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Results for development   ·  Abuja, Nigeria · Hybrid

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1.   Overview
1.1  Results for Development Institute (R4D):
Results for Development (R4D) is a leading non-profit global development partner. We collaborate with change agents around the world — government officials, civil society leaders and social innovators — to create strong systems that support healthy, educated people. We help our partners move from knowing their goal to knowing how to reach it. We combine global expertise in health, education and nutrition with analytic rigor, practical support for decision-making and implementation and access to peer problem-solving networks. Together with our partners, we build self-sustaining systems that serve everyone and deliver lasting results. Then we share what we learn so others can achieve results for development, too.
1.2  R4D Program Overview:
This consultancy will collaboratively lead the Nigeria in-country component of two complementary projects being carried out in partnership with the Global Financing Facility (GFF) and that are funded by the Gates Foundation. See more about the Access PDC and FASTR supply chain root cause analysis projects below.
R4D’s Market Shaping Practice, with support from the Gates Foundation, and in close partnership with the Global Financing Facility (GFF), is conducting a RMNACH-N procurement and distribution channels analysis (PDCA). This analysis aims to support GFF’s commodities and supply chain strategy to identify investment and policy reform opportunities to improve access to RMNCAH-N products in mixed health systems. The Increasing Access to RMNACH-N Procurement and Distribution Channels project (Access PDC) will contribute to the following outcomes:
·       Primary outcome: To shape and increase the volume of investments – including World Bank IDA loans - that are allocated towards prioritized RMNCAH-N interventions related to procurement and distribution channels within mixed health systems.
·       Intermediate Outcome A:Increased understanding of procurement and distribution channels for RMNCAH-N commodities within mixed health systems and potential interventions/investments to reinforce mixed health systems in select geographies.
·       Intermediate Outcome B: Improved the GFF and other donors’ strategic approach to partner with government and private sector actors to strengthen procurement and distribution channels and enable government stewardship of mixed systems that enhances access to RMNCAH-N commodities.
Access PDC is organized into four distinct phases across November 2024 – April 2026 (18 months)
·       Phase 1: Develop the methodology for a procurement and distribution channel analysis (PDCA) (Months 1-3
·       Phase 2: Apply PDCA methodology in two countries: Madagascar and Nigeria (Months 3-10)
·       Phase 3: Adapt (based on Phase 2 learnings) and apply the PDCA methodology in third GFF country (Months 8-15)
·       Phase 4: Develop a set of RMNCAH-N interventions/investments related to procurement and distribution channels for potential inclusion in a country roadmap (Months 11-18)
R4D’s Market Shaping Practice, with support from the Gates Foundation, and in close partnership with the Global Financing Facility (GFF), is building on existing investments in the FASTR data collection platform to develop and testing a new root cause methodology approach to address sub-national commodity stockouts.
This work has three phases that will span a roughly 2-year timeline:
·       Phase One: Development of survey approaches and data collection tools to identify stockout root causes (3-4 months)
·       Phase Two: Rapid prototyping and piloting of approaches in selected countries (14-18 months)
·       Phase Three: Documenting and sharing findings (3-4 months)
1.3  Contractor Activities and Deliverables
R4D is seeking a Contractor to co-lead the in-country components of two complementary projects (e.g., Access PDC and FASTR supply chain root cause analysis). The contractor will be responsible for developing an integrated and complementary workplan, covering the scope and requirements of success for both projects. The roles, expected deliverables, and anticipated due dates for these three workstreams are outlined below.
Note: this requisition may lead to hiring multiple consultants and/or firms if no single firm can undertake all the activities mentioned below.
(i)             Workstream 1: Project Coordination (across both projects)
Workstream 1 Role 1:
·       Develop integrated understanding of both projects desired outcomes and interdependencies
·       Draft workplan for activities, thinking through roles, internal deadlines, and potential risks to successfully complete deliverables
·       Collaborate with R4D to align the draft workplan with the overall project’s requirements for success
·       Facilitate regular check-ins to confirm status of workplan implementation and troubleshoot any issues throughout the duration of the project
·       A comprehensive and integrated workplan to 1) guide implementation of the PDCA and activities related to developing and advocating for PDC interventions and 2) implement the FASTR supply chain root cause analysis method in country
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
·       March 2025
(ii)            WORKSTREAM 2: ACCESS PDC
R4D is seeking a Contractor to co-lead in-country components of Access PDC in Nigeria. The Contractor should have a strong technical understanding of the Nigeria market, procurement and distribution channel analyses. Additionally, the Contractor should have active relationships with key stakeholders in the country’s RMNCAH+N landscape.  Lastly, the Contractor should have demonstrated project management skills and experience overseeing data collection.
