Jobs in Vienna - The most important things in brief


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Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria. It is known for its strong economy and relatively low unemployment rate compared to other cities in Europe. According to current statistics, the unemployment rate in Vienna was 6.2% in January 2023, lower than the average unemployment rate across Austria.

Vienna is home to a number of major international organizations and companies, including the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and several major banks and financial institutions. The city also has a strong tourism industry with many hotels, restaurants and attractions providing jobs for both residents and visitors.

Overall, Vienna is a good place to find jobs, especially for people with special skills or training. However, as with any city, the job market can vary depending on factors such as the general economic climate and the specific industry or sector in which one is looking for a job.

What are the advantages of a job in Vienna?

Vienna is a vibrant city with a high standard of living, and there are many advantages to working in Vienna. Here are some of them:

  • High quality of life: Vienna is consistently ranked as one of the best cities in the world for quality of life, offering a high standard of living, excellent healthcare and a strong social safety net.
  • Competitive Salaries: Salaries in Vienna are generally competitive compared to other major cities in Europe, especially for jobs in industries such as finance, technology and healthcare.
  • Multicultural environment: Vienna is a very multicultural city with residents from all over the world. This can create a dynamic and diverse work environment where you have the opportunity to learn from people with different backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Access to Amenities: Vienna has a wealth of amenities including world-class museums, theaters and restaurants. Many of these facilities are easily accessible from the central areas of the city, allowing you to enjoy them at your leisure.
  • Opportunities for advancement: Vienna is home to a number of significant international organizations and companies that offer you opportunities for career advancement and development.

Overall, a job in Vienna can be a great experience, especially for those who value a high quality of life, a multicultural environment and access to a variety of amenities.

What are typical salaries for jobs in Vienna?

Salaries in Vienna can vary greatly depending on factors such as industry, level of employment and experience. However, in general, salaries in Vienna are relatively competitive compared to other major European cities. Here are some approximate ones Salary ranges for different job categories in Vienna, based on current (2023) market trends:


Entry-level positions: For entry-level positions in industries such as retail, hospitality or administration, salaries are usually between €1,200 and €2,000 gross per month.

Mid-level jobs: For mid-level positions in industries such as finance, marketing or IT, salaries range between 2,500 and 4,000 euros gross per month.

Higher level positions: For higher level positions in industries such as law, healthcare or management, salaries can range from €5,000 to €10,000 gross per month or more.

It is important to note that these salary ranges are approximate and may vary depending on company size, industry, and employee experience. Additionally, the cost of living in Vienna is relatively high, so it is important to consider factors such as housing costs and taxes when evaluating the overall value of a job offer in the city.

Is it difficult to find a job in Vienna with a university degree?

While there is no guarantee that you will find a job in Vienna with a university degree, a degree can increase your chances of getting a job in your field of study. Vienna is home to several universities, and there are a variety of industries and sectors in which graduates can find work, including finance, technology, healthcare, education and research.

Looking for a job takes a lot of time - Source:

However, the job market can be competitive and it may take some effort to find a job that matches your skills and qualifications. In general, it is advisable to start your job search early and invest time and effort in networking, polishing your resume and cover letter, and preparing for interviews.

It can also be helpful to have a certain level of German language skills, as many job advertisements and business transactions are conducted in German. However, depending on your major and the industry you are interested in, English may be sufficient for some positions.

In summary, while finding a job in Vienna with a university degree requires some effort, there are many opportunities for qualified applicants, and the city's strong economy and low unemployment rate can benefit you.

Which large companies are based in Vienna?

Vienna is home to many international organizations, companies and institutions. Here are some of the most important companies and organizations represented in Vienna:

  • United Nations: Vienna is one of the four headquarters of the United Nations, and several UN agencies and organizations are based in the city, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
  • BAWAG P.S.K.: BAWAG P.S.K. is one of the largest banks in Austria with its headquarters in Vienna.
  • Erste Group Bank: Erste Group Bank is a leading financial services provider in Central and Eastern Europe with its headquarters in Vienna.
  • OMV: OMV is an international oil and gas company that operates in 13 countries and has its headquarters in Vienna.
  • Vienna Insurance Group: The Vienna Insurance Group is a leading insurance company in Central and Eastern Europe with its headquarters in Vienna.
  • Wienerberger: Wienerberger is a leading international provider of building materials based in Vienna.
  • Red Bull: Red Bull, the popular energy drink company, was founded in Austria and is headquartered in Fuschl am See, near Vienna.
  • Siemens: Siemens, a global technology company, has a strong presence in Vienna and operates several branches in the city.

These are just a few examples of the many companies and organizations based in Vienna. Known for its strong economy and business-friendly environment, the city continues to attract new companies and entrepreneurs from around the world.

Is Vienna a good place for remote jobs?

Vienna at night - Source:

Vienna can be a good place for Remote-Jobs especially as the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend toward remote work in many industries. Here are some reasons why Vienna can be a good place for remote work:

  • Strong Internet infrastructure: Vienna has a well-developed Internet infrastructure with high-speed broadband connections throughout the city. This can make working remotely easier, especially if you need to communicate with colleagues or clients in other parts of the world.
  • Co-working spaces: There are a number of co-working spaces in Vienna that are aimed at teleworkers, freelancers and entrepreneurs. These spaces offer a professional work environment and opportunities for networking and collaboration.
  • Quality of life: Vienna is consistently ranked as one of the best cities in the world in terms of quality of life, with a high standard of living and excellent healthcare. This makes the city a desirable place to live and work, especially if you are looking for a good work-life balance that allows you to enjoy the city's numerous cultural and leisure activities.
  • Multicultural environment: Vienna is a very multicultural city with residents from all over the world. This can create a dynamic and diverse work environment, especially for remote workers who can be in contact with colleagues or customers in different parts of the world.
  • Availability of support services: Vienna has a range of support services for remote workers, including language schools, legal and accounting services and professional associations. This can help remote workers overcome the challenges of working in a foreign country and build a strong professional network.

Overall, Vienna is not a dedicated teleworking hub, but the city's strong infrastructure, co-working spaces, quality of life, multicultural environment and availability of support services make it a good place for teleworking.

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