Why is Java so popular among developers and programmers?


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Even though more and more programming languages ​​are developing, it seems Java becoming more widespread from year to year. So why is it still so popular after +22 years?

Java , which celebrated its 22nd anniversary in 2017, has seen constant evolution in its programming efficiency for decades. It is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world and was designed to work consistently at every level.

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Why is Java so popular?

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One of the main reasons why Java is so popular is its platform independence. Programs can run on different types of computers; As long as a Java runtime environment (JRE) is installed on the computer, a Java program can run on it.

Most types of computers are compatible with a JRE, including Windows PCs, Macintosh computers, Unix or Linux computers, large mainframe computers, and mobile phones.

Because JRE has been around for so long, some of the largest organizations in the world are developed in this language. Many banks, retailers, insurance companies, utilities, and manufacturers use Java.

Steve Zara, for more than 40 years programmer , describes that there is no sign that the use of Java is declining. Rather, it is an evolving language that combines stability with innovation in an almost unique way.

Zara highlights the longevity of the language, explaining that the code you might have written 15 years ago runs on the most modern JVMs and takes advantage of the speed advantage of the latest profiling, native code translation and memory management.

Java is fundamentally object-oriented. The code is so robust because Java objects do not contain references to data outside themselves.

The language is considered very simple; however, it comes with a library of classes that provide commonly used utility functions without which most Java programs cannot function.

The Java API, the class library, is as much a part of Java as the language itself. The real challenge in learning to use Java is not learning the language, but learning the API.

The language consists of 50 keywords, but the Java API includes thousands of classes with tens of thousands of methods that you can use in your programs.

Despite this, developers are not expected to learn the entire Java API, and most of them are only familiar with and fluent in a small part of it.

Is it worth learning Java?

Java is still a relevant programming language that shows no signs of declining in popularity and is therefore worth learning. Most developers choose Java as their first programming language because it is relatively easy to learn.

Since the language has a syntax similar to English with a minimum of special characters, Java can be learned in a short time and used to create suitable applications.

Java belongs to a family of languages ​​heavily influenced by C++ (and C#), so learning Java offers great benefits when learning these other two languages.

Swarnim Srivastava , a Java enthusiast, agrees that this language is worth learning. He explains the critical areas in which it is used:

Creation of Android applications

Although there are other ways to build Android applications, most applications are written in Java using Google's Android API. Although Android uses different JVM and packaging methods, the code is still predominantly written in Java.

Java web applications

Many government, health insurance, education and defense agencies have built their web applications in Java. An important example of this is Google Gmail.

Software tools

Many useful software and development tools are written and developed in Java, such as: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans IDE.

Scientific Applications

Nowadays is Java often the default choice for scientific applications, including natural language processing. The main reason for this is that Java is secure, portable, maintainable, and has better high-level concurrency tools than C++ or any other language.

Depending on your career prospects, you can pursue different career paths with Java. Whether you are interested in developing games, mobile applications, desktop or web applications, Java is capable of working in these environments.

Regardless of whether you use Java in your job or job, you will learn syntax, ideas, patterns, tools, styles, and peculiarities that are transferrable to other programming languages.

Learning Java gives you the opportunity to see how one language does something compared to another. Knowing what works in Java and other languages ​​will make you an even better, more well-rounded developer.

Why program in Java?

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Java is easy to write and easy to run - this is the fundamental strength of Java and the reason why many developers in Programming Java . Once you write Java, you can run it almost anywhere and at any time.

Java can be used to create complete applications that can run on a single computer or be distributed across servers and clients on a network.

So you can easily use it to create mobile applications or run desktop applications using different operating systems and servers such as Linux or Windows.

Once a developer is familiar with installing JDK, setting up PATH and understanding how CLASSPATH works, he will be able to create code with ease.

There are many possibilities in Java, and you can find libraries that can do almost anything. There are better GUI (Graphical User Interface) systems with Java than the standard AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) and Swing libraries.

You can also connect to databases using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).

For these reasons, the developer community proves to be the strength of the language and its platform. A programming language would not survive if there was no community to support it, help and share knowledge.

The Importance of Java

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With the language being as popular as it is, there are tons of resources to learn from. Fortunately, many of these resources are available online and can guide you through the learning process. There are free and paid learning resources depending on your skill level.

Technology is advancing at an incredible pace, meaning there are many new job opportunities and developers who have solid Java skills are in high demand.

The Java programming language already has a solid foundation and continues to create many jobs in the technology industry.

OpenJDK is a free and open source for implementing the Java programming language. Since it is an open source programming language, it is platform independent in all operating system environments.

Java is an all-round universal programming language. Because of its robustness and scalability, Java can be found on mobile phones, desktops, and large-scale industrial servers and applications.

Recently, Java has gained credibility in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud development.

There are approximately 10 million Java developers worldwide, and this community continues to grow every day. Similar to other open source technologies, Java promotes the values ​​of giving back to the public.

Online forums like StackOverflow consist of Java development experts ready to help beginners.

Java is used more often in everyday life than you might think. It is used on popular websites like Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Amazon, and eBay that you may use frequently. Additionally, Java has a solid development plan with continued advances in security and performance.

While Java may not suit everyone's needs, it is a popular programming language that is widely used and benefits many people and businesses.

Even after +22 years of existence, Java is constantly evolving.

With several million developers using and working on the Java programming language, the community continues to grow and inspire.

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