Specific outputs/deliverables include the following. Precise deliverable dates will be determined in partnership with the selected Contractor at the beginning of the contract (all deliverables must be completed within timelines required for the overall project’s success).
PDCA Implementation
Workstream 2 Role 1:
·       Identify and collate a detailed list of key RMNCAH stakeholders and technical working groups to engage to raise awareness on the PDCA and for primary data collection
·       Review and provide feedback on the country-specific hypothesis tree and methodology plan
·       Identify and collate a detailed list of primary and secondary data resources, and proactively share any resources already in possession
·       Map of key RMNCAH stakeholders (both public and private sector actors) and technical working groups
·       High level feedback / revisions on R4D’s draft hypothesis tree of procurement and distribution channel challenges for RMNCAH-N products
·       High level feedback / revisions on R4D’s draft country methodology plan, including map of primary and secondary data resources for data collection
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
March 2025
Workstream 2 Role 2:
·       Prepare for stakeholder engagements and sensitization, including collaborating with the Access PDC team and GFF, to develop materials and talking points
·       Proactively lead outreach and meet with key RMNCAH stakeholders to share the methodology, gather feedback and secure buy-in for work; coordinate with GFF Nigeria team as needed.
·       Capture and synthesize feedback and action items
·       Support in carrying out any in person follow-ups with RMNCAH stakeholders and decision makers
Report summarizing feedback and input from key country stakeholders on draft methodology plan
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
April 2025
Workstream 2 Role 3:
·       Proactively guide data collection efforts, advising pivots when necessary based on technical expertise and realities on the ground
·       Coordinate with full team supporting data collection, including overseeing any additional contractors
·       Actively capture and share emerging findings throughout rounds of primary and secondary data collection and revise hypotheses as needed
·       Prepare a synthesis report of findings, analysis, and/or recommendations based on primary and secondary data collection
Report of findings, analysis, and/or recommendations based on primary and secondary data collection
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
July 2025
Workstream 2 Role 4:
·       Support preparation, including organizing stakeholders’ participation, collaborating with R4D (co-facilitators) to define workshop agenda and develop materials
·       Co-facilitate presentation of findings and discussion
·       Capture key points, action items, and decisions made
·       External meeting summary report of key points, action items, and decisions.
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
September 2025
Develop and Advocate for PDC Interventions/Investments
Workstream 2 Role 5:
·       Be an active thought partner and collaborate with the Access PDC team to brainstorm potential interventions based on PDCA findings
·       Pressure-test the draft interventions with a subset of key RMNCAH stakeholders (including GFF focal person), and synthesize feedback to provide a final version of potential interventions
·       Identify appropriate in-country pathways to advocate for proposed PDC interventions
·       Report of country-specific interventions and summary framework for implementation based on PDCA findings for inclusion in a country roadmap (if there is no pre-existing country roadmap, then a standalone document may be created)
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
November 2025
Workstream 2 Role 6:
·       Identify and collate the various pathways (including stakeholders, timelines and deliverables/materials) required to propose interventions for inclusion in a country roadmap
·       Validate these pathways with key RMNCAH decision makers
·       Map of pathways and deliverables/materials required to propose PDC interventions in a country roadmap
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
·       December 2025
Workstream 2 Role 7:
·       Provide technical assistance to support key RMNCAH stakeholders to engage in identified pathways to advocate for adoption of interventions in country roadmaps. This includes providing technical briefs, prepping talking points, etc.
·       Be proactive and solution-oriented to move forward advocacy efforts (e.g., discussions with stakeholders, getting on agendas of key technical working groups, etc.)
·       Keep the Access PDC team up to date on progress and learnings
·       Report identifying the status of adoption of proposed interventions in country roadmaps and proposed next steps
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
·       March 2026
(iii)           WORKSTREAM 3: GFF/FASTR
R4D is seeking a Contractor to lead in-country components of the in-country FASTR supply chain root cause analysis for Nigeria. The Contractor should have a strong technical understanding of health supply chain and public health systems. Additionally, the Contractor should have active relationships with key stakeholders in the country’s public health system, including the RMNCAH+N landscape.  Lastly, the Contractor should have demonstrated project management skills and experience overseeing data collection. Note that the timelines listed below are tentative but will be confirmed during contracting.
