Hybrid Apprenticeship Mesoscale modeling using WRF model for wake effect H/F bei EDF Renouvelables
EDF Renouvelables · Nanterre, Île-de-France, France, Frankreich · Hybrid

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Gesponsert von OysterAbout the job
Présentation de l'entrepriseEDF Renouvelables est un électricien international qui développe, construit et exploite des centrales de production d'énergies renouvelables.Acteur majeur de la transition énergétique dans le monde, EDF Renouvelables déploie des projets compétitifs, responsables et créateurs de valeur.Dans chaque pays, nos équipes s'engagent au quotidien en mettant leur expertise et leur capacité d'innovation au service de la lutte contre le dérèglement climatique.Description De L'offreThe number of large offshore wind farms increases drastically these last years and this trend will be amplified on numerous regions due to ambitious targets in terms of installed GW in Europe, US and more generally everywhere in the world. Different clusters already exist with an important density of wind farms on the same area, like in the German Bight, at the offshore border between Belgium and Netherland or North of Shanghai, and many others are currently in development (Atlantic Shore, Atlantic Wind, west coast of Taiwan...).A wind farm can generate important wake effect for other wind projects localized downwind. This wake effect can be important and can be spread on very long distance depending on atmospheric conditions. Consequently, the consideration of interactions between wind farms becomes essential to realize an accurate energy yield assessment and to consolidate relevant business plan for wind project in development.Where onshore required micro-scale modeling like high fidelity CFD approaches (RANS, URANS, LES...), offshore, the wind flow is mainly led by larger scales. Thereby, meso-scale modeling appears as a relevant tool for simulating offshore atmospheric flow.The WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) mesoscale model developed by the NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) and the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) is widely used in wind energy community for the simulation of offshore atmospheric flow. Recently, different wake models have been created to consider farm interactions in the WRF model. Fitch (Fitch et al., 2012) and EPW (Explicit Wake Parameterization, Volker et al., 2023) parameterizations are the most common.EDF R&D and EDF R jointly investigate different approaches for wake modeling including wake modeling in WRF. Thus, the present apprenticeship will be realized in partnership between EDF R&D and EDF R respectively localized in Chatou and Nanterre offices.The different apprentice's objectives are:
Compétences et qualités recherchées
Dans le groupe EDF accueillir des personnes en situation de handicap fait partie de notre ADN. Notre objectif est d'ouvrir nos portes à toutes les compétences, toutes les énergies et toutes les personnalités sans exclusion. Le poste proposé est donc ouvert à toutes et à tous.