
Strapi  ·  nan, · Hybrid

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About the job

About Us

More people are now involved in creating and distributing content, than ever before. We have all become the media, the media has been marginalized and brands are now broadcasters.

Everyone has a story to tell or something to sell. A need to create and connect, post and publish, showcase and share.

So, say hello to Strapi! We exist to fuel the world’s creativity and productivity by unleashing the power of content.

Beyond a headless CMS, we are building an open composable content platform. Infinite customization capabilities, the largest open-source community, and a broad open ecosystem.

?? Why your role is important at Strapi

We are embracing the "work from anywhere" culture. By doing so, we are facing multiple challenges. We are looking for someone to join the Engineering team to keep improving the team productivity, delivery, and process. You will work closely with the Engineers & other Engineering Managers to lead and grow the engineering team.


This role is fully remote, CET +/-2H

Location: France, Italy, Spain

? What will my job look like on a daily basis?

  • Manage and grow the team of engineers, ensuring they deliver high quality, timely work while keeping them happy and motivated.
  • Support and inspire the engineers in their career as software engineers.
  • Develop and mentor upcoming leaders and key engineers.
  • Contribute to shaping the engineering culture (training, cool-down periods) and organisation.
  • Plan and implement hiring strategies within the team with all the stakeholders.

? About you:

  • You've a background in engineering and are capable of discussing high level technical topics.
  • You've managed a team of engineers before and know how to inspire & coach them.
  • You have scaled a team of engineers & executed a hiring plan.
  • You've already set up performance reviews and management processes in a high-growth startup environment.
  • You have a human-oriented management style.
  • You're open-minded and a good cross-team communicator.

Note: you don't need to check all the boxes to apply ?

? Strapi benefits:

  • Work from anywhere: We're a remote-first company, so we can work wherever our home is. And WiFi.
  • Equity for everyone: We win together. On top of a competitive salary, every Strapier has equity that grows with you in the company.
  • Parents on a mission: 16 weeks of fully paid parental leave for every new Strapi parent.
  • You'll always be up to date: We’ll cover all hardware and software needed, so you’re always with the latest versions.
  • Grow as you are: From day one, we provide budget and tools to learn and grow both professionally and personally.
  • Offsite: We all gather physically or virtually twice a year.
  • Mental health support: We offer one-on-one sessions with certified specialists.
  • Emergency days: 5 paid days per year, for each Strapier in trouble (miscarriage, grief, domestic violence, sick kids or dependants) who needs a day or a few days off to manage it.

? Our Talent Acquisition process:

  • This process tends to take 2-3 weeks max, but happy to adapt to your specific needs.
  • First video call
  • Technical assessment with Alexandre BODIN, the CTO
  • Team meeting (with a few Strapiers)
  • References check

At any moment, the process can stop, and the team will be happy to give you a call to share their feedback or get into more details.

? Celebrating You being YOU!

Strapi's mission is to empower the worldwide community of users to build a million tailor-made projects. To do that, we are growing a diverse team representative of the users we serve. We are committed to building a safe workplace where everyone feels empowered to bring their authentic selves. By being you and bringing your unique difference, perspective, culture, experience, lifestyle, and challenge, you actually help all of us succeed and grow to be the best version of ourselves!

It is important to us to create an accessible and inclusive candidate experience. Please let us know if there are any adjustments we can make to assist you during the hiring and interview process.

? Want to learn more about us?

Take a look at our open positions at our Careers Website, Join our community, read our latest news at Strapi's blog, learn more about our story and check out our Glassdoor page!

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