Methodology development and root cause analysis
Workstream 3 Role 1
·       Provide technical advice on the development and refinement of the supply chain root cause analysis
·       Adapt/revise supply chain root cause analysis to be Nigeria-specific
·       Nigeria-specific supply chain ‘fishbone’ analysis or similar root cause framework
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
May 2025
Project leadership: Testing and adaptation of root cause analysis framework in Nigeria
Workstream 3 Role 2
Project kickoff
·       In close partnership with the GFF focal person and building on FASTR engagement to date, socialize the proposed approach to national and sub-national leadership via a project launch workshop in Nigeria and through consultative meetings for sponsorship and linkage to key informant networks.
·       Identification and contracting of supplementary survey and data analysis capabilities where necessary, again noting that in existing FASTR countries like Nigeria the necessary skillsets and data may be achieved with marginal additions to the scope of work of already sub-contracted entities.
·       Completion of launch workshop and project launch report
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
June 2025
Workstream 3 Role 3
Project preparation and scoping
·       Design pilot approach, in collaboration with R4D and GFF counterparts
·       Consult with government stakeholders to align on the precise definition of ‘stockout event triggers’ that the team will respond to.
·       Access data sources and KII’s to populate the framework of root causes developed ‘a priori’ before piloting
·       Contribute to review and refinement of the framework based on implementation in Nigeria
·       Ensure updating of data sources in scope for analysis frequently based on learnings about what insights can be drawn from each source individually or by integrating with others.
·       Manage/limit the survey burden placed on individual key informants will be monitored and managed to acceptable limits agreed with Government sponsors in advance
·       Advise on additional data collection support that may be needed to operationalize the pilot
·       Documentation of key working definitions and SOPs for pilot, informed by feedback from stakeholders
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
August 2025
Workstream 3 Role 4
·       Implement 6-12 month pilot (duration TBC in consultation with government, R4D, and GFF)
·       Lead/support root cause analysis and refinement of methodology
·       Memo/brief after each data collection round, highlighting successes, challenges, learnings, and revisions for next data collection cycle
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
January 2026
Workstream 3 Role 5
·       Revise methodology and SOPs, to reflect best/successful practices in the Nigeria implementation
·       Final report that includes revised methodology and SOPs.
Expected Deliverable Completion Date:
March 2026
1.4  Standards
The Contractor shall abide by all local and international standards. In particular, the Contractor shall act with the upmost professionalism, both when engaging with the R4D team and external stakeholders.
1.5  Administrative and Other Misc. Requirements
The Contractor will be expected to regularly meet with R4D Market Shaping Practice, and anticipate a minimum of 1-hour virtual check-ins on a weekly basis to discuss progress and troubleshoot any challenges.
1.6  Deliverable and Proposed Payment Schedule
Proposal should include a proposed deliverable-based payment schedule.
2.   Offer Requirements
Responses should be concise and contain the following:
Profile and Capabilities:
1.     Please provide background information about your business or company and the services that you provide. (maximum 1 page)
o   Brief business history or company profile
o   Primary location (legal residency if individual)
o   Company or corporate name if applicable
o   Disclose anything that can be construed as a conflict of interest between R4D and the Offeror
2.     Short narrative or other information about your specialized experience and capabilities as it relates to this RFP, including experience working with non-profit organizations. (maximum 1 page)
3.     Project plan: detailed narrative summary articulating how you will manage both the Access PDC and FASTR workstreams to ensure there all deliverables are completed and appropriate stakeholders are brought along in the work. (maximum 1 page)
4.     Past performance:
a.     Provide a brief summary or narrative description of three recent contract engagements relevant or similar to the requested work (maximum 1-2 paragraphs per engagement)
b.     Provide a work sample you believe is indicative of the approach and technical requirements of this opportunity.
c.     Provide at least 3 client references, including company, contact name, phone number, and email address for which you have provided services similar to those requested herein. R4D reserves the right to contact the references.
d.     Indicate whether your business has been the subject of a lawsuit for services rendered. Provide general explanation of the case.
5.     Proposed personnel:
a.     List the team member(s) who will provide the requested services and provide a brief resume for each. If multiple, specify which will be the project lead.
b.     Indicate if you will use sub-contractors for any of the work.  It is not necessary to name sub-contractors but you may if you feel it will assist R4D in evaluating your offer.  
