Do you need an onboarding portal and onboarding manager?


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New employees face numerous challenges when preparing for work. They must learn a new workflow, understand their new role, adapt to their unique work environment and build relationships with their colleagues. This all happens at once, which can be overwhelming for them. For this reason, companies are developing one Onboarding Strategy , either in person or digitally, to help new employees adapt to their new environment.

Onboarding new employees is one of the most important aspects of a well-run company. It's an important activity because it determines how productive new employees will be in the future and ensures they don't slow down your company's growth.

This strategy includes using an onboarding portal and having an onboarding manager to help new employees get started as they join the company.

But how do these elements contribute to the onboarding process? This article introduces the onboarding portal and onboarding manager and explains why you need them.

What is an onboarding portal?

An onboarding portal is a central website/digital location where new employees can access important information, manage tasks, communicate, collaborate with their team, and get up to speed as quickly as possible. The more information a new employee has at their disposal, the easier and faster they can reach peak productivity. Since new employees are usually hesitant to ask questions, the portal should also be friendly and straightforward.


Your onboarding portal must:

  • have a structured system for transmitting information
  • Connect the new employees with your team and make them feel like they are part of the family
  • integrate well into your current workflows and systems
  • Create a pleasant experience for the new employee
  • Have pre-boarding features

When do you need an onboarding portal and an onboarding manager?

You are currently hiring a lot of employees or plan to do so in the future

If hiring large numbers of employees is an essential part of your business, consider an onboarding manager and dedicated onboarding software. Having the right people and resources is the best way to work more efficiently and effectively.

Your employee turnover is high

According to statistics, a good one can Onboarding Increase employee retention by up to 82%.

According to statistics, abandoned 34% of new hires leave their jobs within the first 90 days due to an incident or bad experience, including an inefficient onboarding process. That's why an excellent onboarding system and process is critical to getting your employees up to speed, onboarded, and fully integrated into your team. Replacing employees is costly because new employees can incur additional training costs, lost productivity, and additional onboarding costs when they leave the company.

You want to improve productivity

Simply put, you want your new team members to be productive as quickly as possible. The faster new employees can learn the ropes, the faster they can develop their full potential. If you hire a new employee every two months and it takes them three months to become fully productive, you've wasted a lot of time. Implementing efficient and effective onboarding procedures through an onboarding portal can significantly reduce this ineffectiveness.

You want happier and more engaged employees

Onboarding can go a long way in making new employees feel part of the company and aligned with the company's vision, mission, values, and culture. Onboarding can be a powerful platform to integrate employees into your way of working and make them feel comfortable. It is crucial to make employees feel like they are part of the team and valued. Then they will do their best for the company and both sides will be satisfied.

What are the benefits of an onboarding portal?

Enables an easy and smooth transition for your new employees.

An onboarding portal makes your new employees feel welcome and comfortable while they learn the company's procedures and policies. It also helps ensure that the transition to a new work environment is seamless.

It can be customized to suit your company's needs.


Your onboarding portal can be customized to suit your company’s needs. As your company's needs change and evolve, so should your onboarding portal. This way, you can ensure that your portal remains current and engaging even as your business grows.

Ensures maximum productivity as quickly as possible

You can one Onboarding-Portal Use it to plan tasks, track progress, activate chat functions, present important information and set reminders. Your new employee can settle in quickly and start their work routine productively with as little downtime as possible. This means you waste less time and money on the business and make more profit.

What are the benefits of an onboarding manager?

You will save money

The cost of staff turnover is high, so hiring the right people can save you money. With an onboarding manager, you increase the likelihood that your hiring and onboarding processes will go right the first time. If you use a dedicated resource correctly, you will save money on unnecessary staff turnover.

Your team will work productively.


No new employee will be fully productive right from the start; however, the goal should always be to get him there as quickly as possible. An onboarding manager who coordinates the onboarding process allows your new employees to start working as quickly as possible. If there is an onboarding manager managing the onboarding process, your current team does not need to be fully involved in designing the onboarding process. You can set it up so that it only has to attend the team introduction or volunteer to mentor the new talent.

Your employees will be happier.

An onboarding manager drives the onboarding process. It ensures that your new employee has a pleasant experience and guarantees that the burden is not shifted to other employees, resulting in a happy and productive team. Many companies burden their employees - especially the HR team - with preparing and carrying out onboarding. An onboarding manager takes on this responsibility and ensures that the onboarding process is pleasant for everyone involved.

In summary, an onboarding portal is an efficient way to provide your new employee with the necessary information, tools and assistance. The main goal is for them to settle in as quickly as possible and reach their maximum productivity. At the same time, an onboarding manager is crucial to a smooth onboarding process as they can make the new employee feel welcome.

Now that we've established why an onboarding portal and an onboarding manager are so important, the questions that arise are: How do you choose the right onboarding portal and hire the right onboarding manager?

How should you choose the right onboarding portal?


Make sure the software offers the features you need.

Think about the features, the information to be presented, and the pre-onboarding features. Does the software meet your business needs and offer robust features?

Make sure the software integrates with your existing tools, software and workflows.

Make sure the software fits seamlessly into your current workflow and makes your life easier, rather than requiring you to change your workflow and drastically adapt to the new tool.

Make sure the user experience is pleasant.

You want onboarding new team members to be as pleasant as possible, so you need software that is easy to use and fun to use. If possible, you should try a software demo to get a feel for the software before purchasing it.

How should you choose the right onboarding manager?

Take your time.

Hiring a new employee always requires proper due diligence, but even more so when it's an important role like onboarding manager. Take your time and don't rush anything. If you wait and look for the right person, you will find them.

Make sure your onboarding manager is passionate about what they do.

Look for someone who enjoys their work and is enthusiastic about it. Working with new employees can be difficult. So if you have someone who is passionate about what they do, they will feel less stressed about their work.

Determine the person's character and personality traits.

We recommend that the onboarding manager should have most, if not all, of the following characteristics:

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills for the creation of Onboarding -Templates
  • Previous HR experience
  • Careful planning skills
  • Proven success in cross-departmental teamwork
  • Empathy and patience

Keep these points in mind during the hiring process and make sure you do enough testing and evaluation to find someone who meets your needs.

Final thoughts

You only have one chance to make a first impression, and first impressions usually stick. Onboarding is the first impression a company gets of new employees. Therefore, it is crucial to create a healthy business and work environment and ensure your team is motivated, productive and efficient. An onboarding portal and an onboarding manager are two important parts of the onboarding process that can save you a lot of money and time in the long run. So consider both. They are a worthwhile investment.

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