Can you become a UX designer without completing a degree?


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It's a common misconception that technology-related skills - or at least a solid technical background - are a prerequisite for a job in this field. You might even think that employers wouldn't give an applicant a chance without a relevant college degree.

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The truth is, you don't need a college degree to enter the world of technology. Bootcamps have established themselves as a cost-effective alternative to gaining the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in technology.

In a fraction of the time (and a fraction of the price) of a college degree, motivated technology enthusiasts will be given the skills they need for a successful career in the fields UX -Design, UI design, analytics, web development and more needs.

Don't have a college degree and are wondering how to get your foot in the door of the tech industry? We are here to shed some light on this. In this blog post we present the five most important reasons why a bootcamp course can accelerate your career.

1. Bootcamps give you hands-on experience

When selecting an applicant, employers look for a healthy balance between hard skills, i.e. H. technical knowledge and skills, and soft skills such as creativity, adaptability and teamwork. While basic technical skills are assessed in the screening phase, employers also pay attention to the soft skills that come with practical experience.


Rather than focusing solely on theory, bootcamps are designed to give you practical, well-rounded training that will help you compete in the current job market. If you choose a practice-oriented boot camp, you will be involved in problem solving and receive accompanying exercises on the reading material. Most importantly, you'll be able to immediately apply what you've learned to relevant, real-world projects that will form the basis of your professional portfolio.

You'll even work with a mentor and career specialist to hone these important soft skills that will quickly land you a fulfilling job in the field. In this article learn more about the value of a mentor and how to find one.

2. Bootcamps take less time than traditional degree programs

Whether it's parenting responsibilities, a complicated life situation, or the need to work full-time to pay tuition, dedicating your life to college for four years is simply not a realistic option for everyone. The solution: boot camps.

Bootcamps feature a lean, hands-on curriculum and a fast-paced learning environment and can last anywhere from a few months to up to a year.

The icing on the cake? Bootcamps are designed to be flexible and in many cases largely autonomous. Many bootcamps can even be completed at your own pace, making them an ideal solution for those unable to put their lives on hold for long-term commitments.

3. You get a high return on your investment

Rising student debt has led many students to consider alternatives to traditional education. In many countries, bootcamps are significantly more affordable than university studies, making it much more feasible to finance your studies yourself. Without a large loan weighing you down, graduating debt-free is within reach.

In addition, a traditional degree does not guarantee employment. While many college graduates face high unemployment rates and struggle for years to find steady employment, most bootcamp graduates find a job within three months of completing the course. As an additional safety net, some bootcamp courses offer a job guarantee, meaning you will receive a full or partial refund of your tuition fees if you do not find a job within a certain period of time after completing the course.

Because bootcamp courses tend to be much more flexible, you also have the option of working a full-time job while you study - meaning you can avoid the ordeal of being a penniless student, which is often a fun addition to your studies.

4. Bootcamps can quickly adapt to changes in the industry

It's no secret that the technology industry is evolving quickly and continuously. New software is constantly being introduced, existing software is regularly updated, and new niche skills are always in high demand. While a university cannot keep up with the changing landscape of the tech industry, bootcamps are specifically designed to adapt.

Bootcamp - Quelle:

Quality bootcamps offer rigorous, well-rounded curricula that focus heavily on the current, real-world skills you need as a UX designer in today's job market - not yesterday's. Bootcamps regularly update their course content to reflect current industry trends. This means you can start a job confident that you are up to date with the latest methods, tools, trends and software.

5. Bootcamps can provide you with career-focused training

Boot camps were originally developed for career changers and aim to transform participants from beginners to job-ready employees in a short period of time. More sophisticated bootcamps offer an optional career preparation course where participants work closely with career specialists to shape their online presence, create an award-winning resume, and improve their interview skills. The career specialists are also the first point of contact when looking for new positions.

Networking is widely viewed as the key to professional success. Whether you talk to your fellow students, your mentors or even previous graduates, expanding your network over the course of your studies will be invaluable to your job search.

Some bootcamp courses host regular networking events, giving you the opportunity to broaden your horizons and look for job opportunities. Even if you initially just join your bootcamp's Facebook community or Slack channel, you'll graduate from your bootcamp with a strong network of professionals who can personally vouch for your talent.

Many bootcamps place a high value on you graduating with a solid portfolio that you can show future employers and clients. Your portfolio is a personal website that contains a selection of your work and introduces you as a designer or web developer.

6. Conclusion

So there we have it: five ways a bootcamp can improve yours UX -Accelerating your design career. If you're suffering from a bout of imposter syndrome or struggling with the idea that you can't succeed in tech without a college degree, boot camps are a low-cost, low-risk solution - with a high return on investment.

Not only will the prospect of graduating faster and with less debt than your college-educated counterparts give you a competitive advantage in the job market, you'll also feel motivated, empowered, and ready to take on your first job after you graduate!

Before you get started, you should know that not all bootcamps are created equal, and that there are many different types of bootcamps that cater to different needs, schedules, and budgets. It's important that you take the time to thoroughly research which bootcamp course is right for you.

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