Explaining How Things Work: How to Do It and Why It's Important


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If you can't stop working...

I went to my local airport to leave for a business trip. In the departure lounge I noticed some older women having a hard time using the self-check-in machine.

My instincts for user training kicked in. Using my own passport as an example, I showed them how to check in and get their boarding passes. I helped them get their cards, just like I guide my employers' customers through the workflow of our product.

A few years later the tables were turned. I bought a new washing machine. The instruction manual was in all languages ​​except English. Based on the product name on the receipt, I found a video review of this washing machine on YouTube where someone showed how to use it. I was able to operate the washing machine within 5 minutes.

Nowadays technology is everywhere. We use computers in the office, various devices at home, ATMs, ticket machines and gas pumps on the street, and smartphones in our pockets.

Explaining how something works has become an important management task. Customer service representatives explain how technology works to solve their customers' problems. Sales reps do the same thing to get customers to buy or use their products. Managers help their colleagues and train their subordinates in the use of various applications.

Demonstrating and training employees in using unfamiliar applications is part of most change management projects.

At the beginning there is a process

Explaining how something works always starts with a process. There are two variants.

Die Version with instructions (train someone to use a system): The focus is on showing listeners how to use that system to achieve a specific result. I showed the ladies how to print out their boarding passes and have them issued by the machine.

Die Advertising variant (selling someone a system): The focus is on showing how the system delivers a business result. If I were selling automated check-in kiosks for airports, I would show my audience the advantages of these machines: Passengers can check in themselves, so the airline needs fewer check-in agents.

The teaching variant

Imagine writing a user manual for a wheelbarrow.

Every act of instruction begins with one Learning objective . When planning a training event, this is best summarized in a “can do” statement.

"At the end of this training, the user will be able to load, unload and maneuver a wheelbarrow.

So we would Main process from the beginning to the end.

"Place the load in the wheelbarrow's bucket. Grasp the handles and lift, with the entire weight of the bucket resting on the wheel. Walk forward and push the wheelbarrow to your destination. Once there, lift the Handles above your head. The load will fall from the shovel.

Often there is Variations the most important operational processes.

"If the load is a single, solid object, lift it and carefully place it in the bucket. Upon arrival, lift the load from the wheelbarrow to avoid damage or injury.

Here is a Care instructions "Oil the axle of the wheel so that it turns easily.

Here is a Safety instruction "Bend your knees when lifting the handles and keep your back straight when pushing the wheelbarrow."

Clearly identify these departments with headings, captions, etc., putting the main process first.

Also be sure to include any requirements for the solution to work, such as: B. installing drivers, entering data or integrating with other applications.

The doctoral variant

This is how we demonstrate a wheelbarrow to the buyer of a construction company.

"This wheelbarrow will allow your employees to move heavy loads without injury or fatigue. Minimal training is required to operate this equipment."

"Place the load in the bucket. Raise the handles until the weight rests on the wheels. Push the vehicle forward to the destination. Raise the handles to empty the bucket."

“We moved this heavy load from one location to another quickly and quietly, with no injuries and zero carbon emissions.

This description covers the main process and states the advantages of the product.

Do It Yourself 1: How good are the processes you use?

Think about some of the processes you personally deal with. These can be online instructions for submitting an insurance application or requesting a service. How easy are these instructions to understand? Where is the problem? How simple is the language? Was each step clearly described? Have all the requirements been mentioned?

Do It Yourself 2: How good are your processes?

Now think about the processes you are responsible for. When you teach a new colleague how to use an application or device, how well does she understand it? Are you sure you explained everything to her? Did you explain each step to her in the correct order?

Try writing down this process. Writing is a good way to separate an idea from yourself and see it as an independent object. What do you need to get the process started? What is produced? What is it good for? Have you considered all the steps? Are there parts that you feel like you don't really understand?

You might be in for a surprise! I would like to know how you got on. Get in touch with us and tell us about it!

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