Track Success: 5 Ways to Prove the Success of Your Remote Work


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Remote and hybrid workplaces are still relatively new forms of professional engagement for many companies. These forms of work represent a development that brings positive results for both employees and employers.

Many employees welcome these options and want remote work to become widespread and the norm.

If you have the opportunity to share your work time, it is important that you ensure the success of this arrangement by developing a process that demonstrates the value of your work. Here are five ways to prove your remote work and track your success.

1. Create systems that serve you

Working as a remote or hybrid professional requires a sophisticated level of self-management and organization.

Kamaria Rutland, founder and head coach of consulting and training company OTM Coaching Group, explains: "Self-management means taking responsibility for your own actions and performance. Remote employees bear enormous responsibility for this, their manager and their company to prove again and again that they can produce high-quality work outside of the office."

Keep a comprehensive log of your actions: phone calls, emails, correspondence, etc. Track your efforts meticulously and note the details of your actions so you can easily recall them when you need to update a colleague or report on your work .

If your company uses a database where you can track your daily actions, use it diligently. If not, create a simple log in which you record your daily external and internal conversations and activities.

Be a diligent ambassador for the remote program. Develop a communication strategy that allows your manager and team to know what you've done and support you when you need help. This way you maintain consistency and clarity for your team.

“Throughout the pandemic, employees have overwhelmingly demonstrated that productivity has not been impacted by the shift to remote work,” adds Rutland. "Good self-management gives employees the opportunity to develop their work style at home, maximize their time in the office and regulate their energy throughout the day to balance priorities at work and at home."

2. Create reports that showcase your efforts

It is important that you create meaningful reports about your work. If your workplace uses a database, ask your support team to create reports that you can access weekly or monthly that show your daily activities. If you record your work manually, you should set up a simple tracking system that allows you to quickly calculate your weekly or monthly effort.

Think about how you can demonstrate your performance so that you can easily demonstrate your productivity and inform your manager and colleagues. Your reporting tools are communication tools. They illustrate your activities and involve everyone in the process.

By creating meaningful reports on your productivity, you can also show that remote work and hybrid work arrangements increase productivity, which has a positive impact on the program.

3. Demand regular meetings with management

Your team leaders may be overwhelmed trying to get everyone on board with a system that is constantly evolving and changing. They've had a lot to do adjusting to COVID protocols and managing a team that may be new to remote work.

Make it easy for yourself by setting up regular meetings and coming well prepared to discuss your work. Set up recurring meetings and ensure that each meeting has a set agenda.

Ask management for suggestions about what works and what is needed. One challenge with remote work is that your bosses might forget about you if you become too introspective. This shouldn't happen. Stay on your manager's radar.

Show your manager that you actively care about your own work, but that you are also willing to accept your manager's support and accept his suggestions. Self-management is an important skill to demonstrate, but you also have a leader whose advice you can count on. Find the balance between working independently and having support from your manager.

4. Understand performance metrics

When you meet with management, discuss how the new workplace dynamics will impact performance metrics and the performance evaluation process. It's important to learn how the company plans to proceed with the appraisal process and how you can measure your efforts to support performance discussions. With more team members working remotely than ever before, the performance process may change indefinitely.

Rutland points out, "Remote employees no longer have as much contact with team leadership as they once did when they worked in the same office. This means there are fewer opportunities for real-time coaching and development."

In other words, what worked in the past when employees were mostly in the office may not be an appropriate way to measure performance today. She explains: "Performance metrics should also be reassessed to ensure employees have clear and quantifiable measures of their success. Vague metrics are extremely difficult to communicate and create better action plans for remote workers."

Preparing for your performance review requires a different approach than in the past because you are now doing more self-management. It's important to set specific and measurable goals to achieve tangible results during your next performance review. When it comes time to present your performance, list two strengths and two growth opportunities to show that you are working positively and that you are still capable and willing to learn.

5. Contribute to culture-building initiatives

As you meet the demands of your role and manage them as a remote or hybrid professional, keep your name on everyone's radar screen by contributing to the culture of your professional community. Join or lead an employee group, plan a special event or workplace gathering, take on a mentor or mentee, or volunteer for initiatives and programs that support and promote the culture in your workplace. Building culture is a new challenge as more professionals work remotely. But if you do your part, you show that you are a team player - and that you have leadership potential!

Talk to your management team about what programs are in place to improve the culture in your workplace. There are so many ways to learn valuable lessons in the workplace. Make this part of your experience.

A remote or hybrid position is all about finding balance. Enjoy your colleagues and your work culture while contributing to building that culture. Remember that working remotely does not limit your ambitions or opportunities with your employer. So continue to raise your hand and volunteer for culture-enhancing work that will strengthen your resume and your job satisfaction.

Find a job you love

Having a remote or hybrid position is an exciting opportunity. It's about flexibility and trust. It gives you the chance to really determine your role yourself. However, success in remote work doesn't just depend on your work ethic. It is equally important to have leadership on your side!

If you're feeling on the fringes of society in your remote work situation, maybe it's time to rethink your current position! Search on RemoteScout Search for open remote jobs that match your skills and use our Know Your Worth tool to find out how much money you could make.

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