
Homeoffice Request for Proposal: Biorisk Assessment

The International Center for Future Generations - ICFG  ·  Belgium, · Remote

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About the job

The International Center for Future Generations (ICFG) is seeking proposals for the development of a comprehensive risk assessment methodology to evaluate the potential threats posed by man-made pathogens in the context of deliberate or accidental release. This project aims to address the evolving biosecurity landscape challenged by the accelerated convergence of technological advancements observed in artificial intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology.

The project is articulated in two objectives.

Firstly, bidders should propose an innovative approach to define a risk assessment framework to identify and evaluate the risks of man-made pathogens.

Key components of this task include:

(i) the characterisation of risk factors stemming from technological advances in AI and synthetic biology

(ii), the analysis of how the current European biosecurity landscape may mitigate such risk and

(iii), the definition of a framework able to provide the likelihood of a man-made pathogen outbreak.

Secondly, bidders will be tasked to leverage the defined framework in order to analyse a set of threat scenarios involving risks presented by the release of "man-made" pathogens.

Key components of this task include:

(i) the creation of credible scenarios involving deliberate or accidental man-made pathogens events,

(ii) the evaluation of scenarios’ likelihood and their potential impacts using the risk assessment framework defined in the first task and

(iii), provide recommendations for policy adaptations to improve European biosecurity legislation.

The project will provide critical insights to guide European policy making processes in regard to biosecurity. Most importantly, this work will highlight the need for adequate preparedness and measures to mitigate the risks posed by emergent biotechnologies in the context of man-made pandemics.

How to proceed

State your interest by filling out our required questions. After our review, bidders will receive a complete briefing on the project, process and timeline.

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