4 reasons why you're not getting remote jobs - and how you can change that today
You have the right background, excellent credentials and a resume that screams, “Hire me!” You'd be a great catch for any company. The only catch is that you actually want to work from home, but none of the companies that advertise a remote job are returning your calls.
The reason is this: you're probably making some basic mistakes that are much more important when applying for virtual jobs. The good news is that there are quick fixes you can implement to turn your search around for the better. So read on to learn more about four common problems (and four simple solutions).
1. You are a ghost
By “ghost” I mean that you have no internet presence whatsoever. Aside from your email address and account avatar (if you have one), there are few other clues as to who you are and what you've done. Your LinkedIn profile is outdated and your personal website is just a domain name. Employers get a faint impression of you, but not much else.
“But I sent my resume, isn't that enough?”
Not if you want to build trust quickly. Think about it: These companies have extensive websites, social profiles and web presences that last for days. That's because they want you to understand them. If you don't, it will be difficult for them to see why you're so great.
The quick solution
I refer to LinkedIn here because it's free and relatively easy to set up, and because it combines a social profile, blog and personal website into a single platform.
Candidate edits her LinkedIn profile - Source: pexels.com
My bite-sized advice is to fill the sections of your profile with at least three to five lines of information each and then share a status update once a day. This could be an article or a motivational quote - anything goes. Oh, and a good profile picture is a must.
That way you'll have a warm, vibrant profile that ranks high in search results and isn't just a bunch of bones.
2. Your emails are “meh”
Overlong emails. Stuffy, overly formal emails. Emails that contain generic cover letters. Emails that don't really say anything. Typos galore. Emails that leave you unanswered for days.
The word “meh” covers so many things in this case.
Ultimately, the problem is that your communication style doesn't match that of the company or remote teams in general. People like to work with people. Not with robots. Not with dinosaurs. And certainly not with a man who delivers a 300-page dissertation on how goal-oriented he is.
To captivate your readers via email and show that you “get it”, you need to be concise, authentic and fast (read: fast!).
The fast solution
Be a copycat. Pay attention to the tone of the job ad you are responding to, as well as the language used on the company's website. Scan the founder's LinkedIn profile. Read the blog posts. Match the pace and mood of the company.
Is the company casual? Is it reputable? Maybe it's somewhere in between. Then, as with a job interview, be half a step more formal. In this way, you can manage the balancing act between “I fit in here” and “I know this is a first impression”.
Finally, use the same tone of voice when communicating with all members of the team. And if you're exchanging emails with someone from the company, pay attention to the way they write and adopt their style - because the HR manager and your potential boss may communicate differently. The most important thing is to be brief, because who has time for all this nonsense?
3. You are not technically adept
Remember what I said above about dinosaurs? This. Are you still using an email address with an @aol.com domain? Is your webcam image a blurry, pixelated mess?
Candidate without tech skills - Source: pexels.com
Before we get too deep into this topic, here's a confession: I'm no Mark Zuckerberg.
I can't understand the point of Periscope, let alone revive my computer when it reports the blue screen of death. But when it comes to getting things done online, I'm ready. Without the right equipment and mastery of common web tools, I'd be just another writer in sweatpants.
Worse still, if I were applying for a new job, I would immediately shake the confidence of my potential employer if I stumbled over the basics. This article can help you.
The quick solution
Before you even think about sending out applications, you should undergo a technical audit. If you had to work from home tomorrow, would you be ready? Go through this three-point checklist:
- Good webcam and internet connection (not less than 20 MBPS)
- Headphones (because nobody likes an echo during a video chat)
- A 2015-compliant email domain: I prefer @gmail.com or @[yourwebsite].com.
Finally, if you are invited to an interview, read the instructions carefully. Make sure you know whether it's a phone call or a video conference. If the invitation mentions a tool or software you've never used before, put it through its paces before the big day.
4. Your motivation is completely wrong
So you want to work from home. You want to be flexible and can't wait to give up commuting. So what? All the applicants in the pile applied for the same reasons.
“Why do you want to work with us?” is a difficult question, that much is true.
Motivation early in the morning - Source: pexels.com
It doesn't matter whether it's a line in your cover letter or an answer you give in the interview. If it appears that you are only interested in making a virtual appearance, you will be ignored.
The quick solution
To stand out from the crowd, you should show your interest in the company itself and in the vacancy. This is good advice for any type of job search. Do your research. Find out what the company stands for and how you can identify with their vision. Think about the role. Be prepared to explain what it means not only for your career progression, but also an exciting opportunity to make an impact on the company and its industry.
Also talk about how you are willing to work from home and that you can focus on your work even if the kitchen, TV and laundry room are nearby.
A healthy web presence, emails with a human touch, top-notch technical skills and authentic, large-scale passion. Now there are four reasons why virtual companies will interview you, hire you and love having you on their team.