Candidarsi ora

About the job

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer sinnstiftenden Tätigkeit bist, bei der Menschen Hand in Hand mit Leidenschaft arbeiten und handeln, Bestehendes neu denken und immer nach der besten Lösung streben - dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Wir entwickeln Zukunftstechnologien, um gemeinsam die Komplexität der Lieferkette zu überwinden.

Your role on our team

  • You will independently design and implement fundamental technologies to provide complex micro front ends for comprehensive supply chain software applications.
  • You will be part of the ongoing technology change, consistently expanding your knowledge of cutting-edge developments and applying newest industry standards to the team’s deliverables.
  • You will be part of design, implementation, and bug fixing of complex features considering requirements, diagnosability, performance, and maintainability of the product.
  • As part of the team, you will mentor junior developers in processes, technologies, coding styles and producing elegant, performant, and maintainable code that consistently complies with ideal design patterns, coding standards, and architecture guidance.
  • You will seek out methods of product development to increase productivity and quality.
  • You will actively participate in the Agile process such as daily huddles, estimating, code reviews, and retrospectives.

Your profile

  • You have a Bachelor’s degree (Computer Science, or related field) or equivalent work experience.
  • You have 5 years or more experience in software engineering.
  • You are proficient in enterprise-scale TypeScript software development.
  • Knowledge about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and libraries/frameworks such as React/Vue/Angular is preferred.
  • Ideally, you have additional experience in back end development (with Java/Spring, C#/.NET or comparable technology stacks).
  • You are proficient with HTTP and REST APIs – experience with OData and JSON is preferred.
  • Experience with npm packages, relational databases, version control systems (like Git) and CI/CD (like Azure DevOps), containerization (Docker and Kubernetes) rounds up your profile.
  • You have strong written and verbal communication skills.

Deshalb schätzen wir bei Körber die Erfahrungen und Perspektiven unserer Mitarbeitenden, unabhängig davon, ob sie anders aussehen, denken, sich bewegen, glauben oder lieben als wir. Wir setzen uns für ein vielfältiges und integratives Arbeitsumfeld ein und sind stolz darauf, ein Arbeitgeber der Chancengleichheit zu sein.
Candidarsi ora

Altri lavori