How to determine the motivation of your remote employees and keep them engaged


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Keeping your employees engaged and motivated can be a real challenge... even without the hurdle of having them all work remotely. Finding out what really interests your employees and what makes them do good work takes a lot of effort. However, the benefits that come from this process are really worth it. The time you spend getting to know your team better and setting appropriate goals will inevitably pay off.

Take time to get to know your remote team

Building close interpersonal relationships can be difficult when you don't work in the same office. However, this is an essential part of finding out what really makes your employees or remote team tick. Each individual will have their own personal drive. This could be the desired promotion, outstanding work or the ability to work better in a team work . Without asking what drives you, you're mostly left in the dark! The best way to get to know your team is to schedule regular one-on-one meetings with each person. Do this with a video call, it's much more personal than a phone call or email and is a little closer to the office environment. You can also try making these conversations a little more informal. It doesn't always have to be about work to find out what motivates each team member.


Set achievable goals and review them.

This tip also requires that you communicate well with your entire remote team. Ask each member individually what they want to achieve and what goals they would like to set. These can then be combined with the goals you have set for your team. In this way, they have both internal and external motivation to achieve their goals. Personal goals lead to a different kind of motivation than setting them just for your team. When each employee has played an active role in developing their plan for the next few months, they feel more invested in the process and their own personal development. However, for this to work, you need to check the progress and status of these goals. Set and don't forget! Combine this with your one-on-one meetings and do them regularly. This means the team always remains committed.

Eliminate useless processes


We probably all know that. You sit in a meeting that is completely inapplicable, useless or just plain boring. It feels like a waste of time and you just want to get back to work and be productive. Doesn't sound very engaging or motivating, does it? If you find that certain processes or meetings are not motivating or engaging your team, then don't do it! You waste your time, your employees' time and motivation even drops. If you must hold a conference call, stick to a tight agenda and figure out what your employees actually want to discuss. Take your insights into account, improve your efficiency, and watch your remote team's engagement improve.

Make your culture unmistakable and exciting

If you create a company culture that your employees love, you won't have any problems getting good work from your remote team. People who feel actively involved in the company culture make enthusiastic team members. Make them feel cared for and valued, as much as this is possible in the remote environment. If budget allows, consider planning a trip far away so all team members can meet. Also consider each member’s personal circumstances. Since remote team members come from all sorts of difficult cultures around the globe, taking their unique situations into account will help them feel cared for. Different time zones and religious holidays may result in differences in schedules. Make understanding part of your company culture. Your team will love you for it and be more committed to something they enjoy.

Use the right type of communication


Asynchronous forms of communication are well suited for certain tasks, but not for all. If you have a team spread across the globe, email can be very useful due to the different time zones. However, email is not suitable for determining employee motivation in a natural environment. Use video calls and synchronous communication to find out what your Team drives. An email that simply asks the question is much less likely to result in a positive, meaningful response. Another advantage is that during a video call you can read the body language of the person you are speaking to, and your employees can do the same with you. Make your communication personal and you will achieve personal results.

Would you like to learn more about how you can make your business more mobility-friendly?

Once you've figured out your employees' motivation, there's a lot more to do to make sure everything runs smoothly with your remote team. Here at Remote Scout we have the best tips, lessons and tricks from experts for Telecommuting with real management experience compiled. Call us to discuss how your company can benefit from telecommuting and enroll in the academy today!

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