How to negotiate your salary in any situation


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Talking about money in an interview is never easy. And it's even harder to ask for more money when you get a job offer.

You have the skills. You are ready to make a positive difference. You know you are worth it. But just before the interview, doubts creep in because no transition is complete without a little fear.

Even the most experienced among us have felt like they didn't deserve X salary or X title, even if they were perfectly prepared to succeed. That's why this overview is about Salary negotiations so important. It's a simple guide to help you calm your mind so you can aim for a better position and a higher salary.

Do your research, ask what you're worth, and be strategic about what you want Salary to achieve. Whether you're changing careers, getting a promotion from your current employer, or deciding between multiple offers, applying these basics can help you get the salary you deserve.

Understand the trends

You can find everything on the Internet, including salary information. Before an interview, research what is happening in the job market and where a company has developed and is likely to develop. Do some online research like a detective and justify why the salary you are asking for is relevant and fair.

Here are a few Google searches to get you started:

  • What is the average salary for [desired function] in [desired location]?
  • What is the expected growth for the position?
  • What will the technology job market look like in 2022?
  • What are the most important skills for [desired role]?

Take notes. Write down questions. Create a framework that connects your skills to the skills highlighted. The more you know, the more confident you will feel when asked about your salary expectations.

Once you've become familiar with job market trends, the next phase of your research should focus on the company you want to interview with. Below are some points to consider to gain a basic understanding of the company before asking for more information:

  • What is the average salary at [desired company]?
  • How long has the company been in business?
  • Which others Vacancies is there at the company?
  • How high are the advertised salaries?
  • What is the advertised salary for a similar position in another company?
  • Does the company offer equity investments in addition to the basic salary?

These questions will help you get an idea of ​​what others in this position are making and where the company you're evaluating is headed in the future. This is crucial in setting your base salary expectations.

Find out what you are worth

It seems like a pretty simple task, but to find that golden number you have to think carefully. Knowing your worth doesn't just mean knowing what the average salary is for a particular job. It's more about setting a minimum set of criteria that works for you and sticking to it because you know your skills add value to the company. Don't forget that your requirements may change depending on the positions you're interested in.

Here are some benefits you can negotiate in addition to salary:

  • Working title
  • working hours
  • Holiday pay
  • Reimbursement of living expenses
  • Grants for home work
  • Office accommodation
  • Tuition support

Lower prices happen, so why leave room for that experience? Be pre-emptive by setting a set of non-negotiable conditions and be upfront with your demand. It may feel scary to be direct - the worry that your offer will be rejected is real, but if a company isn't willing to accommodate you based on your skills and experience, there is another company that will . Focus on your golden requirements.

A useful tactic to help you stick to your goals and support your list of non-negotiables is an overview of accomplishments in each role. Not only as a means of pressure, but also as personal confirmation. You have worked hard to get where you are and your experiences should be honored. Here is an example of a chart to keep in your workspace so you don't lose track:

  • Applications developed by you
  • Successful business proposals you have made
  • Sales increases you have cultivated
  • Budgets managed by you
  • Special projects you have led
  • KPIs of campaigns you have launched
  • Big data you analyzed
  • Programming languages ​​you know

Proceed strategically

There is a difference between setting non-negotiable terms and setting flexible boundaries. When considering a job offer, it's important to strategically set your expectations.

For example, if you are offered a job but the base salary is lower than expected, you should not reject the offer because it does not meet one criterion, but rather consider what else is being offered.

  • Does this position require relocation and is relocation assistance offered?
  • Does the company offer equity investments and bonuses?
  • Does this position offer further training opportunities?
  • What medical services are offered to employees?
  • Do they offer you additional discounts?

Having adaptive boundaries means seeing the bigger picture and weighing all of your options. This is your chance to get more than just a certain salary.

Tips for changing careers

When you change careers or industries, you may feel pressured to accept every offer, but that's not the case. Don't sell yourself short, but think about how you can add value that the hiring committee didn't even think was needed. Here are two ways you can leverage your previous experience and skills:

Define your professional identity

Tell your story in a way that highlights your greatest value and highlights your passion. Then incorporate these things into your career materials (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, portfolio). Either you profile yourself or you risk being profiled by others.

Identify your transferable skills

Technical skills may be top of mind when entering the tech industry, but your soft skills are just as important. Highlight your communication skills, your work ethic, your flexibility and your drive to learn more - all transferable skills that every employer will look favorably on.

Salary negotiation script

You're wondering how to be productive Salary negotiation looks like when you enter a new industry? This script can help you.

HR manager: "We would like to offer you a position in our team. What are your salary expectations?"

Applicant: "Since this is a new role for me, I would like to end up with a salary between X and X."

HR manager: "Can you elaborate on how your skills justify this salary?"

Applicant: "My experience in X, Y and Z will help me in that I am able to do the essentials and more: 1,2,3."

As with all negotiations, you may not end up finding a middle ground with the employer. If your non-negotiables are not met, you will need to decide whether to continue looking or accept the offer.

How to ask for a promotion

If you are happy with your employer and are looking for another job, use data to demonstrate the full extent of your influence within the company. If you have been offered less than you think is appropriate for the position, your counteroffer should include the following:

  • How long you have been working for the company
  • What special projects or initiatives you have supported
  • How relevant training makes you a better addition to the team
  • How your personal development will improve your current skills

Here's a good example of what a counteroffer email might look like:

"Thank you for your offer of employment as . I believe this amount reflects the importance and expectations of the position."

There may be several rounds of back-and-forth before an agreement is reached, but remember: your company is obviously committed to retaining valuable talent and wants you to continue to be successful with them.

How to decide between multiple job offers

If you are lucky enough to receive several job offers at once, this is the moment when you need to weigh things up especially carefully. The tried and tested list of pros and cons will help you with this. Review your list of adjustable boundaries and articulate what compromises you are willing to make in exchange for a higher salary.

This is what a conversation could look like in this situation:

"Thank you for your offer to hire me as I would be happy to accept the offer."

If the company comes back with an offer that still doesn't meet your basic expectations, articulate what you're willing to do.

“Thank you for considering my counteroffer. I understand that at best you can offer X and cannot achieve Y. If you can offer X plus one week of paid vacation per year and flexible working hours, then I would happily accept your offer.”


All in all, the most important thing to remember when negotiating salary is that you are worth it. Convey to the employer that they need you in ways they didn't expect. Express that you meet the requirements of the job and more. Remember, the company just spent time and money finding you, vetting you, etc. They wasted time wading through unqualified candidates and now they finally have you. Everyone wants this deal to happen.

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