Cost Proposal:
Offeror should provide their estimated total cost to deliver the requested work. Offerors are invited to propose a partial payment schedule conditioned on receipt and approval of each of the requested deliverables. To assist with evaluating competing offers, respondents may detail their expected level of effort and fully loaded labor rates under each of the tasks to be performed. If using the labor rate method of price calculation the contractor must include all supplies, services, overheads and profit in the loaded labor rates. All costs should be included in the price per deliverable.  In discussion with the finalist, R4D will issue either a firm fixed price or labor hour contract.
3.   Evaluation Process and Schedule
3.1Schedule of Activities
Activity and Completion Date
Issue RFP before December 14, 2024
RFP Responses due January 3, 2025
Evaluation of Responses (including interviewing shortlisted candidates) no later than January 10, 2025
Award Contract anticipated January 24, 2025
Contract Start-up/Implementation anticipated February 3, 2025
3.2  Evaluation Criteria
·       Demonstrated technical experience in conducting data collection for market assessments
·       Match of Services Proposed with R4D Requirements
·       Pricing/Cost of Services Proposed
·       Customer References
·       Alternative Approaches (as applicable)
·       Additional Capabilities (desired by not required): experience in the MNCH market and/or supply chain, existing relationships with key stakeholders in the MNCH sector. .
4.   Communications Regarding this RFP
Offerors must submit an offer to this RFP no later than 12:00 midnight ET on January 3, 2025.
Offeror’s response to this RFP, in the whole, in part or by reference, may be incorporated into any resulting contractual agreement at the sole discretion of R4D to ensure that all representations made by the Offeror are legally binding.
5.   General Information
5.1 Proprietary Information
All information contained in this RFP is proprietary. It is for the sole use of the Offeror in connection with bid response preparation and is not to be used by Offeror for any other purpose or revealed or disclosed in any manner to any other individuals and/or company without specific written permission from R4D.
5.2  Procurement Protocol
R4D reserves the right to make all decisions regarding this RFP, including the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP. Offeror understands that the issuance of this RFP does not create any obligation on the part of R4D to enter into any contract or to undertake any other obligation with respect to the requirements referred to herein.
5.3  Addendum
In the event that any modification to this RFP becomes necessary, Offeror will be notified via email.
5.4  Notification of Supplier Selection
Offerors will be notified via email of the results of the selection process.
5.5  RFP Response Preparation Cost
All costs incurred by Offeror in the preparation of its response to this RFP, and any oral presentations requested, shall be wholly absorbed by the Offeror.
5.6  Confidentiality/Proprietary Information
Materials submitted by Offeror in response to the RFP that are considered confidential/proprietary must be clearly marked as such at the time of submission.
5.7  Contract Terms and Conditions
Engagement with selected Offeror will be based on R4D’s standard terms and conditions. It shall constitute the written agreement between Offeror and R4D and shall not be binding until fully executed and delivered by both parties.
5.8  No Publicity
No publicity or news release pertaining to this RFP, responses to this RFP, or the award of any contract related to this bid document may be released without R4D’s prior written approval.
5.9  Accuracy of Information
This RFP and other bid documents furnished by R4D may include errors, omissions, or deficiencies and the accuracy and completeness of such documents is not guaranteed. In the event of such errors, omissions, or deficiencies are discovered by Offeror, it shall promptly notify R4D in writing. Corrected information will be provided to all Offerors.
5.10                Alternative Solutions
Offeror(s) who wish to submit an alternative proposal in addition to the requested FRP response are invited to do so. Alternative solutions must be clearly marked as such and state whether they are exclusive or inclusive of the requested FRP requirements.
5.11                Third Party Services/Products
Offeror must clearly identify any third-party product(s) or service(s) that is a part of its RFP response.
5.12                Offeror’s Response
A clear and complete response must be provided for each element of the RFP. Any response which deviates from the stated requirements must be noted and underlined.
6.   Minority and Women Owned and Small Business Enterprises
R4D has been and continues to be a strong advocate of diversifying its supplier base and increasing our volume of business with minority, women owned and small business enterprises. Indicate whether or not your company has a MWBE certification by an accredited certification body (i.e. National Minority Development Council, Small Business Administration, Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, etc.). If certified, provide name of certifying agency and date your current certification expires.
Results for Development is an EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled/Affirmative Action Employer committed to fostering
and nurturing an energetic, collaborative and diverse workforce. R4D provides market-competitive salaries and comprehensive employee benefits.
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