How to cultivate work-life balance as a real estate agent


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Real estate professionals must spend a lot of time at work to be successful, and the work-life balance of real estate agents can be difficult to manage. If you follow the steps to get a job in real estate, nothing stands in the way of a fulfilling career than finding a healthy work-life balance as a real estate agent.

Experienced real estate agents are familiar with the pressures of the job, but few know how to balance the demands of work and home life. Real estate agents are also required to work weekends, but business hours vary depending on the real estate industry. We've put together a list of work-life balance tips for real estate agents and the best companies to work for.

Was ist Work-Life-Balance?

Work-life balance is a question of the priorities you set in your personal and professional life. You must consciously decide on a good work-life balance. Work-life balance means different things to everyone, but with good time management and a sensible schedule, you should be able to make time for your personal life while still meeting all of your work commitments.

What does work-life balance mean?

Work-life balance means that you have time for both your personal life and your work. Even though most real estate agents have a flexible work schedule, finding enough time for family and other social activities can be challenging.

Why is work-life balance important for real estate agents?

A good work-life balance is important for real estate agents because it reduces the risk of burnout, which occurs in 10% of American workers. With a good work-life balance, you are less likely to miss important life events or feel extremely stressed.

Tasks of a real estate agent

A real estate agent's responsibilities extend beyond selling and purchasing properties for clients. Real estate agents also have to handle many administrative and marketing tasks. Below are some of the main responsibilities of real estate agents.

Mediation of real estate sales

Real estate agents make it easier for buyers and sellers of real estate to sell. They accompany both parties through the entire process and ensure that it runs smoothly. Real estate agents can work for both the buyer and the seller, or just for one of the two sides.


Real estate agents conduct viewings with potential buyers after viewing the property with the seller. Viewings can be conducted during regular business hours, but most often take place on weekends to accommodate buyers' and sellers' schedules.

Advertising for real estate

Sellers hire real estate agents to sell their property, which requires marketing. To attract a potential buyer, the real estate agent must advertise the property and make it attractive to potential buyers. Both traditional and social media platforms are used when marketing real estate.

Prepare documents

Real estate agents prepare documents for the purchase and sale of real estate, including loyalty agreements and purchase agreements. Land deeds and other documents that legally transfer ownership of a property are prepared by lawyers.

Updating real estate listings

Another primary responsibility of real estate agents is to advertise available properties in local listings. They provide information about the property's location and other features and update listings as new properties become available or older properties sell.

How many hours do real estate agents work?

The typical real estate agent works around 40 hours a week, but experienced real estate agents can work longer hours on the weekends. Real estate agents also have busier months with more hours worked per week and quieter months with fewer hours worked per week.

Do real estate agents also work on weekends?

Yes, real estate agents work on weekends because this is the most convenient time for potential buyers to view homes. Real estate agents' income depends on sales commissions, so they must be available when the clients are available.

How to achieve a balance between work and private life as a real estate agent

  • Set a schedule. Use a calendar to designate blocks of time when you can work and blocks of time when you don't want to work. Stick to your schedule.
  • Write weekly to-do lists. As a real estate agent, you are responsible for many different tasks. A to-do list helps you stay organized and makes it easier for you to plan high-priority tasks.
  • Take breaks. If you don't give yourself breaks, you're at greater risk of burnout. Take some time off every week and, if possible, take a vacation during the year. Resist the urge to check your work email while you're away.
  • Work remotely if possible. Don't hesitate to work remotely if you can. For example, instead of meeting with clients in the office, you can have a Online-Meeting agree. Use platforms like Zoom and Skype . This gives you more time because you no longer have to commute.
  • Record your working hours. Do you know how many hours you actually work in a week? Keep track of your work hours for two weeks and categorize how you spend your time. See if you can complete similar tasks one after the other to streamline your workflow.

Is a work-life balance possible for real estate agents?

Although real estate agents work very hard, it is possible to have a healthy work-life balance. It is normal for service professions such as real estate to require a lot of work on weekends or holidays. To achieve a balance between work and family life, you must professional boundaries set and adhere to a strict schedule.

One of the reasons why real estate professionals have problems balancing work and family is the constant availability via smartphone. It can be difficult to draw a line between office hours and personal time when you're constantly available. Keep a separate work and home phone and turn off your work phone during family time.

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