How hard is it to learn HTML?


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If you are a newbie in the field of technology and would like to start building websites and web applications, then this article is for you. Here's all the basics you need to get started with this markup language and where to start learning HTML.

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HTML is one of the most popular languages ​​in the technical field. This basic programming language stands for HyperText Markup Language and was developed in 1993 by Tim Berners-Lee, a well-known physicist, to facilitate the transfer of text files over the Internet. Since then, it has played an essential role in web development and design.

What is HTML used for?

As technology evolved, additional versions and uses for HTML were developed to meet the needs of different categories of end users. Below are some of the most popular uses of this common language.

  • For creating websites and applications. HTML contains basic concepts such as tags and elements that make it possible to structure the content of web pages and web applications. Well-written HTML code allows you to structure headings, titles, paragraphs, images and links for professional websites, web and mobile applications.
    For navigating websites. When developing a website, you can use HTML code to enable navigation between multiple web pages by adding a navigation element that contains links to the different aspects of the website. With HTML it is also possible to embed external links into your web pages.
  • To facilitate web design. HTML makes it easier to use web design languages. CSS is used to design the layout of a website, and JavaScript enables dynamic functionality of the content. HTML achieves this by using its elements and tags to describe how the content of web pages should be displayed. The designers can assign functions to the HTML elements and implement them.
  • For storing web data. HTML5 allows you to store large amounts of web application data in your browser. Local storage allows you to store data offline in your web browser. Session storage allows you to access data on pages from a website and a window. This data storage is temporary and is lost as soon as the window is closed.
  • Make websites scalable. HTML allows you to compress or minify your code. The benefit of making your code smaller is that it allows visitors to load web page content faster and reduces operational costs. It also makes it easier for the web browser to interpret and manage large content such as images and videos.

How hard is it to learn HTML?

Learning HTML is pretty easy. The hard part is implementing HTML efficiently when creating responsive and scalable websites. This part requires guidance, patience, caution and perseverance from you. If you are a complete beginner, you may find it confusing to master all the properties and rules of HTML elements and tags, but with the right teacher it becomes easier.

When writing HTML code, make sure you learn at your own pace so you don't feel overwhelmed. For most developers, HTML5 is the easiest to learn because of its modern features. Mastering the concepts and applications of HTML is easier if you apply the knowledge directly when developing your first web page. In this phase, you should focus on creating a functional website.

Is HTML harder than CSS?

The level of difficulty depends on the technical background of the user. For most people, HTML is easier to understand than CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). If you have a basic understanding of computer science, it will be easier to familiarize yourself with the concepts and terms of HTML basics.

If you master the concepts, you will learn programming faster. Professional training may be required for more in-depth knowledge of HTML.

CSS requires a thorough understanding of web design in order to use this language efficiently and troubleshoot any problems that may arise. Unlike HTML and JavaScript, which have a fixed application process, CSS takes a more autonomous approach. The efficiency of the design depends to a large extent on the experience of the designer. You can use CSS tools to improve your web design.

Tips for learning HTML

If you are ready to start learning HTML, you can use the tips listed below to learn HTML faster, write efficient and error-free source code, and improve your chances of becoming a professional in the discipline so that you can get a well-paying job in the tech industry.

  1. Learn HTML terms. This is the best approach to learn anything. Learning and understanding the technical terms and tools used for writing HTML source code makes it easier to write your code. This will reduce the number of trials and errors you have to go through.
  2. Use tutorials to improve your skills. There are several online HTML tutorials that can help you learn to write basic HTML code. The advantage of a tutorial is that you can practice with it. All you need to do is copy your tutor's application and recreate it in your project.
  3. Ask advanced HTML users to review your code. If you are a beginner at writing HTML code, you can improve your skills by asking experienced programmers to review your work. With the insights you get from them, you can avoid future mistakes and learn to fix errors that can affect your website performance.
  4. Use external validators to check the quality of your code. There are special tools you can use to check the quality of your code before it is published. The W3C offers an online markup validation service that allows HTML coders to verify the authenticity of their website. For more advanced validations, you can use one of W3C Developer's open source tools.
  5. Use comments to improve collaboration and reuse code. Adding comments to your HTML file allows you to reference them when needed, especially when you need to fix bugs and code errors. This also allows other developers who review your code to understand some of your coding decisions.
  6. Take an HTML course to expand your web knowledge. To gain a deep understanding of HTML, you may need to take a course. Taking an HTML course will give you a broader understanding of the discipline. You will understand how this language interacts and works with other programming languages. You can also improve your programming skills.

