Top 5 most in-demand programming languages ​​in today's job market


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Programming languages ​​are extremely in demand today. In the technological wonderland of today's modern world, there are many languages ​​and codes that machines, programs, hardware, software or other electronic devices use to function correctly. Specialists or programmers can delve into this code and edit it for new functions and behaviors.

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This might sound like a boring job until you realize the breadth of applications of these programming languages. These applications can be as small as the Flappy Bird game on your iPhone, but also as large as helping construction workers control giant cranes to build skyscrapers or helping astronauts control spaceships.

Every machine and every online platform needs to be programmed in some form in order to function properly, from VCRs to YouTube - everything has a programming language hidden somewhere. Since the use of programming languages ​​is so extremely high in today's market, it could be said that learning to code is a solid and marketable skill - not only for workers but also for freelancers. Today, many people working on their professional development learn programming languages ​​to become freelancers and their own bosses.

Learning to program is now an unwritten job requirement

Today, programming is no longer an extracurricular point on your CV. Employers expect “full-fledged employees” - regardless of whether you want to work in IT, the pharmaceutical industry, business or elsewhere. The lack of ability to program and unwillingness to learn in this area could be seen as a sign of inflexibility and inability to pursue research and development.

And in fact, between a candidate who can code and one who can't, employers will always choose the candidate who has gotten their hands dirty with programming.

Benefits of learning a programming language

Learning at least one programming language is beneficial for many reasons. Firstly, software development is one of the highest paid professions, which also guarantees good benefits such as the opportunity to work in a different location and flexible working hours. This not only enables solid compensation, but also has a positive effect on professional development and provides a feeling of personal freedom.

Second, while we can't fully predict how the job market will evolve (as we discussed in the Race Against the Machine article), we can be fairly confident that the demand for software programmers will continue to grow for another 10 to 20 years. So if you decide to become a software developer now, you can be sure that you will manage to become financially free before this demand ever ends. That means security.

And even if you don't plan to work alone as a programmer, sooner or later you will have the need to work with programmers - either at work or in your own company. Basic knowledge of programming will allow you to distinguish between a strong and a weak programmer and select the most talented people to work with in the future.

Thirdly, programming teaches you to think logically. Therefore, learning a programming language is a good exercise for your brain even if you don't plan to ever work as a professional software developer.

Programming also requires communication skills on many levels: effective and precise communication with your customer, with the machine itself and also with other users of your software. You need to clearly understand your customer's expectations and create a plan for implementing the solution. You also need to be specific about the tasks you want to perform, otherwise the machine will get a syntax error. Finally, you need to write clear comments and documentation, otherwise no one will be able to use your code.

Last but not least, programming can be like a Zen meditation. For many people it is a truly relaxing and almost transcendental activity. When you program, nothing matters except you, the machine, and the communication between the two of you - the outside world is blocked out. If you learn to code, you might discover a new, stimulating and relaxing hobby that will help you calm down, breathe deeply and feel good.

It is also an interesting experience to have perfect control over the course of events. A computer program is deterministic. It acts like an extension of your arm that does exactly what you tell it to do. And it can execute so many commands and find answers to so many questions! As you play with it and develop more and more complex commands, you might get excited about programming and start solving serious real-world problems from the comfort of your own home. This could also affect your professional development.

The variety of programming languages

However, before you plunge headlong into the matter, you should choose between several programming languages. Some of them are more versatile and common than others. Of course, once you learn one language, you can learn another in a reasonable amount of time because the logic is the same. However, learning a new programming language from scratch and becoming a first-class specialist takes a lot of valuable time.

To help ease the confusion of newbies, we have ranked the 5 best programming languages ​​to learn in today's job market. These languages ​​were chosen due to high demand and wide range of applications. If you choose to learn one of these languages, you will be working on your professional development and doing yourself a great service in terms of your marketability. So without further ado, let's find out which languages ​​are best to start with and why.

1. Python

The unanimous winner is in our books Python . Python is versatile in its applications. You can use this language to create websites, program artificial intelligence, and implement machine learning. Python Code can automate tasks or perform data analysis and show you the results either visually or in numbers.

Python Logo - What:

While other languages ​​listed in this article serve primarily as tools for building new applications and websites, Python can also be used for data analysis and research. Therefore, it is useful for both software developers and academic researchers.

