Swiss IT Security Group AG Logo

Emplois à domicile & à distance chez Swiss IT Security Group AG

À propos de Swiss IT Security Group AG

IT security needs to develop in step with digitalisation. Responding to new threats doesn’t always involve adding more tools – sometimes a rethink is what is required. As a leading group of companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we pool our partners’ expertise to offer our customers a comprehensive portfolio of services.

Our expertise covers a whole range of industries, and our client base extends from SMEs to major corporations, public institutions, schools and hospitals. Whether providing strategic consultancy, optimising processes or implementing services, we cover all business sectors and combat cybercrime with specialist solutions.

The members of the Swiss IT Security Group trade as independent companies. The holding company is owned by the individual partner companies (or their management) and the private investor group Ufenau Capital Partners AG.

Postes vacants chez Swiss IT Security Group AG

0 emplois vacants à domicile chez Swiss IT Security Group AG

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