How long does it take to learn HTML?

How long it takes to learn HTML depends on the depth you want to achieve and your learning capacity. You can learn the basics of the language in a few hours to a few months. According to Codecademy, you can learn the basics of HTML in nine hours, but if you want to create interactive websites, it will take you much longer to learn the language.

Where to start learning HTML

For beginner programmers who want to improve their HTML skills, there are various training resources and learning options. The most important factor when choosing an HTML learning format is your current level of technical knowledge and learning capacity. Some of the best learning options are the following.

HTML coding bootcamps

If you are a complete beginner with no coding experience, a coding bootcamp is the best option for you. HTML coding bootcamps ensure that you receive expert guidance throughout your training.

You will learn about various aspects of this language, especially how these features interact with other programming languages. HTML bootcamps also provide you with the resources you need to build a professional portfolio and land a job in the technology industry.


Online courses are an ideal way to properly grasp the fundamentals of a subject area. HTML online courses help you break down your learning process into short lessons, each offered at fixed prices so you can complete them easily. This allows you to sign up and pay for the lessons you want to brush up on. Some of the ideal platforms to learn HTML are Udemy and edX.

HTML courses

If you choose a more traditional degree program, you can learn HTML as part of your associate's or bachelor's degree program. Certain degrees can help you learn HTML. Degrees in computer science, information technology, web design, and web development are your best bet. A degree gives you theoretical and practical knowledge of HTML and other advanced concepts in the technical field.

Free HTML Resources

Free online resources are the cheapest way to learn HTML. You can take advantage of HTML prep courses, articles, and tutorials to gain basic knowledge in this field. The obvious advantage of this method is that it gives you a hands-on insight into the subject matter without risk and allows you to more easily explore advanced concepts in HTML.

Is it hard to get a job with HTML?

Yes, it can be difficult to get a job with just HTML knowledge. While most tech jobs require a combination of programming skills, it's not impossible to find a job with HTML skills. You just need to know where to look and what your options are.

To help you get started, below is a list of well-paying jobs for HTML professionals that also offer you the opportunity to learn and grow your career.

Is it worth learning HTML?

Yes, it's worth learning HTML if you're a technical writer specializing in coding topics or an aspiring web developer, UX/UI designer, or programmer. Knowing how to use HTML efficiently when solving real-world projects will improve the quality of your service offering. It also improves your technical knowledge of how the web works.

HTML is the language of the Internet. Most websites run on this programming language, so you don't have to worry about it becoming obsolete any time soon. This basic programming language is the stepping stone to learning other programming languages ​​and specializing in one of the many career options in the technical field. With solid knowledge of HTML, you can earn a decent income.

Is HTML difficult to learn?

Is HTML harder than Python?

No, Python is a little more difficult to learn than HTML. Python is a general purpose language. Exploring the full scope of the language requires guided training, constant practice and patience. However, Python syntax is easy to understand, learn, and use in various projects. She will keep you on your toes as you try to master her.

Is HTML harder than Java?

No, Java is harder to learn than HTML. With Java, the user must first understand the logic and how to implement it. Java is also not in the same functional class as HTML. It is a language for writing applications for mobile phones and games and is very popular among software developers. Also, unlike HTML, Java is a broad language. There are several built-in packages that you need to familiarize yourself with before you can implement the language.

Is programming websites difficult?

Yes, website programming can be difficult to learn if you don't have a technical background. The languages ​​may seem too foreign to you and this can make implementation difficult. However, it is not an impossible task. There are website programming training providers and online resources to help you gain the skills you need. As long as you're willing to put in the effort, you're good to go.

Can you get a job with HTML and CSS alone?

Yes you can. There are jobs in the technical field that can only be done with knowledge of HTML and CSS. As an HTML and CSS programmer, you can work as a technical specialist, web designer, or junior developer, depending on the company. You can use your CSS skills for web content management and email management tasks. You can also take advantage of the gig economy and offer your skills on freelance platforms.

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