Python is an open source language with a modular structure. Basic Python code can be extended by importing packages: bundles of code programmed by other users and made openly available. Anyone can attach their own Python package to the public repository - no wonder the size of Python applications is growing every day.

Python packages allow for a beginner-friendly learning curve. You don't need to memorize every command and understand the intricacies of how the Python compiler works to complete a project. It is enough to google for examples of methods or graphics you need, and then change some parameters or swap the input files to build a deep neural network or create a beautiful fractal figure.

As an open, transparent, democratic language with an almost limitless scope, it's no wonder Python is popular in the world of data science and across numerous industries. It is a real lingua franca in the IT industry. Strategically, Python is a good choice for your professional development and professional portfolio. So if you are unsure about your future career plans, Python is a good first choice to learn programming.

Some examples of Python applications are:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Data analytics
  • Visualization of data
  • Apps

2. Javascript

Javascript is another heavily used industrial programming language, similar to Python. The areas of application are much narrower, but it is easier to focus on where it is used. Javascript brings interactivity to your internet browser. If you've ever played a game in your browser or watched a video online, then you've experienced Javascript's interface.

JavaScript - Quelle:

Although it is not as versatile as Python, this language is still in high demand with new companies creating new websites every day. Companies need Javascript -Programmers to implement new features into their websites such as: E.g. dedicated UI buttons, sliding picture wheels, aesthetically pleasing event timers or countdowns, animations, menu customizations, etc.

Some examples of Javascript applications are:

  • Adding interactive features to websites
  • Creation of web and mobile applications
  • Building web servers and their applications
  • Development of games

3. Java

Java is the most commonly used object-oriented programming language. Java is a fairly versatile language, although it is mainly used for mobile device applications. Remember the mention of VCR programming earlier? The Java language is used there. Have you ever heard of or used Spotify or Twitter on your Android device? These are Java applications.

Java Logo - Those:

Java -Developers boast that over 3 billion devices work with their language. It is also known as the best language when it comes to communication between devices, also known as Internet of Things (IoT). As you can see, Java can be used in a variety of situations.

Some examples of Java applications are:

  • Mobile applications
  • Desktop-GUI
  • Web-based applications (LinkedIn or AliExpress)
  • Game development (Minecraft)
  • Big data technologies
  • Cloud applications

4. C and C++

C is one of the older programming languages. It was the successor to the B programming language. C++ was developed as an extension of C. C++ is actually short for “C with classes”. Its main advantage as a programming language is high performance achieved in a memory-efficient manner.

C++ programming language - source:

C++ is the king of programming languages ​​when it comes to programming video games. All major consoles read C++ code. So if you plan to develop high-quality video games, this might be the right language for you. Although it is heavily associated with video games, C++ is probably the most versatile language out there. Both Apple and Microsoft use C++ in their operating systems. Internet browsers are also usually created with C++.

Some examples of C++ applications are:

  • Video games
  • GUI applications (Adobe, WinAmp)
  • Database software (MySQL)
  • Operating systems (Microsoft Windows, iOS)
  • Browser (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome)
  • Graphic processing
  • Banking applications
  • Cloud applications

5. Swift

Swift Logo - Quelle:

Finally, let's talk about Swift. Swift is a special programming language developed by the tech giant Apple and intended specifically for Apple products. Although it was also developed for non-Apple products, it is now primarily known as Apple language. If you're an Apple fan and are willing to code on Apple's ridiculously large platform, this might be a great language for you to learn. While learning, you will work on your professional development. Its applications include:

Some examples of Swift applications are:

  • iPhone and iPad applications
  • MacOS applications
  • Apple Watch applications
  • Apple TV applications
  • Web services and applications

Conclusion: Which programming language should you learn to expand your possibilities as a professional?

So there you have it! Five different programming languages ​​that are in high demand in today's electronic economy. Some of them are not very easy to learn while others are easy to learn. Programming in general is sometimes fraught with obstacles, no matter what language you learn. But if you give it enough time, you might find a skill that will land you a dream job or allow you to work from home and grow professionally on your own terms! It's definitely worth a try.

And contrary to popular stereotype, it doesn't take you years to get to the point where you can work as a developer; By systematically working in your free time, you can get your first jobs as a developer after just a few months. Good luck!

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