7 workplace trends to watch in 2022


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While 2021 was full of reactions to developments in the world of work, in the coming year many of these temporary adjustments will lead to permanent changes. This is good news for tech workers and those looking to shift their careers into this industry. Let's take a look at some of the workplace trends that will emerge in 2022.

Without going into all that, it's clear that the global work landscape has completely changed for many in the last two years. Our examination of future workforce forecasts across industries made it clear that some of these changes are here to stay. For many employees in the tech industry, this should sound like music to the ears.

In this post, we explore some of the key trends that will shape the world of work in 2022 and what they mean for employees and career changers.

1. Where we will work: Hybrid and remote-first

2021 has proven to companies that employees can be trusted to work remotely, and it has also shown that the majority of workers want to stick with it. Quite simply, the benefits to their lives (e.g. no commute time) far outweigh the negatives, such as the lack of real connection with their colleagues.

As the number of remote-first companies (like here at CareerFoundry) has multiplied, even more are opting for a hybrid work model. As the name suggests, employees spend two or three days per week in an office and the other two at home.

This has largely led to the entire idea of ​​office space being reconsidered. Foregoing the use of commercial real estate for a prestigious job and the overall smaller number of jobs bring big savings to companies. However, it is only natural that employees have a right to be compensated, especially since they now have to compromise by working from home. Coworking spaces can be a good alternative for those who find working from home a problem.

This overarching trend has also impacted many of the other companies we've selected for you to look at now.

2. The great resignation empowers the employees

You've probably already heard of the "Great Resignation" heard. Despite only appearing in 2021, “The GreatResignation” now has 1.9 billion results on Google. This is perhaps the biggest shift in the job market in generations, and to say its impact on the workplace in 2022 will be seismic is an understatement.

This should be encouraging for career changers or those who want to take the leap into professional life. While you may be worried about increasing competition for jobs, the opposite is happening: the balance of power is shifting in favor of workers themselves. We are seeing more and more people changing careers and making bold career decisions - very encouraging and inspiring if you are considering a career change yourself pull.

On a broader level, the introspection that “The Great Resignation” inspires among employers is leading to far better working conditions, particularly in the tech industry. An even greater impact is that the previously assumed importance of success in general in connection with work performance is being questioned. Especially since the pandemic, employees have been demanding a better work-life balance. The rise of the four-day week in some companies is evidence of this.

3. Employee experience is increasingly a priority for companies

Following the recent trend, the large number of workers who have opted for "enough is enough" has sent shockwaves through the labor market. Companies are right to think about what their employees want from their work environment. Funnily enough, the answer is much more than "as much tea and coffee as you want" - a common "perk" offered in job advertisements.

For companies looking to hire and retain employees in 2022 and beyond, such ads need to be a thing of the past. What was once a tiny part of an HR department's remit will become increasingly important in the coming years: employee experience. An EY survey found that one in three respondents predicted that employee experience will be the most important aspect of an effective HR strategy in 2022.

So what are companies offering to improve EX? This can take the form of adequate mental health support (the importance of which has only become clearer due to the pandemic), improved sick leave, a subsidy towards employees' household costs and other discounts, but also through proactive recognition of employees' work. As GetHowNow says, the days of weird office perks are over.

4. Support for employees working remotely

Another important aspect of working life that a good EX strategy should take into account is ensuring that workers are well equipped for their work. If employees are expected to work from home even occasionally, they must have the appropriate tools. This includes not only a budget to set up the physical WFH space, but also the digital tools they need not only to work remotely but also to connect effectively.

This can be the realization that endless hours of Zoom-Meetings are not really effective, resulting in more productivity and faster decision making. The pandemic has led to a surge in demand for tools that help us collaborate more effectively online. From simple screen recorder Loom to the virtual whiteboard workspace Miro In the coming year, even more of these things will be integrated and added to the workplace that offer real added value.

5. Qualifications instead of roles

Overall, job seekers will very quickly experience a change in their perception in 2022. This is due to a broader shift in the way work itself is evaluated. Those familiar with the tech industry would say this has been the case for decades, with potential teammates being judged not by what they have done, but by what they can do . Gartner has been promoting this topic since 2019, urging companies to plan ahead by moving away from roles and focusing on the skills needed to achieve their goals.

This too should be music to the ears of those planning a career change. Feelings of inadequacy due to a lack of "relevant" work experience are a common fear among those considering a new field or role. The fact that the industry openly recognizes that your skills matter is a huge encouragement. If you are preparing for a major career change, you should research which skills are most important for your future career.

6. Multigenerational workforces will become the norm

We live in a time when, for the first time, it is possible for a large number of generations to work in one office at the same time. This can be challenging for management as they have to figure out how to ensure that team members born in the '50s and those born in the '00s fit together.

The positive side is that it removes another potential uncertainty for career changers. The Deloitte Postgenerational Workplace Study shows "the importance of going beyond broad demographic categories to understand people on a more meaningful level." As we all know, age is just a number - and in 2022, employees should not only have nothing to fear, but should also be able to expect companies to respond to their unique needs.

7. Artificial intelligence (AI) will open up career opportunities

Wow - another "upcoming trends" article talking about AI," I hear you groaning, and believe me, normally I would agree. A pleasant change is that what is promised for 2022 is the foregone conclusion Flipping the script. Instead of sentient robots taking your job, artificial intelligence will shape your career and even help you grow it.

First of all, industries around the world have adopted AI to help them scale conveniently and efficiently. It's no surprise that AI and data analytics go well together, but you'd be surprised at how many other opportunities this has created in the tech industry. This includes web development and even UX design: Writing UX texts for chatbots has become such a growth market that you can even specialize in it in a course to become a very employable UX writer in 2022.

But that's not all: companies are also using AI to help their employees develop their own careers. Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi, for example, uses the iMatch program to show employees in its research and development department what potential new roles in the company they might like based on their skills.

The AI ​​tool also helps show which skills are still needed for certain tasks, so that employees can manage their own professional development. Given that internal promotions and transfers are a trend that will become more common, it is expected that truly helpful tools like iMatch will increase.

Final remarks

This is just a snapshot of some of the key features of the new workplace landscape we will see in 2022. Although it has looked unlikely recently, many of them are encouraging for both career changers and those considering a move.

There's never been a better time to pursue a career you love and even make a complete switch to a career in tech.

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