to these organizations to recruit trained and qualified talent. These training institutions and professional associations carry out body shopping, which is known in the trade as temporary employment.


Companies are now also attracting potential applicants by offering their employees company shares as part of an employee stock ownership program.

Social media

The possibilities for recruiting through social media are endless if you're willing to think beyond the big four - LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Recruiters are now innovating in their hiring and selection methods, using apps like Bumble, Tinder, Snapchat and Spotify to source talent. Why don't you do the same?

Employer rating pages

Glassdoor needs to be part of every company's hiring strategy. In a digital age where everything is assessed and assessed online, including employers, HR managers cannot afford to miss this approach. Most modern job seekers research the company culture, benefits, salary, and pros and cons. So make the most of employer review portals, and if you find any shortcomings, now is the time to optimize your hiring methods.

Mobile recruiting and video interviews

A mobile recruiting strategy is no longer an option. In fact, it's the only way to connect with Millennial and Generation Z applicants. A mobile recruiting process ensures that you are easily accessible to busy job seekers and don't miss out on talented candidates who are constantly on the go.

Video interviews are a relatively new method of recruiting that make it much easier for hiring managers to screen candidates while ensuring a comfortable and positive experience for candidates. Video interviews allow hiring managers to ask an unlimited number of questions and view the answers at a convenient time. This reduces the number of on-site interviews and speeds up the initial selection process.


If we were to rank in order of importance, analytics would be at the top of this list of innovative hiring methods. Applicant tracking systems use artificial intelligence to determine whether their recruiting methods are producing desired results. ATSs also track the performance of each source so hiring managers know which channel they use to make the most successful hires.

Applicant tracking systems produce accurate reports that measure everything from candidate sourcing to new employee onboarding. Analytics give recruiters actionable insights into various processes and procedures, allowing them to change their recruiting methods and maximize conversion rates.

Comprehensive job advertisements

The wording of your job advertisements is very important. If you are not careful here, you may hurt the feelings of various groups of applicants, including women, the elderly, ethnic minorities, etc. Consider using an AI-driven writing tool to avoid such a situation and keep your applicant pool so large to keep as possible. This tool can scan tons of documents and predict what type of job ad may be successful based on data analysis.

Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is the automatic placement of job advertisements on niche sites that are targeted to the applicant profiles you are looking for. However, you need to know your candidates to use programmatic advertising to your advantage.

Talent pool database

Your talent pool contains candidates who weren't hired but are good enough to be saved for future job postings. So when a new position opens up, you can search your talent pool for suitable candidates to save time.

Reinstatement of former employees

These employees, also known as boomerang employees, previously worked for the company but left on good terms. Rehiring previous employees is a good hiring strategy because you know their skills. Boomerang employees eliminate the risk of a bad hire, reduce time to hire, and reduce cost per hire.

Job boards

Job exchanges do not exist in all countries. It is a government initiative that maintains a register of unemployed applicants seeking employment. You can advertise your vacancies on the stock exchange. In return, you will receive the data of suitable applicants. Although this method is cost-effective, it is particularly suitable for blue collar areas.

Structured interviews

Unstructured interviews lead to poor hiring decisions based on gut feeling rather than a fair evaluation. Structured interviews include a list of questions that each applicant must answer, increasing the chances of a fair assessment.

Work sample tests

A work sample test is a good way to assess the applicant's skills. By giving potential applicants a short task, you can see how well they plan their work and how they can complete it.

Integrity testing

Integrity tests provide information about an applicant's behavioral characteristics. Such tests provide information about a person's trustworthiness, tendency to honesty and reliability. Integrity testing can help you hire a candidate who is more likely to behave positively in the workplace.

Conscientiousness tests

Personality traits determine a person's work behavior. Conscientious people are often described as self-disciplined, dutiful, achievement-oriented, orderly and hard-working. And these characteristics are linked to better work performance.

Benefit from the gig economy

If you need someone with specific skills for a short period of time or for specific high-priority projects, you can consider hiring freelancers for this task. Use a freelance platform to hire a qualified freelancer. You will save money and time by not having to go through the usual hiring process.

Passive candidates

In the days before social media, it was almost impossible to connect with passive candidates. Thanks to social networks, you can reach any candidate, speak to them and build a relationship with them. Once the connection is made, your company will likely be the first thing that comes to mind when deciding on a career move, even if the passive candidates aren't interested at the moment.

Dealing with the aging workforce

Statistics show that the global workforce is aging rapidly. More and more experienced employees are leaving the workforce and there are not enough young people to fill the gap. In such a situation, you can ask your experienced top executives to postpone their retirement. Also consider including them in your recruiting plans. Your older employees have a wealth of experience; So create a kind of mentorship program where you can pass on your knowledge to younger employees.

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