Career management: defining process and goal


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The term “career management” is a bit abstract for some people. It sounds like a vague, indefinable concept that doesn't really mean much. In reality, career management is a very significant and specific process that, when done correctly, helps ensure long-term career success.

Career management is like contributing to your own career piggy bank. It's similar to good financial planning. A disciplined and regular investment in your career brings a higher return. In other words, if you want to advance your career, you have to "work at it every day."

To make the most of your career, you have to take care of it. If you're left to your own devices, your career can get completely derailed. Without a structured career development plan, you will quickly find yourself doing what is easy or comfortable or what others expect of you. You may find that your future goals do not align with your current actions. And before you know it, your career will dominate you.

Here is the truth about the process and purpose of career management.

1. Career management is a lifelong process

The first point you need to understand is that Career management is not a one-time event; it's part of your career. Don't put it off until you suddenly realize there's a problem. Like a car, regular maintenance helps keep your ride running smoothly.

2. Career management is an active process

You can't just sit back and let others do the work for you. Otherwise you will end up in the Career from someone else! You must be an active, engaged participant - a proactive professional.


3. Career management is a structured process

Career management is most useful when carefully structured. Without structure, most of us would neglect it until an emergency occurs. Structure helps keep the process moving at a consistent, stable pace, regardless of what is happening.

4. Career management is about setting, tracking and correcting

Here are some things you need to notice, track and correct in your career:


  • Set up goals - The real core of career management is understanding what you want to achieve. For many people, this is also the hardest part. Each goal should be broken down into tasks that, once completed, will achieve the goal. A schedule can then be created that records the individual steps along the way.
  • follow goals - Monitoring progress is a satisfying and useful strategy. Career management includes regular review of the goals set and the progress made. This helps prevent stagnation and ensures that career goals are methodically integrated into the rest of your life.
  • Course-Correct - Career goals will change and grow, just as you do. Part of career management is monitoring them and adjusting them as necessary. Every step along the way will increase your understanding of what you want and how to get it. The map is not set in stone. As you move forward, the career management process will help you find new paths and new goals.

Participating in a structured career management process demonstrates the important role career plays in your entire life. For most people, their careers can provide the opportunity to achieve a variety of other personal goals, such as buying a home, starting a family, or traveling the world. In addition, work takes up a large part of the time we spend on this planet, so it is clearly worth investing energy in shaping your career.

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